The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Feb 1936, p. 2

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, . Felines»; " f I " _ _ ' . , Colonel m Hunter (rim. med ,taC2itttt." '; i Til REFuun t',ttt,2,titiili,uoLiiitft2o,'lr mdidnottteeierrettrmattetteaattrr1 Government that diers did not toto1anrtttertdesmiatstinthitsre- i w" wanttobeexemptedfrompayingthespec't.bt1toniyneceuu'ytofoilowit ' I "ER 'l'ederal tax. That they had volun- in essentials. My surrendered a right of exemp- The Ontario Government was al- i , tian at a conference in Ottawa several lowing an exemption for the amount. 5 . years Mo. of a taxptryer'a Dominion income taint i For patriotic reasons they had vol- 1 W. A. Baird. Toronto Conservative. _ , untarily given it up becnise they were M.P.P., noted. ' -----_.-- ltold and realized that the Govern- The f,'ogiru'gtne2u'tiu' shim: ' ment of Canada was in a ti ht i- apprcac tawa w e sugges N ATTEMPT try the. ' tion financially. g pos that they take a similar exemption in q on Further heated debate from the Op- their tax. oppositi to have position side of the House prompted The House rose at 11 pm. and 1e military P e n sio n 3 Mr. Hepburn to declare: "This House journed on the motion of the Premier. _ exempted from the Provln- knows full well that we must follow cial income tax was rejected l federal bill in order that ttt Do.. minion may collect the tax without . by the Government last any addi'ional expense. Our alter- . night, but Premier Hepburn native is to set, up our own machinery indicated his Administra- at a Tlet $00000 per year." V tion might make refunds to "It.";,,,'.,?,"::,?:,',".."?,: just shows returned soldiers whose pen- one of the fatal weaknesses of this ttiontt were taxed. bill." A Crown authority such as the _ Wt Infested. Legislature of the Province of On- A fight over taxation of military tario should not be forced into such pensions was precipitated by Wilfrid . Helghington (Conservative. Toronto- ' ug,'..'.?,::; 'ftu','gtt.ts answer was St. David) shortly after the House I iiy'i!,1tll' q h .id be laced, .dissoived into Committee of the I 2"/'/ll'g,'"'l1fetd' 'll' had a) "not i t & "t,tu to 15 the Government downed exactly the laws enacted by another his amendment to the act, which1 Parliament, he insisted. would have exempted all soldiers.i Mr. Hepburn "we." interrupt that 'qtttettter Imperitrl Army or Canadiani the Henry Administration had done, - _----- ------. just such a thing in another piece of. Army, from making a return on the magnum. I tttat. . tmservative ker insisted- The Omernttwnt, explained Premier .l 113223" finished "f,ff point when ' Hepburn and Hon. Paul team. were in". Premier interrupted him. t forced to follow the Federal Income I Mr Hepburn-you seldom make .' Tax Act. It was impossible to change i point i the schedules. as was suggested. and Mr. Henry-That is just one of the. the only alternative they had was to l r.-iiiiioii wisecracks of the Premier. iil set up their on collection machinery. l is beneath the digrtity of a Prime Min- I _ its; txxrt of $'h50.000 per "ttr. they .lstxr. The intelligence of the mem-' Premier Hepburn promised that he a, It,'m,dy 311%: "fl; 22,52"; would give consideration to making a {many points they iret beneath his F refund of taxes collected from such; 1'/tit pensions. . . . ' Mr. Hepburn-t couldn't get one be- The Government also defeated two P" . motions to increase exemptions on or- l heath your skin. noteven withapick- (minty incomes. l axe. Both were pmpmed by Arthur Ellis, Refund to Be Considered. (Cons, Ottawa Seuthi. who first urged I i Mr Leduc-you cannot expect the that exemptions for householders and I Dominion to make collections if we married men be increased from $2.000 , have exemptions which they have not .to 83.000; and. secondly. that exemp- I You have the assurance of the Pre- tions tor single persons be increased; l mier that he will take into ccnsidera- , from $1,000 to 81.500. i tion refunding this tax. "Cannot Accept Amendment." , The Hepburn Administration was . Several cha that the H: b n _ ust as sympathetic. he said, as any Government :3: treating r"d','l,%' l Gov:rnmen:. to the needs ot the sol- soldiers unfairly were flung across the 1 diers. The Federal authorities, how- floor of the Hcuse by the Conservative ' ever, would have to make out MPM'- members. ate forms and keep separate books. The Committee of the Whole had and g.o through involved. expensive worked through part one of the act, procecure to make such allowances, and were starting on part two when he said. Mr. Beitthingtan voiced his objections Mr. Kidd--Juat another instance to Section 4. Subsection C. dealing this Government is not taking care with taxable incomes, and which of returned soldiers. reads: The Government had refused point "The income of officials of Great blank to consider the amendment. he Britain or any of its self-governing said. colonies whose duties require them to "And gave its reasons." heatedly de- reside in Ontario and who are not clared Mr. Leduc. _ engaged in any business or calling l The Minister of Mines at back int other than the duties appertaining C his seat and muttered: 'Wm sick and to their omcial position." tired of professional patriots." He asked the House to consider his There was a standing order with amendment. exempting soldiers. lm- this Government that special prefer-, . ni'ediately Hon. Paul Leduc was on once should be given soldiers. J. J. . his feet. "We cannot accept, the Glass (Liberal, Toronto St. Andrew), amendment." he said. declared. . Mr. Teeitttrington-'rttat is a rather The vote was taken and the amend- , startling statemcnt to make to this ment defeated. . ' _House. Taxes were being paid in my," Exemptions. thine sums by every citizen in the , l country to maintain pensions tor sol.. oAfr"tU'1li,uftg'nerg"ike,),t :ahigied f diets. tor men who had been wounded Ing that the Provincial Treasurer up: . ,'in the succor of their country. der the act had 'liii1t,tt'Grt',re."iti". ltr the floJ,".'ll'i'1'1 ftte o't.'yr action" and that the people were "at ' . propose A . meter" _ Mr. "due-Mar I ask my friend Later he proposed an amendment 1 if these pensions are exempted under increasing the exemptions for house- the W1 tl'. C t,It" and married persons from mun . use. .. to 83,000. _ Unfortunately. said Mr. Heighington. "My honorable friend knows vex? such was not the case. but "another 1elli't' Tim"? mixing" gent": man's wro " did not make this Gov- a . ' , ernment "ugh" he said. great field day for my friends 0990.. . Me knew of a soldier with the rank trite and they can make what political _ . at mm. who had lost the an: "hte 3:97;"- m that t it! both eyes. This man received a folio t"; tt f,ffl,t Act fie?" ithelt - m 'I,000, ttu'. m was our :wn machinery All Jr, talk": l 'tt-tottttotttiaamertunent. futile" - . , "Ifeelsostmngiythatthisaovern- iirrnii, insistedthatttwashis _eetNuee.ett2t,.t"eteeuee.'r,, privilegetofmavotecneverysec- . . ttu.""'"""'",'?""'"""} -tioniftteatrd+.dt_ttnt,mstti' . "tu'cr. mid. m __- tte.hil+ ,heuidzendthe Premier 4

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