The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1936, p. 1

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, Februgy 14 | , Would Raise Federal Subsidy. ' "I think the Government should 7 "I have said that municipal taxa-- | take charge of the lord high execu-- f tion of incomes is not an equitable | tioner who wanders around this build-- nor a fair one. _ I will go a little further. ing giving statements to the press," 'There is growing up a system of taxa-- he said, later calling him thet "pooh. tion against large industriee which bah of the Treasury Department." § -- actually do not belong to those mu--| |__"I find him rather a genial per-- nicipalities," he said. | | son," Mr. Henry said in reply to a Many large firms were not con--| question. "I imagine so do every nected merely with the municipality: member of tt_:e civil service." of location, but were Provincial and Back again to the income--tax SihmininGrmcosmmeatmrs national in scope, he said, charging dobate, Mr. Henry declared that Pre-- ; t k @. t that the imposition of taxation upon 'fli'-"l' Hepburn had issued a statement All Citizens Discriminated -- the basis of municipal boundaries was claiming the Province would raise * a unfair. This was especially so regard-- $15,000,000 through the bill. Agamst, Is Thrust in ing educational costs, he said. Fighting mad again, Mr. Croll rose "'"'Those who reside within the con-- to demand that the Opposition Leader | 'l'ory Attack fines of a city are in a preferred posi-- name the day that any such statement ' lecareon m vanmnmencrmceme tion," he continued, declaring that in had been issued. | the suburbs taxation was residential, A clipping from the Windsor Star ; Punctuated by sharp clashes be--« upon which the entire cost of admin-- was produced wherein an estimate of | tween the Treasury bonchos and the istration was based. In the city, how-- $20,000,000 was given. "Your favorite Opposition, the Ontario Legislature ever, 50 per cent. of the assessment paper," said Mr. Henry, sending the | yesterday continued dobate on the in-- was on business. clipping across the floor of the! come tax bill, but no progross was Reiterating his charge that the levy-- py messenger. ; made. ing of a Provincial tax was discrim-- Mr. Croll--This is an editorial. | For over an hour lHon. Goorgs inatory and unfair, he suggested: é.thre is the Premietr's statement? | $ MHenry alternately criticized the "The Government will agree with | _ _ Hon. Leopold Macaulay--That ought measure and taunted the Government me that there should be a Crastic re-- ' to hold you for a while. with demands for a showdown on Hop-- -- vision upward of the subsidy from the |_After some argument, Mr. Henry bulm Administration's deficit for the ; Federal Government." said: "Now we have got it (the est! # x t (1~ en Pame Cron and tton. Pas 1 'onteniss seoannt . |mate) down io five foll{On--Dechaps ELedue took P Hon. Paul \ Ontario's expenditures had increased | we'll get a Government member to ;eminfomgpathc){ixtghtl f lbl' tt hs G°Y-- |from about $1,500,000 since before Con-- | say they will get nothing at all." is waged u"' theprhc;x?.d attle royal | federation to about $50,000,000. Simi-- | _ The Opposition Leader wound up his _ t the outs us , larly, the Federal Government's expen-- | speech with a warning about relief ht a medo:i:f\t'n?}r' }l{' ';'% "dm"'!Cdi idimres had grown from about $14,000,-- | matters generally. Relief would never CC m the Inxalio p"r"cip"' -CO?tamj;'ooo to $350,000,000,. he seid. | end unless a change was made, he he ch axation of incomes, b"vi Ontario once received about 8 per | said. nor would "cheaters" be purged charged that a Provincial levy |ce'm. of its expenditures from the from the lists unless inspectors were :::ld m('i{i\;? industry out of Omnrin.r Federal authoritiee, but it had appointed who were representatives of o igene of .u:hscl::m'linatod against all dw'i.ndled to .981 per cent., he said. the taxpayers, anxious to see that ex-- e Province. Mr. Speaker, may I ask if the hon-- penditures were curtailed. "Inspectors He urged that Foederal subsidies to| orable member ever advocated an in-- who merely looked for their pay the Pflt'l'::tc?hcb';nil?crfg ':;"?' and ?0- creased subsidy while in office?" in-- cheques" were useless, he said. clared t fai 1come tax|| x ® was one Jevied on all citizens of TT Sop " °4 "+ M--CIaiK AUIDSYAIATIHNC+ | G';" ,°°"t'::'1M"f""' . y counitry. '\ The question had always a | uring the jas, SWenliy minufes Debate adjourned at 6 pm.. with|| live oneqduring his mglme.'MrPe}::nryl the seesion Mr.: Glass spoke to the J. J. Glass (Liberal, Toronto), speak--| | answered. He did BHOt now wish to haw i s ; ing for the Government. || reduce the question to party politics l All afternoon, he said, he had heard mhrllc}r in the afternoon the Address|| he said. l (ciritic.s dioondt;'mmngd t,?e a':'{'w t"'fmf'nd reply to the Speech from the!" 'The Opposition sw i« eman«ing ljowered. inxation. ere Throne was moved and sccondod by| mediatelyp mo an 1:32:; onurt)ge h;;.l was no suggestion from the 09?0&- A&A. St. Clair Gordon and J. Harry!: nancial situation of the present Go\r.. tion, he declared, that the govern« Marceau. !/ ernment. ' ment sho'.xl_d wipe out relief, that it Reimbursement Measure. ! $30,000,000 Deficit? l mucib ;iginnutl:itxfed n%fiem?e'nai _ _Today a measure respeciing the re-- The charge levelled on the previous | l expense for the Province's welfare. imbursement of Emmlcipalnw; under| day by the Government that one rea-- | i The Henry Government had done the income tax bill is expectsd to be' son why it had levied the income t.axl' ; nothing toward reduced tax, but, on introduced. f was because the Henry Government ! the contrary, had morigaged the An unconfirmed report last night had left a $30,000,000 deficit behind. | future by piling debt upon debt. : stated that.nthose municipalities which "That is a tacit admission that the | He had heard, too, criticism be-- had not collected an income tax would deficit (of the Hepburn Government) | cause the Government was taxing the also receive a grant from the Govern-- is $30,000,000." said Mr. Henry | ! higher incomes. ""A"' ""d"t'l"'e new legislation. "Ob, no!" called Hon. Paul Leduc. | _ _"I would hate to suggest, Mr. m'mm on providing for the re-- "I'll leave it to the House to de-- | Speaker, that some of the Opmosition sement of municipalities for rev-- | cige," retorted Mr. Henry ! to this biill is motivated by such ripgrd l;;tnw:s gla::ed °';. the order i "You are going to have to wait | thoughts," Mr. Glass said. mmme:t.ona';lgecrr: ort lt';'a'z'o';'lg | for the Budget speech. Make up | _ There was a rumble of protest from pq. 4 | your mind to that now," Hon. David | the Conservative ranks while Mr. m",';"'g'"',é}'"{';"." tqhguc financi@l ) mrpl| interjected. | Glass added: "I do not suggest it, l ously Hmousedt Tne" ich had nOt | yy Henry--Will we really get it | but I have certainly heard of no op-- MelIOLkens posed the tax. | then? | position from the Liberais." Discrimination Charged. | _ _Mr. Croil--Oh, yes; this is a dxffer-' He could see no rcason why those At 4.30 Mr. Honry moved that the: | ent kind of Government. who enjoy the luxuries of life to House adjourn debate on the Throne | "At Least $24,000,000." | the fullest extent should not pay in ; Bpeett::. lntu&:dilately ho tocll:lup thcel Mr. Henry: "At the rate of a ',,-a pzoporthrgi in lc;rdgridto help ihe debate on t ncoms tax bill an . k e rer citizens, he said, | launched his attack, which lasted :g?l'ogg'f:r{::&n;24";6%%3'0 "m;'ortot.t;e?! {po'(l)'here was no reason, he continued, | mzre than an hour. f s five--month period ended April 1 the 'why net rentals sl:guljc_lflbe treated d}f \ Generally speaking. I have a'-- Government had admitted an ordi-- ferently from p ther 'ncomes,. _ If Mn | ways considered an income tax a just nary ;xpendlture of $15,000.000. he 'iudividu--a} received $5,000 a year from | one," he said, declaring that such @ : saiq, and charged: "Yet m'y honorable net rentais, why should he not pay the | tax sought to reach a source where | | friend taikine about rigid red . ! | same as a man who received $5,000 | there were taxable funds N & Are Saiking aDOU l.'.g veaut> from other sources? It '% |) tion and drastic economy. ' | The House adjourned at 6 p.m. De--| _It was a step in advance, he be-- | the Henry Government, declared [ Bat the i lax bmp.;v'.ll ie | lieved. that the municipal income tax || Mr. Croll, had left huge deficits which | es ';.°"fl a 't' Odr;oome a episiation rs. be eliminated. ' the now Government was still caring | NnLs y and legisiaUion Ye-- i« garding the reimbursement of the Inuct.wehtdslvenmemswer, for. Cipalittes #ill Tiksiy 'be Jutroduced study for many years Not that the| Mr. Henry leaped to his feet again municipalities will likely be introduced. Province intended to collect it, but| and shouted: "When we left office we we beliecved that municipal taxation|| had reduced ordinary expenditure by of incomes should be done away with. $11,000,000. I challenge the Govern-- "I have never reached and have| ment to show any such figures." not yet got to the position where I| Mr. Croll was on his fect and shout-- think Provincial income tax is a|\ed just as loudly: "Our deficit will be proper one. at least $2,000,000 less per month than "The Western Provinces have it,| yours was at any time." true, but the Eastern Provinces of The argument became hot for a f Quebec to the Maritimes, as I under-- }momem and finally Mr. Henry said: stand it, have none. "My honorable friend says that, but "This tax is a discrunination against | he shows a five--month deficit of $10,-- the people of this Province compared | 000,C00." to Quebec and the Maritimes. It wili} -- The Opposition Leader then launch-- have the effect of driving industries| ced a sarcastic attack on "Mr. Walters." * into another Province where, in effect,| He was understood to refer to Chester 'they will get more favorable con--| Walters, Controller of finances. ! sideration. * # 0s

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