The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Apr 1935, p. 3

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E 1100 eeeeeeeeeie ® * % + * f AP'('\\ v7 f 'The total reserves of the Commis-- sion and the municipal electric utili-- R In ties for sinking fund renewals, con-- tingencies and insurance ' evenue Increase | |(is.y mss Niagar® | ........+.+++«........$55,092,547 o \Georgian Bay ................. 3,153,898 | Eastern Ontario ............ 5,984,350 5 4 I lllnes onsume Pn quitte io llll. $east Northern Ontario properties... £68,608 + Nipissing and Manitoulin .... 12,714 Office and service buildings I @ and equIpment ......>.s+.s 750,9% B a ln COStS Bonnechere storage .......... 5,417 ' e p g T OSA +..::sris+isss1sx*1ss»1$00;/300,909 Railways (Guelph) ........... 134,722 ie uti l idE orrira e ie rcemgenaen Insurance, workmen's compen-- 6 6 sation and staff pensions... 4,690,162 Had Contracts Stood as Written, AMOUNt M _ Ts1, reserves of commussion gzintms "11°* In connection with the Eastern Excess of Ten Millions Would Have Be@A _ ssm 3 e Commission me ol of purchased power has climbed from Added by 1937 to Cost of Purchased Elec--= s353.102 in 1928 io $833,980 in 1934, -- % whereas the revenue qf the two above | tl'lClty Development, HYdl'O Annual Re-- years has shown an increase of only | D' I $29,000. In regard to the Georgian | Bay system in the same two years the port 1sc10ses purchase power costs were $13,677, ¢ as compared with $43,832 last year, UPW ARD CURVE IS RECORDED with a corresponding revenue increase | of $374,781. IN SALES SINCE END OF YEAR |,.Ghaitman, tyon pointed out that ;w-hen a serious oversupply of power m snn | began to come into the various sys-- OST of power purchased from Quebec companies for tems--chiefly the Niagara--arrange-- # # % A 3 ray the Niagara system climbed from $1,938,519 in :m',';'sp;;f'gf 't';lajgcsufigfiu;l}f) tr,fgagat'f' 1929 to $6,872,793 in 1934, and would have exceed-- ne;atlx Corln?amghat a ogricf com;;etti:ive # '1 0 l' 1 ed $10,000,000 by the year 1937 had not the Ontari® |py incotically heaied bollets Othcr Legislature last week voted to cancel the contracts. paper mills extending across the While the power purchases in-- _ Province from Cornwall to Thunder . P TCOR cooased by $5.234,186 during the six. . Bs bare bcome. customers for s . year period, the total revenue of t.he from this utilization of surplus power, Niagara system from all sources in-- _ which would otherwise have remained hss creased only $879,872, or from $21,. | unieto, (85 4609386 during the year 664,808 in 1929 to $22,534,780 I@St _ Cpray Invested. y (s vear. "The total capital invested by the v@ $ w These salient points are revealed _ Commission on behalf of the Province in the twenty--seventh annual report _ in the Northern Ontario properties is C o6 if the Hydro.Rlectric Power COM-- | \|the secumiated resorves for senewaley ree* mission of Ontario, released yester-- _ |obsolescence and contingencies aggre-- B ... day over the signature of T. Stewart g?ite Tlilg lc%sit.s °f es & * T * ieei ation for the year, including interes 4 Lyon, Chairman of the (;ommlssu;)n, and the sum of $220,309.02 set aside to ~ and tabled in the Legislature by renewals and contingencies reserves, k.) Attorney--General Arthur W. Roge-- _ were $1,576.065.07. The costs exceeded buck the revenues from customers supplied T. $. Lyon, ¥ with power from the Northern On-- * tario properties by $337,754.07, which Reserves Increase, Je C ] flun Naw usel's amount, in accordance with the gov-- The total reserves of the Commis-- erning agreement, is charged to the sion increased during the past fiscal J Province, subject to repayment out y;}aruby 34.'.'81.5:;5.4 2;1411%1;3 the R I H d of anyufuture surplus earnings of the of all systems to $74,214,795, as agai [" properties." $69,433,260 the previous year. l"a v Commenting on extensive changes According to Chairman Lyon there & in the personnel of the Commission has been a continuing increase in the employees, involving the release of power sales of the Commission since e "I ear several chief officials, the Chairman the closing of the books at the end of says: "It is my opinion that these * the last fiscal year. In "his | changes have promoted rather than "It has not." he remarks in re-- retarded the spirit of good--will and port, "been so great as the opt.imlstic' | co--operation that must exist in an' prophets of the former years believed it TOtaI M"eage to Farms organization so complicated and so | would be, but it has shown a st:ady N ow --Me ans large as that of the Hydro-Eitfecttlgc; upward curve. This has been true, Power Commission of Ontario, e | ;?P:;iatlly gg the gortfhm 'gm:::g ]0,000 gestt hpossible bZervicfe tig tot:ff gendered: strict, where much 0 er y the members of the staiff. in the output of gold mining companies T es ___ has been due to the provision made by MORE than 1,800 new rural users the Commission for the sale of power | of electrical power tere en-- at prices materially below those ob--| listed during the past year, accord-- taining before the Commission entered | ing to the twenty--seventh annual the field in competition for mining| report of the Hydro--Electric Power power loads." Commission of Ontario, released Revenue of the Commission from @ll yesterday by the Chairman, T. sources increased during the past yea.rl Stewart Lyon, by $1,447,068, the total being $22.--| muring the year 190 miles of rurai 543.780, against $21,096,722 in 1933:| jmes were constructed, bringing the During the past seven years the high| tota mileage at the end of the las» revenue year was in 1930, when it | fiscal year to 9,461. reached $24,467,322. | _ An intensive campaign was carried $287,000,000 Business. on during the year to attract mors The report of the Commission re-- m'"'flu'l'::rsp:ggd":gli;wfi;z mforde &'gr a veals that the sum invested in all otfj ectives the further redustion of | Hydro properties and undertakings rural rates ;: $287,475,736, made up a:m:o;z:i; Revenue from rural users dlg:zixllz til:t: f AGATE 1e 2e e e e e e e n e n e n in en n es * v s w Georgian Bay ............... 8.427.27@ Past year amounted Tok "Pesubouc Eastern Ontario ............ 19851622 the total expenses $ fach Thunder Bay ............... 18,679,610 The balances were credited to eac MENtIOULIL «..««serserrarerr.. 35,472 «district or rural municipality, Nipissing .................... 22,751 | se * Northern Ontario properties, 25,121,103 * RHAIHWLYS .a<srercicer:rsirc+++ 2,179,008 | Office buildings, etc. ........ 4,537,692 TT c c c e . We inionfr h d ie i M N i e hss k Eul S o en e i c t in i

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