AP\'\\ \'\ s WWe ie o ocmatrrieiey | fiberal Member Opposes Amendment Will Permit! Government on Liquor p j Housing Schemes as f Law Change F | § Relief Work | \ Lashing at beverage--room hotels, f former Premier Henry, continued his ! A way for slum clearance was| attack _ against Hepburn Govern-- epened in the Ontario Legislature mt mm«;r 'mdmygc 1'_':"" '-"'; early this morning. An amendment 'fl'mhl third reading in yesterday's introduced by Hon. David Croll and Legislature. _ backed by Wilfria Heighington would One Liberal, J. E. Crawford of Fort permit a municipality to undertake or William, stood with the Conserva-- Wfloipa-tf in any scheme of slum tives, and several Liberal seats were area abolition. vacant when Mr. Henry forced a vote ""Subject," the amendment reads, "to _ *' e on a motion to recommit the bill to the approval of the Lieutenant-- committee and strike out the clauses Governor--in--Council, any municipality wmmum beverage rooms in Gailt, may, as a relief work or measure, un-- 'allaceburg, Lancaster and Alex-- dertake or participate in any scheme andria. for abolition of slum areas, or for "This section should be deleted housing in the municipality, which from the bill," Mr. Henty insisted. may be inaugurated or aided by the "There should be left untrammelled Government of Canada, or the Gov-- "the right of the people to express ermment of Ontario, or by the mu-- their views. Why don't you let the nicipality itself, and the provisions of people's voice rule in Wallaceburg, this act shall apply to expenditures Galt, Alexandria and Lancaster?" of the municipality for such pur--| The former Premier charged that poses." } 46 per cent. of all authorities estab-- lished prior to Jan. 1 were not hotels at all--"dance halls, road--houses, stores revamped for the purpose." Half of the Province's authorities, he maintained, had not been providing HEPBURN hotel accommodations when the act was proclaimed last summer. SUP P ORTS VIMY Premier Hepburn protested Mr. 66 99 Henry's contentions as he charged PILGRIMAGE tlat tourist camps were getting au-- mm mmmmmmeme e m'.'.?::" all too apparent that you are Vimy was remembered at Queen's very nervous over the whole matter," Park yesterday by Government ac--| suggested the former Premier. ceptance of an Opposition motion. | "I'm sitting here." :fndl by Gog':;mncnt. fa.rmcn:ncementz 6t "leave" wi pay for veterans in 0 ° bnk e will be very the Civil Service who make the "pil-- "I think my tenure 0o# grimag>" next summer. much more ass{xred u{an ,tou';g??' aal: "I want the member to know that the Premier. the Government is with him," Pre-- Delving into a discussion of "tied mier Hepburn told Wilfrid Heighing-- houses," the former Premier associ-- ton who had moved--"that this House ated with the discussion the Ritz and takes this opportunity of expressing Ambassador Hotels, which, he said, its grateful recollection of the gal~ were under the McNamara Brothers lantry and devotion to duty shown by of Windsor, and the Alexander, the men of Canada." Brockton and Claremont Hotels, in Mr. Heighington suggested the pos-- Toronto, which property, he charged, sibility of some financial grant from was owned by the O'Keefe Brewery the Government toward the reunion. Company, Limited. Brewery--hotel con-- and the Premier said that he would nections were assailed by the former be glad to take the matter usder ad Premier, hn itls su$ . * visement.