The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Apr 1935, p. 3

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. Apr" " ' . e [V ,H " F e ff l 'e""--"------- on a e orte l ' l ozen ow illt A lllL g I M ' ' ht Introduced o-------"""- O-------------------- -------_ H b c ll . n I -", r a "llnereasing Tendency to, I il "t "'1" S 0 and Roe Reduce Rates Deplored I ame laws Enforced )uc L WIS?" New . o . CQIS Ion _ by Wage Board II By Promos] Police --------_ N "INCREASING -sesrsr"s.-s.esP_"_. Rising as the Ontlnio House was Since the dismissals of ame ready to adjourn car y this mom . tepdfmcy to. regard wardens. Major-Gen. Victor 'Wil- Premier Hepburn, Hon. David 21 minimums fixed by trt r',',',, o',f,,',fig'g'.L't'g',' te',; and Hon. Arthur Roebuck introduced law as a fair rate of m:,n"','0,m by m; Provincial n dozen bills---nimly outlining the wages" was deplored m I $153.32: 'nt,?t,'i" grains: f,'rTei"1e,c)g,eJ:,ttnef)t,sdftu1.unliii the annual report of the I that. utmost: the enforcement of . featured by lawn-ed tax arrears pen- . . . . the Game and Fisheries Act is new ttities. Minimum Wage . Bom d, I to many members ot this force. the , bill to amend the Assement Act tabled in the Legislature a act under present arrangements will wiil lower penalties tor tax arrears last night I be efficiently enforced." from 10 to 6 per cent. The bill also . V " increases the discount on tax prepay- "During the past. three years," states ---------------'-" 7 o ments from 5 to 6 per cent. Another Chairman A. W. Crawford, "employ- measure. also introduced by Mr. Croli. crs have adopted the practice of It"? states that .ta.x arrears may be con- ducing wage raves and actual hours otl t t as it anne solidgrted, With their payment spread; employment until. in many instances. I ost'." a perr'd fy yt?'.isy . the minimum rates fixed by the board I I I Al, an omnibus" bill amending the have become the prevailing rates y,'ti lil Rev Municipal'Atu one Government in- the short time worked has resulted in 1 trcduced 9'33?" 1x1reC?."t.t.i.e 118% weekly earnings below the amount; "I t:'.if:,die,'i-,'r,'e,'i,'sC,,,:frj,'c,1:,e, whom? necessary to maintain a decent' ---_ :'{":i'.if--'tzatignfmnfig ' " n I . a A. -\-_ g 2 "ygo't'fd,nu/'j'1rii, board has been', Sam Law r e n c e, ththF., liorarifs: and clarifying. the .powe.r of faced with the "cm". ot either' Flatly Opposes Amend- . a ','?,l1e,1l'i"i'od,'ri'Cn,f?"i",i', 'rir9o1)'ttgi'u"it': enforcing the act more , ly or ' n".;.3~mnnf 'dill/ii/iii, will be laced imitating an ever increasing num-l ments Advanced Cr ' . _ 's-A , l,," '- ' 'p :1- ot vio which in B shortl under the Depar.niont of Public Wel- ' -----. fax-T. time. would render this protective', A ,3 . z-cd ed b Mr Roe- legislation useleasinaottsrasthe work- With former Premier Henry and, tr .- "i',r'/,i",t/arf,'smd" I "a", L, . WK pr 10 l t m ers of the ens are concerned, and a source of U.F.O. member Farquhar Oliver argu-l '7, h 's A the' . . , . " 1 "0mm. n _ Ch m mnsatron Board shall annoyance and unfair competition tol u1tr with city lawyers to commend thei hold ctrwe at the leasure of the in . ' "e. p the honest and conscienticus employ-I M Ister ot Agriculture. the ly/l, Lieutenant-Governor-in-Ce-uncil. This ers. Backed by the Government. theI amendments to the Milk S.e'yr,e,1 Affj bill MII be made retroactive to cover board has chosen the first alternative; ttn.ty1.rtr.e,?,1. second reading in 1astl appointments try the board made by and is making a sincere effort. tol "1:135 ef,r,is,1,'l).,1,1d,'i, fl 'd i t the present Administration. Opposi- maintain the minimum wages for m , ti e o gum-TA 1; B: yc1gp."'roesii.". tion mcmbcrs congratulated the Gov- female employees." ' t',e,'lnlhi'trve' IU heighten ' To 'lit; mnment on bringing "all this legis- JV, a result. ot prosecutions, in- the clause bannin rebates. and divi- lotion cut of cold storage. as il Joking} "math" and complaints during "RI d"nds was with 1lVfi','tl', to "ii1i'iiii- House adjourned. . I year. the board collected arrears ot" ative right "the last nail" in the wages from 664 employers for 1.601 Liberal Cain. "hte, women. tunounungtot51,032. A main feature of the legislation. f 2ln'ig,x,',',,t noted B general ignorance Hon. Duncan Marshall explained, per- ? imum Waco laws. confusion be- mined a. man, refused a license or 1118 due in large part to the feet tint whose license had been revoked, to some forty orders have been issued appeal to a Judge. The measure also during the past fourteen years. provided for consumer representation. I through Mayor or Council member, . in milk-price conferences. I an "There is no objection," the Min- l ister said, "to dividends being paid I to consumers who have stock in the I companies, but rebates will not be I lava anus? permitted. We regard rebates as de- moralizing to the industry." I The Minister declared the Gov- . I emment had received hundreds ot , ' , Ctoll Introduces New MU'E lt'ithr,sd'ommend'i" the proposals in mclpal Measure in I ' ---------" _ House ' I ----. ' s THE Legislature Experience Important adjourned at mid- I J I ' . ff night Hom David I As House I alks Pains Croll, Minister of Munici- . pal Affairs, tabled his im.. ------------ . rtant bill to under: at the Ontario legislature ruined by actions following an un- p0 . place wider talked about their "opemtlrms" in nvoidnble accident. In war his. the the 0 n t ar 1 o Municipal "may; um tum a they passed Premier said, he had been um.- toe Board t 1 f . . ' hospital bills in an automobile eccl- con ro 0 allmumci- the ttill removing motoeiate liability dent which had sent him tmen the pal capital expenditures. for mm ttttttentre"' through Flying corps to the hospital tor sev- It is a move on the part second tending. "tl months. of the Hepburn Govern.. He hid been month seriomly in- Se,, are not making this retro- , t t h k . . lured in on automobile accident. native? chuckled Leopold Mammy. men 0 c ee municipal m1 w. M. Price reminded the Mr. Macaulay warned that tho extravagance, which, in House, when he argued that the bill measure, incurring Woe conu- the past, allegedly is re should be amended to protect the sion, might create personal hardship. s nsible f th ' - , honest passenger. "One might wonder about all this po . 0.1. e present ' Premier Hepburn was on his feet concern tor insurance companies." fl1ffd?Ji, plight of many I to point out diagram bonsai" driven said o. C. 1511:186er the mammal munici ities. tttrough no fault his own ht be' second read . , -----------------"

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