The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Feb 1936, p. 1

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ebrvaxy 22 - I oo % |Atemmmniiiliiinmmmmmamemscmmmmmmmmmmees-- Will Be Considered ' + # Provincial Poll Proposed to Hepburn by Pro-- hibitionists s AI_E UF BuNDs | Nee rmmmmmmrmmniineges | "More consideration" to the pro-- | posal for a Province--wide referendum f un beverage rooms was promised a . | * deputation of prohibitionists yester-- | aay by Premier Mitchell Hepburn. l errrmireere e nronereerntceuin | Retuset Last Year. Roebuck Explains Hydro Last year he told a deputation from * s the Ontario Temperance Federation Flotatlon Method $ that there could be no referendum. o O ® Yesterday, following a lengthy dis-- e . on -- cussion, he concluded the interview by Any and all ijirms desiring to saying: tender on the sale of $15,000,000 "You have been so extremely mod--" worlth of bonds o the Ontario Hydro erate in your demands that I will Commission were permitted to do so, f give them more consideration than I the Legislature was informed otherwise would have done." . _ _day by Attorney--General Arthur Roe-- The deputation included R. S. Rodd, buck. President of the Ontario Temperance The matter arose when T. A. Kidd Federation: Rev. Dr. W. J. Irwin, (Conservative, Kingston) read from Becretary; Mrs. E. T. Kerr, Ottawa; The Globe a report of the acceptance Mrs. William Pugsley, Rev. Geralid Oof the successful bid, and inquired: Despard, Rev. John Coburn, To-- '"'Were any tenders called?" ronto; Peter Porter, Burford, and Rev. Mr. Rocbuck admitted that tnere Dr. Allan Ferry. had been no formal'ly advertised ten-- ; The Government would "hear no Gers, but added: "That is not the : more" from the dry group if such Praciice. The fact thag Hydro was : a referendum went against them, said in the market was made known to : Rev. Dr. Coburn. the interested brokers. All those who had any desire to tender were allowed | Wants Liquor Out of Politics. to do so." | , "We have been euchred -- gypped "Then,"' interposed Mr. Kigd. "there out of a fair chance to express our Were no tenders called for. 4 opinion," said Dr. Coburn, in refer-- "My friend is wrong in making ence to beer parlors. that sweeping statement," repliecd the & Dr. Coburn feit that the Premier -- Attorney--General. Brokers, both in could take the ertire liquor question Toronto and abroad, had been ad-- out of politics within two days. "Re-- \ised, he explained, and there was an f | lease your followers from caucus con--. "OPPortunity for competiive bld°k | trol on the issue, and challenge the In what way """,.,me brokers Opposition to do the same." he ar-- given the inforn.mtion'. asked I-?g)r_x'. gued. "Throw the question open.| Ge.orge Henry. "By c..rcular le'tt,c.i Some of your followers are dry, and | By adtual application by ,tihf. (:1",7 represent dry ridings. The first step | cers of Hydro and by ne'?rma .9 £, is to release them from caucus con-- returned Mr. Roebuck, who, when trol and treat it as a moral and so.| MLI-- Menry persisted and cgfnmed that . | cial problem." "that didn't clear the air, _suggeeted f f his interrogator put a question on the "May I point ont," returned Mr. . order paper if he wished complete in-- f Hepburn, "that that is all right in _ rormation. This ended the incident. f theory, but will not work out in prac-- i tice, If the Government introduces a measure and fails to have it passed, | it must, under British Parliamentary a procedure, resign." \ _"That strengthens our second pro-- | position that you give the people a 'plebiscltc on the Llssuz'r.'"a said Dr. | W Coburn. "We should ve a non-- \ ; f partisan vote." is ' Omen ' _ When a member of the deputation | ; suggested that the annual revenue to M ust Wear H ats ' the Government from the liquor traf-- 6 ¢ fic must be about $70,000,000, Mr. | Hepburn secured from E. G. Odette, I n Galler les Liquor Control Commissioner, the in-- ; formation that the actual figure was HA'I'LESS women and applauding f $8,000,000 for the fiscal year closing spectators are among those f March --31, 1936. _ who will in future feel the force of f "Lop--Sided Proposition." ! regulations applying to the conduct | "There will always be drinking.' I loatt,u?gws in the Ontario Legis-- r Mr. Hepburn commented, ~and as " | long as human nature is what it is, | _ In an effort to assure greater ? the only alternative is to drive i: | dignity in the Chamber while the ' oo _ House is in session, Speaker Norman underground and deprive the Govern-- | o. Hipe!l has decreed that no ; ment of revenue." He asked Dr. i women without hats will be allowed | Coburn whether, if Ontario voted in the galeries or on the floor:; that d wet, the Federation would approve speciators who isud will be Te ? | the granting of beer parior authori-- fused readmissi:r?pto the galleries: k | ties in local optl'?n counties. Dr. that no movement toward exits will } | Coburn said, "No. o | be tolerated in the galleries on mo-- ;, | _ The Premier said it seemed iike | tion for adjournment until the + a '"lop--sided pru;'pasxtian. but Dr. | Speaker has retired; and that no F Coburn added: "We are only ask-- | visitor will be admitted to any ' ing for a referendum so that we may | gallery or to the floor--level wings : go back to the position we were in | without a card secured from the | before Mr. Henry proposed this veer Speaker's office. j ard wine legislation." Even civil servants, it is under-- I Mr. Odeite announced that, not stood, have been instructed that only had the Liquor Board practical-- they are not to attempt to watch ly ceased issuing authorities, but proceedings, unless they wish to | "there will be fewer authoritiscs when ' secure a card to the gallery. the new ones are issued in April." | * (fivdirncevonn proberreteianl ie yelonrs on ce in en neiessws.---- . ce . |,. The Premier then promised consid-- f --eration of the ~deputation's request, | and the interview terminated. '

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