The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Apr 1935, p. 2

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l v ' v"" " _ - WW" "Nl C' I I' w"o l, htr11 " c, . Early in the dispute between the) l F . two leaders the Premier demanded if. a S Mr. Henry had the note in question., n enr "No, I haven't." the Opmsiticn = Leader snipped. He found something "sinister" in that the bill had been ' O , . brought back into the House after he eavm ouse had left. Mr. Henry said. repeating i, Ithat nothing was mentioned of it in _ {the note Premier Hepburn had sent 6 , ', OWE O I Mr. Henry reviewed again the inci- Sl er o e OW dents leading up to his withdrawal 1 from the House during the time in question. . _-.---------------- No Mention. Says Henry. "The Lie" IS Mutually Passed After Tory " knew there were several bills of q , . . d a legal nature and I was prepared to Leader Alleges Premier 8 Mlsswe Le le,'),',",' tthegito "d 1'tdit',r,1.'esg,htotlt,): . oaaq l"?4raiu'a1n1nart?n,y""r,'futtt.1er't! q When i was no mention m the note I received Him to Absent Himself From Sittingtt ltrom the Prime Minister of the q I Hydro Bill. I would not have budged, Power Bill Passed Through Commi ee Mm my seat had I known. The: ---.------------ IER (Prime Minister deliberately deceived' " " line." Mr. Henry declared. . PRODUCE IT, CHALLENGES PREM , , " di d not," hotly mm the' AND HENRY AIDES COMB D E B RI 3 iPremier. , The House broke into a turmOll as _ - ---.--------------" lLibcrals shouted to the Opposition I Leader to withdraw. i REMIER MITCHELL F. HEPBURN promised yesteridast: , "If the Government and its mp. " " . e B. Kent can rove aga ns 'pcrtcrs desire me to leave this House l to resign if Hon Georg y p gfor good, FII be glad to do so," Mr l him a charge of deceit. {new ham. Hon. Mr. Henry undertook to "leave the Legislature for ( Modcmanfd jio,'J, Htl- J,'y2,f,i1ug; . " . master C mes. o C ea 3r good" it "the Government and their members desire me to. {that Mr. Hem, be made to "Ear", Each passed the lie to the other in one ot the warmest {brought a sarcastic remark from the . m' . ': Premier. "I consider where it came rows of the Legislature sesslog. "mm. I'm In worrying whether he lutenation Over Note. withdraws or not," he said. Anotefromthe headof the Govern-I i At 6 o'clock the Speaker left the nicotine incensed Opposition modal E d t Mid q ht (chair and the incident closed, tor the charged. as the House recessed for n , a t tttg ltime being. himself from the t g W rigged the Hydro bill through com-' At midnight the dhsettsaionoreary mittee in the early hours ot Wednes- Ontario Legislature rose. the a. ' do mornin . ' N , 31 tell win-you are not telling tho! Journlncnt being moved try PST, STREET 5 truth." Premier Hepburn returned. C) Hepburn. The House will sit nan l Mr. Hen hotl ressed his charges. u 3 o'clock this afternoon. " or... in: same no... man ---------------.-- -e d WIDENING BILL l who has no more principle than sionatcly. Jd (in: (',2e'i'o"1ffvt if: l ________._ l " lion leader nun their mem 2rs " re f? c c and? tggpfiis'beral benchers sub! new for goo: igloo it _I'm C33 Avenue Road Coat Spread} m rics for corned with t e rimr _ mister . . . T,'gg1,, his sentence in c deceived me last night." Hon. Paul Over City t Later the Premier stated definitely Leduc called for privilege. but the ---t-.-t-_- E to The Globe that he would resign, Pr:micr lot it pass-insider/u tho A bill to provide tor the widening it Mr. Henry could prove the note to! source." , l " ot thoroughfares in Toronto to meet have been ot a deceptive nature. ': "It being now 6 o'clock. ..fri,, traffic conditions was reported yes- nunl Note in Cellar. l Speaker had Begun in l "WOW terday by the Municipal Committee. t searchers last night pawcd recess ritual when the fight started. or the Legislature. The bill was td,iege'l,tat alter bag of waste paper Records Are questioned. drafted to overcome difficulties whichf in the cellar ot the Parliament Build- Mr. Henry directed attention to the the city encountered when it nt-l ings in the hope of finding the note. House record of Mondays and Turs- tempted to widen Avenue ROM! north _ While the Premier was making his. days, charging that it was entirely from St. Clair Avenue, and Ittst its pronouncement. Ross Philpot. Melville Yropular--"a rather arbitrary pro- case in the courts. which decided in Jack and Hamid Brown. Opposition cording on the part of the Clerk " favor ot protesting ratepayers. otBee aides, were digging through all The Premier assumed responsibility Sponsored by J- J. Ghuts, member the wsste-paper accumulations in the for this as the light proceeded. tor m. Andrew's, the bill wounded basement. "It being now 6 o'telock--." began on the suggestion of Hon. David Grxtil He had voluntarily written Colonel Mr. Speaker again. to limit its application to Toronto, W. H. Price. the Premier said. that "If the power bill had berm men- and to provide that the city as t the House would. it possible. go into tinned I'd have been in my chair at whole my the costs of widening pave- committc- to discuss the Hydro Inu, four in the morning." said former mznmyond the Width ot the eadat- About midnight. the Premier ' PremHr Henrv . he had informed Mr. Henry that Sew. "It bring now tt o'clock--," Mr. Appearing for ratepayers, Grown eral bills were to be taken up in com- 3p. alter essayed again. . Smith, K.C., suggested that the city mittee, particularly referring to the "May I ask how late you are gouig as a whole should no! for the ittt- Hydro legislation. to sit tonight?" Leopold Macaulay movement, and declared that the Colonel Price confirmed the passage asked Premier Hepburn. . , widening ot Avenue Road would ruin ot the first note between the Premier " can't satisfy your curiosity,' one of the most attractive sections and himself. was the return. "You will have to illutl'le eitr. The rules of the House. Mr. Hon- stick around and see for yourself." The congestion at Mic is greater burn said in the Legislature. would The House recessed while the bond south ot St. Clair Avenue than northl notpermit himtoexprcsshlsthoughts. of contention. the Hydro bill. rested ot St. Clair Avenue. Why cartoon-3 The English language, Mr. Henry said, on the Order paper. mite all attention on the north po:-. would not permit him to say what Pr It contained one important amend- i tion of the street?" asked G. M. L thought about it. Members and!" ment passed at 3.30 of the precedingg Bebcock. objecting to legislation which "Order!" again. morning-ttringing cancellation into I would place the property owners at Consideration PM... force only on proclamation. the mercy of the Municipal Board. Third reading. the Premier an- The Premier flatly averred that his cod would be called tor this alt- note to the Opposition Leader had noun ' forecast consideration ot the Hydro ernootr . bill in eognmittee--"if possible." Mr. Contents of Note. . Henry was asked to produce the note, Later in the evening, in an inter- . but it was not tortheaning. view. the Premier said: "He says I "Time's no need tor that show of , wrcte him a note indicating that the . bad temper which characterizes the power bill wouldn't come up in cop-i header ot It ogre,',',;" said tt mines." If Mr. Henry could pro-l Premier. " e W every - duce the note and prove to the House l portunitr to diseuss the ttill on an" that in it the Premier had failed tog gaging. Me can filibuster it he wants mention the power bill among t2li indicated would be c . "Mr. '' Mr. Henry said pos- tte1t2gl',"ul,1' his seat, Mr. Hepburn . laid. I

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