The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1936, p. 2

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1000 e Febrvary 14. popworcres reedveas en enren n reerei en nrimrrrrngss + ... e HEPBURN BACK | DETAILS ASKED BITTER BATTLE: ON MONDAY | ON POWER DEALS: ON SCHOOL TAX 1 on Requesis re.. LOOMS IN HOUSE Tfl I_E AD P ARTY Opposition Requests Re--| y port on Proceedings tnworramceme _ _ Heavy Taxation Program pame Confederation Impossible & * & s Full details of Ontario's dealings Without Separat May Require Night with four Quebec power companies, e * * .. o he s Ottawa Valley, Gatineau, Beauharnois Schoo]s Marceau Claims Af Sessions and Maclaren--Quebec, are asked in * .«i ts es gt{:estlons placed on the order paper am--o--mntrccomes § the Ontario Legislature by the brief preliminary ? Premier Mitchell Hepburn is ex-- Opposition. * AI bly be the Iml what t'm 3 ctod to take his seat in the Pro-- George S. Ohailies (Grenville--Dun-- PC picst fight of & p¢pcted to take F | the t of the * vincial Legislature on Monday ard das), former Provincial Secretary, present session Ontario '_1 a m" Gove m"n' in pushing wants a return showing all letters. ILegislature was introduced yesterday . will lea e ernment in SL&LL t memoranda, messages, minutes of «= «* through the Income Tax B'x.l. meetings between the Government or c bly J. I;:rycoh:fame&u. Wh:n he de" id Night sessions may be held all uext any members of the Government and clared ederation "would n # ' week, A heavy taxation program is the Hydro--Electric Power Commission have been possible" without the estab-- _ | contemplated by the G'm-crnmenl;"Be- or any member o' the Commission lishment of separate schools. fp | se hoe meoniecfar ol Ihis PEOeInt: | --lLaince July 12. 1934, ani rslatihly to Mr. Marceau, & French--Canaéian | involves the amendments to .thc Cpr- power contracts with these ecmpanies. Lihera.l W;Mnt Nipissing. secand.-- i | poration Tax Act, the Succes:in | In addition, Mr. Challies wants a ed the Address in reply to bht'.-Speech * | Duties Act, Lho.Ganlir.e Tax and the | return showing ail agreements, en-- from the 'Phrone t Gasoline Handling Act, R ; ho gine«w's' reports, inter--departmental He did not he said, what _ _The Government is going to rrack reports -- and memoranda, _ surveys, would 'be oontuned'in the » e down on bootleggers of gasoline in tl).c \ minutes of Power Commission meet. . sehool legisiaton proposed mby The | Province. A heavy 'pcna}w for_!ho i1« | ings since that date relating to these | Government. _ "Very ow of s #o9" legal sale of gasoline is provided in contracts. | |he sitd. and continued : * / ;fln amendment to be ln[!'\)dUC(:d t9 Alnfl'lel' Tetum requesttd by Ml'f um' mfmaum 'Aa pmu"'ided * | the Act, The amendment is dcs.':m;d Challies provides for details relative| _ for separate schools for religious mi--| -- -- chiefly at straightening out adminis-- to the purchase of power or plants norities of like character and main--' s tration. by the Commission since July 12.[ tained in like manner as the general R 1934, other than from these com--| public schools, all alike being public * panies. | _ schools, maintained in the public in-- Ev HEENAN WAGERS Opposition Leader George S. Henry, | terest and for public welfare. | wants the Government to state what' The legislation under which the j Two NEW H ATS persons or companies have been en-- | rights of separate school supporters a Ehasecél} by the Hydro Com;nission lor | _ were obtained was the result of negoti-- % omm amammae en e uovernment outside the regular| tions carri many years f Hon. Peter Heenan, Minister cf -- Hydro staff since July 11, 1934. to | :'omm;dt& gd ums'g'g 4 Northern Development, is willing to advise on Hydro matters He asks | assume that, in the absence of a bet a new hat that there is not a the date of the engagement, the re-- | satisfactory agreement in this matter,. 4 Tory left in Northern Ontario and muneration in each case, and what| Confederation would not have been another new hat that he made a person, persons or companies are 35' possible better showing during the month of present engaged in an advisory | # October than did the previous Gov-- capacity to the Commission ind mdfi-' Both Similar. ermment, ters respecting production an =| s« separate schools i He made the wager yvesterday with _ tribution of power, | beu}:oéeco?lulzd lb"';,"hm to be a branch . Hon. T. A. Kidd (Con., Kingston), Contracts with the four Qucbec,' of the public school system, but both during debate in the Legislature. companies were cancelled, last De-- | _ classes of schools are m in pre-- f "T'll take him, and at his own cember when the Government pro-- | cisely the same way under the control figures," the Conservative replied _ claimed cancellation legislation passed / of the Ontario Department of Educa-- after adjournment. at the 1935 session of the Legislature. tion. 'They both teach the same His department was under fire by cun"iculum. both are subject to the -- the Opposition when the Ministor same inspections, the students in both rose to declare that during June, 1934 , have precisely the same form of ex-- ----the election month the Henry Gov-- | amination paper, and the teachers ernment had spent $1,631,000 in | must, under the law, possess the same | -- Northern Ontario, In the same mouth | qualifications. of 1935 his Government had reduced | _"The Constitution of Canada pro-- this io $644,000. he said. | 'vides that separate school supporters "What was it in October?" called shall be exmm from mym of Mr. Kidd. The Pederal election was § } | all rates imposed for the support of held in October. smmmmsemmmks | public schoois," Mr. Marceau said as "I haven't the month of October," 1+ h ! he concluded that part of his speech Mr. Heenan answered, "but # . the Opposition Learns Fman.l aevoted to the SciOol Esue. Leader of the Opposition will permit * » a j U bet you a new hat it wes iss _ Clal Figures of Province | than October last year and I'l; bet | you another new hat there's not a 16 m R ; ponnneo e Tory left in the North. | Opposition members, o pressed | ; ; tllllewaovemmenc for finence Ilcure.; NORTH BAY WANTS 9 & ednesday afternoon, got some of | HEPBURN'S HEALTH their information in a buny yese-- -- NEW COURT HOUSE The funded debt of the Province as Crkal i1gi }RESTORES HOPES of Dec. 31, 1935, A. St. Clair Gordon _ _ * Pm""cm:hB"Sd": o 6200 Sop . sn $90t00e 004 SE Thid average mntnrect | | North Bay, I. i. Marcess, tiveral | p § i * *__ $607,698,994.52. e average interest | 0 7. J. K. » Asl | in DCCIS]OI'I "Aloug with this, the Conservatives | day's Legislature. re informed that the $45,000,000 R y--s s Hepburn _ Government debentures' Mr. Marceau said that present |, _ fhe hope that continued §00G _ | fioated last year were paying interest| North Bay Court House accommoda-- -- | health would alter Premier Hepburn's | from only 2.9 to 2.48; that due to tions were inadequate. QOver and | decision to retire was voiced twice in 'be( administrative methods, the 5 | yesterday's Loegislaturec. A. St. Clair | i. above that, he pointed out, the various | yosterday's Logis -- Provincial revenue had increased: and Provincial departments were renting Gordon s Remian P o 6 Cl 'that for the first nine months of the ro in North Bay at a coct cpape in a tribute to the absent Premier, present fiscal year the ordinary ex-- Spactma tely $1,000 a year, 'Thes® would spare him to continue in his $6,000,000 less than those of the g ces, ail O¥er: ic cwy: t c only these of us walle capites enpemiitifes "t4, "*5| |'North Bay is a Northern beadguits "Only those of us who have labored while capital expenditures for the for several Provincial depart« with him in this House during the same period are down by $20,000,000. ters t last eightcen monthst realize the phy-- | a mn dealing with the question,| °> | sical, n*rvous and mental strain which through greater division of corpora~-- * | he has _und:.grone in administering tion taxes, is expected at this session the affairs of this Province," said Mr. of the Legisiature. t | Gordon. 4 | The Kent West Liberal member , j | united his hope for the Premier's re-- ,tum with an appreciation of the way io in which Harry C. Nixon had carried af +# on in the interim. --

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