The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Apr 1935, p. 1

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-NT""Nle'"'"'""""-"'""-" "e-'--"'-'""""'"""'""'""'"'"..-..... ' APT" la. 'Td Hit Him Again" MANY _ 4 s . C. M. German, K.C. MORE ', - ----- _----.----------- _ l q . . , ' B ' Corridor Mix-Up in Queen 3 Park JO S l, HERAULT called me a stool-pigeon-and another Roebuck Reports 1m- name that would not be fit to print-and then I hit proved Conditions him. If he called me the same name I would hit --.-----.--- him again." . MPLOYMENT con- J. C. M. German. KC., gave this explanation last ', ditions throughout night of his actions whenOhe tangled with Frank Therault [ Ontario h a ve im- i of the Alberta Hairdressing Parlors m a sedate Queen's i proved substantially in the l Park corridor yesterday afternoon. . past year I a . l After Bill Was Killed. . 'b Ittrgg-f'g,t21, Arthur W. Roe-i . ' . uc,a isterofLabor in his; The mix-up followed the Ight' 'annual teport, tabled in the Legislature ot the Private Bills Committee asa t R yesterday noted there had bee t the Halrdreasers' and Barbers' Bill. ibacksi tn n se - . Mr German re resent ed the iac- , n e upward swing which oom- . gm - I menced in the middle of the last fiscal tionmopp'o'stirég'vetlciletor u, German but .year, but that they had been tem- was prevented from reaching him by C0MPULS0RY ON 'l','l,"o"r'tlrid, s'vel',r'ilf,',e,frenet,'ni'reg't'ri, bratnchlgg Mrs. 'I'herault. who tried to protect 9 of activity and in all sections ot the; her husband. and at the some time Al I. ll 'OS Province. keep him trom striking the lawyer. . "The index number of employment At this point Dr. H. A, tl'tft,'i': as reported by the Dominion Bureau 1030 Dovercourt Road, steppe n - of Statistics, was 99.5 for the year " tween the combatants and halted the 'Pogt ned , Roebuck Sa S compared with 82.9 for 1933 and in' 1 Connie.". Ito , y for 1932. This advance of 16.6 points ' Mr. Thor-amt will attempt to hare ---------_ is the greatest change indicated for a summons issued against Mr. Ger- Compulsory motor vehicle insur- any year since 1921," he said and on man this morning. and intimakd My ance peeped over the Queen's Ptrrk Oct. i, 1934, the index number stood The Globe last night that he may horizon last night when the House 15.2 higher than at the same timelast bring a civil action against the considered the current insurance year. The index number of employ- lawyer. amendments. ment is based upon the average tar " was just walking along the cor- " hope the time comes when every the calendar year 1926 as 100. ridor. about to leave the building." motor vehicle will be insured." At- - said Mr. Therault. "when l met Mr. tomey-General Arthur Roebuck an- German. I told him that his actions swered to a. Conservative question. in regard to the bill had made more There was a problem in the annual _--------- votes tor the Conservatives than he visits or American tourists. he added. had ever made tor the Liberals. , when he indefinitely postponed any "I told him that we hadn't been consideration of such a measure with beaten cleanly. and that his gang had the iorecast that it might come in just had too much money tor us. All the life of the Nineteenth Legislature, of a sudden he struck me, and he or 1938-39. SCHOOL TAXES struck my wife, too. I never dreamt "A direct concession to the insur- _.__._._. that he would do that, and it took once companies," Opposition members . q q me completely by surprise. charged. when the House approved Consideration by Legisla- " don't mind saying that I can ofthec1auae including mother. father. . handle myself pretty well in a case tsrottserandsiaterintheNmiU trtxhatt' ture at Fall Session like that, but his attack came right denied automobile insurance suits. __ " out of the blue sky. My wife was in d, might t','f1,l'J,ef,",', mother-int Action on the request of Ontario hystencs." ws, Premier mm t1gg,',tgy A large crowd of spectators gathered "The eoilusive Claims are conjured 'g,trtttg,ihtt', for angfeater share ot around to wit,ness the tray. Dr. Hes- up by the insurance may P, set: c0rp0ra on and ut ties taxes has sion said that he heard Therauit shout , out of branches that do not NY. ' Cl.'; been deferred until the tall 1es.sioy of something about "stool-pigcon" just, iC- Elgie charged. l the Legislature, Premier Mitchell 1"" bciore the scramble. The bulky bill to amend the In- Hepburn said yesterday. . , Mr. German told The Globe that he surance Act. which embodies miscel- The Premier was questioned about. was walking out, of the room in which laneous minor amendments dealing the school taxation after Government the Private Bills session had been held with life insurance contracts. reoom- members had told the P.ppotitifn when a man and woman accosted him mended for uniform enactment by the there was very little legislation to De in the hall. interprovineia1 insurance conference. brought down before the session ends. "Struck My Wife, Too." held at Saint John, Na., lastwfeep- u,7ty','ttit,g,Jillat maltnzitglu: "I had told the members of the rac- tertttxruttfIe'ed in _------ . "It has been mm..." to mike ii tion who were oppOsm; its. to kecp survey owing to absence of the Min- their mouths shut, Arthur Slagh: was ister ot Education during the whole 'trip/ful." the party who had presented session, Plans are complete to make ' e 1 . " " n a. thorou h stud of the roblem." "The man and woman walked up to ANTI CANCEL DRIVE "We 1-5ch that J, inequality me Ind, began to argue about the CLAIMED BY ROEBUCK exists," he continued. "This been case.' said Mr. German. "I told them -----.--- recognized by previous Governments that it was a lawsuit and that thcy Evidence of an attempt to organize in the making of additional grants to 'p1iagdeo1rt"iind'egVJ', 0:11? it); a (,11ti Chamber of Commerce and Board ot separate schools. A practical solu- an r a e at won . A _ v ' Trade ressum ainst the H dro tion should be applied. and that is the :53 , hielt l grim- J, hit him then. contraolplaw was agresented in );res- problem that we must solve as soon wouiii hit in": 83:11.} same name. I terday's Legislature. Attorney-Gen- " passible." . eral Arthur Roebuck head to the --- _-------.--- . House a request for arui-eanee1lation ' - -"--------------, telegrams. which he said was signed m, "i" No Merger Planned in WWW by w. H. Wood, Mam Ferguson s Car For Toront A mm? of the London Chamber ot com. Stolen b Bo s? m . ----- o rea A form telegram was laid out for I ____y y . Ntrhttialation isoontem lated the tttle ot any organization whieh l Reference to a 7-year-old incident. Ontario Government at paw Wet WWW Wish to place its name in the heretofore anguished. was made tn time to meet Witch of any provided blank. It urged tha.t the the Ontario legislature early this ot the "Illuminate: around Toronto bill be de.Pereed, ahthoutrtt beginning morning when the Hon. Harry G. according to Premier wtcneup, Hep: with a" appreciation ot the need for Nixon. provincial Secretary. asked the burn, in the Ontario "tNature yes- public ecoWxtW. The telegrams were. Leader ot the Opposition. Hon. a. s. W. The Premier was questioned to be addressed to Premier Hepburn Henry. if it were true that boys of in this regard by the non. Leopold or the local member of the Legisltw Bowmanville Training School. had. Macaulay. Conservative, South York te,.. " " seven years ago, stolen the luxurious alter the Minister of While want-é This circular, it lead, has been motor car of the then Premier, Hon. had introduced a bill calling for the mailed to all Chambers of Commerce G. Howard Ferguson. Widen of Windsor. East Wind. in the fourteen Ertrt,ies that com- "I W heard of it" and Mr. our. Sandwich and Walirervue. prise Western Ontario. Henry. ', ----- It is understood that Mr. W's . aFaiititoaestrutqeprtorirr1e.e iii,iii,ti,ruaa""""oi"t'"t'" " ttttion.

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