| j c 1 | Wiihitceme uim t -\ ¥ +4 * ' % ' ol 1Ys Ax '_ CHIEF NAMED _ WILL SUPPORT _ #as AutHority. nrmnmencnicge ; M udge (l)" Cm.mell Is Chief King's Agreement Attach-- agistrate * mR ed -- M One--Man Party Is Solid After Second Reading # Cemmnenmmnmemmmmemezmmmenim Judge Daniel O'Connell is to fill Behmd Government The King's authority has been , 'he recreated post of Chief Magistrats on Bill added to (the Ontario Income Tax Bill. o0° the Toronto Police Courts, Attor-- o :\h'; &;"te';?xentf ttge t(:}h:t effoct was e rax ol ' e o vernme ney--General Rocbuck announced yes-- F. R. Oliver, only U.F.O. represen-- night after the second readingtm terday. tative in the Provincial Legislature, given and 'the House dissolved into | The announcement was made in yesterdasy pledgcd his support to the committee, the Legislature and feaiured a peac:-- Government on the income tax bill. , Even though the Government intro-- , |able winding up of the bitter Toronto Mr. Speaker," said the represen-- duced such an amendment, the action . Police Court debate, in which the tative from South Grey, who is in was not necessary until the third Attorney--General and former Attor-- actuality a one--man party, "I think reading had been reached, Attorney-- my--General W. H. Price engaged on I can assure the Government that General Roebuck told the House, de-- Monday. | there will be no boiters from my claring that failure to attach the At the same time Mr. Roebuck an--| _ Party." au'hority was '"an alleged omission." | nounced that the commission of Max He would accept, he said, the Gov-- Until a bill becomes an act, this is Clavir, suspended Toronto J.P.. had Ernment's contention that money was not necessary. It has no value what-- been vacated. A report from Colonel nseded for the good of the Prov. coever until it does become an act, W. W. Denison stated that Clavir| _ incs. Three reasons had been ad-- ioy,.choU, i nficates the proper au«h was settling summonses before they | vanced for this need, and he could Shotiey: }}e §aid. were heard and reccmmended his dis--| _ Concur in all three. The authority says, roughly, that by ; missal for this irregularity. | The Government had said they .:'nd with tl*:e consent of his Minis-- * The Attorney--General said that noxded the money to balance the es ,t_'_h(' K'.ng' agrees to enact the Judgo O'Connell, following the pre--| _ Budget--"a real honest--to--goodness measme. That being the case, said . cedent set by the late Judge Denuon.i balance, not a mythical one." It was| es ldAttornvey;Gener:a!, the _ clause would continue in his position on the | needed to arrest the debt indicator,| :;Cf'i t edbe futile if the measure were Bench. To a question from Russell| Which had gone up in recent years 'Ke;xa 7 3", a second -- reading. The Nesbitt, K.C., he answered that the | with alarming rapidity. It was nesded 'ac'!i'gfl ,,e t?ia"-t'hdi,d n:',t agref' to the | Judge would not sit on the Toronto| in order that services rendered by s ntil it had passed Parliament. | Policc Commission, and agreed that the Province might not be curtailed e one man should nct be connected or impaired with the administration of justice in 'Hle presented to the House the plight three capacities. 6of the Ontario farmer, who had pared G t l Although the Attorney--General andl his expenAitures to the bone in or-- Overnmen k | the former Attorney--General wound | d@er to hang on to his farm in the @ is up their Monday fight peaceably, each | hope of returning prospority. Farm Dzspenses Wlth shot a couple of bursts of "last-- | home after farm homs was without a | minute" fire at his opponent. daily paper, and many without a weok-- D kh d The Attorney--General read a press ly paper; telephone lines which once eC an statement sayving the Toronto Magis-- had 25 to 30 subscribers, now had trates had bren fighting the profes-- on'!_\'_ 4 or 5; rm'me:'.s had stopped using HAT ars the dulles of & Go¥® slonal bond racket for twenty years. electric light, he said. f Tho Attorney--General had con-- "'They are in no greater difficulty, eenment? ' | tinued the improvement of the City however, than the small wage--earner A sidelight on this age--old argu-- 1 Hall courts, said Colonel Price. But who is trying to keep his home to-- ment was furnished yesterday by a 3 he sent Mr. Roebuck the name of a ; geth:r. I say that these two classes "return" tabled in the Onldrio ' suspected professional _ bondsman ' must not be imposed upon further. Legislature. -- It listed -- Provinelal 1 / across the floor of the House. \ Prosperity must return to these':.wo employees :fired by the Hepburn | "There have been rumors of pro--| classes before prosperity can return Government and the Civil Service fessional bondsmen," said Mr. Roe-' to the nation. jcbs they had been performing for | buck's predecessor, "and it's a very "The Government has decided to the PDoviwe. |bad thing, because it's strictly mmst'l impose an income tax, and I most The list of dismissed Provincial the law. The Attorney--General should| _ heariily concur, for I think that i: employees included: "Eye specialist, ' watch Don Jail and the way people| | wili fall upon the shoulders of thos: gardener, blacksmith maid, fore-- :| congregate there to get cases." | people who are most able to bear it man, mattress maker, ice crusher, f The fire crackled m'n '.Mn' "I think those with large!' incomes occupa(ional theraplst' laundress, |Colonel _ Price urged indeperdent! _ should add more 'han they have done psychologist, chef, assistant at bird |Police Commissions and regretted PO--; _ goward the lifting of this depression. farm. fireman on patrol boat, lice Commission app«éniments which : "If we get money from these larger cameraman, hatchery assistant, and leave the impression thet a citw is in| _ prackets it will give the farmer and cook and deckhand on patrol boat." control of the Attorney--General. | _ the laborer a breathing spell, which Some 1,088 employees were re-- The Colonel also asked why the they must have if this country is to | quested to resign or dismissed from Commission investigating the Toront0; _ mar, a comeback." the U.F.O. mem-- | the Ontario Civil Service in the first _ police force had cut short its hear. ber said. He was "sick and tired" nine months of the Hepburn regime, ing. It may be necessary to catema of the debate on the bill, and urged it was learned. | the investigation and p>rhaps into the that it be pushed through as quickly ' professional bond racket, he said. ible j The duties discharged by Max mss poss:Di¢. Clavir, former Toronto J.P., are <o + be taken care of by Norman Borins 'HOUSG HOI\OI'S Heenan | LEDUC CORRECTS under an appointment expected from | o o i CTl ON uies nb Oontes) Soinus Rosbitk to-- | _ On His 61st Birthday MISCONSTRU Mr. Borins, the Attorney--General| * | es k said last night, is at present one of! ||r.ltuits ucusy to Hon reer Remark Not Intended for the Crown attorneys under Mr. Mc--| U * * } * Heenan, Minister of Lands and For--| { V eterans Fadden, a lawyer, and experienced ht ests, who celebrated his sixty--first 6 | m m " tm Pou" cm- I bl!'tilday. ' niuidhecccrerasommenrennmrr en kn ; # f He will be created a Justice of the 'There was a basket of roses on Mr.| Hon. Paul Leduc, Ontario Minister | _ | Peace. Hesnan's desk, and Attorney--CGenerali| of Mines, ross on a question of | g!ccbuck called attention to the birth-- i ; privilege in the Legislature last night" | c oT t ight a report which, he under---- The Minister felt he had the good | to put rig rl which, | wishes of the Legislature. i ;tr%oqg' was appearing in the morning | "I have the honor to represent a e ANMEWE ; e | part of this Province, 334,000 miles in iiin sorcted as eayingy siraveing | extent," said Mr. Hesnan. o1 Hrese orof slonat" pagrihs." "I | _ It was as large as nine States of (\)'Entni?(tao gemu%derstoodp" he tc;ld the |~ 'the United States and aiso equalled Tiouss last night, "that I was speak» + |the combined area of the United rlouts Intt ME f is s | te ing, not of veterans, but of the peop wingdom,. France and [A# f the o ite side of the House who | _ The distance from one to the other To makine polifical capital out of 16." | was as far as from Brussels, Belgium, 3Y§Nnfl" ¥ gHgioghingfton as the House| to Limerick, "in old Ir2land." WEY: ca. said the reference Sshould | 4 | Due to its size the area was suscep-- ' ad}oubrgx. Aoolied to . an . Oppositionil tible to political manipulation, and he ; not SpP | pleaded for consideration of his prob-- member. B e ' * lems in trying to administer the area. wl A «k o* Phas . .'m'&t'\:.' PS