The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1936, p. 1

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3 "You got that money from the 'banks and the insurance companies. and not, as you have led the public ito believe. from the small investor," charged Colonel Price. opening the Opposition attack. "My honorable mend. the Premier. himself tele- phoned the insurance companies and told them that they had to buy the mail " demand a withdrawal ot that statement." thundered the Prime Minister. " telephoned no insurance icompany. I threatened nobody. As a !matier of fact. I had to ask some filth") to cut their subscriptions in l n l "M you didn't telephone. then who did?" persisted Colonel Price. "It's 1time the Government quit trying to fspread the impression that it's fight- ', in: the banks and insurance compa- nies. Every time any member on this side ot the House raises his voice on financial matters, we're accused ot supporting the moneyed interests. "Fenian my honorable friend will tell us," said Hon. Leopold Macaulay (Con. York South) if more than a million dollars was subscribed by the, small investors?" Painting an afternoon ot internm- tent debate was the Opposition's bitter Moron thesecondmeasure. in the course at which ionner Premier Henry termed it "the most remarkable mean. we ever submitted to this House," and former Attorney-General W. H. Price ctuatieet1y reierred to the Govern- ment tender " " Hitler in embryo." Regarding the first issue. raised by t3ongerrattve Leader Henry. Premier Hepburn opened the discussion with the announcement that it was "not 3 mother tor public information." Ho {recalled that tor a similar meson the By a vote of 61 to 16, the House voted down the notice of motion at Hon. George a. Henry "that there be laid before the House a return show- ing the names of all purchasers of the bald issue " the time of the 820.- 000.000 bond issue of July, 1935. show- ing the total purchase in each cage." A short time later. by a count of 61 to 17-8am Lawrence. East Hamil- ton Laborite. voting with the Op- position-the House supported a Gov- ernment notice of motion rescind- ing a resolution ot April IT, 1935. which would have forced the tubing ot a return showing "the expendi- ture and revenue on ordinary and capital account for the months ot August, September. October. Novem' ber. December and January in each of the years 1929 to 1935. inclusive." The Government motion. over the name at Provincial Secretary H. C. Nixon. furthermore instructed the Clerk to delete the entry from the Journals. which purported to show that the returns had been made. Mable Measure. One Nam. By overwhelming majorities. two divisions in the Ontario Legislature natal-61y attemoon upheld the Gov- ernment ot Hon. Mitchell Hepburn in its rental to furnish records and in- mmntmn to the Conservative Oppo- Henry Demands Names, of Purchasers of July Bond Issue DATA REFUSED T0 0PP08|T|0N " GOVERNMENT "You might Just as well at the tunes of all deposition In the Ontario Savings Bank " denim to know the names of m purettturers or that 1035 bond we." he observed. Haney From Banks! ream-d that tor a similar reason the former Conservative Administrauon had withheld requested infatuation during its term of office. I Answering Mr. Henry's change that _the proposed minding of the 1935 (resolution regarding revenue informa- 3 tion was unprecedented. Mr. Hepburn ' produced the minutes of the House for 11905. gnu-em it was revealed that u "Do you can the pattv'trioiiaiii, does the party?" asked Mr. He: [4nd what happened to Bill a "This is the second time you've been 'shunted over then." reverted Mr. Nixon. amid laughter. Sees Embryo Bitter. Me. Henry, however, was not sub. dued. He remarked that he had re- cently met a former Minister of the Relehstag who for speaking out ot turn had been interned. Mr. Hep- burn. he ma, was " Hitler in embryo." "You're Leader of your party now," he said to the Premier. "but who do "ou_exp-eet, will follow you?" "I've get more tomiving me than vou_have," shpt back the Premier. "No. It's Ash Wednesday. and I should think the Government would be treading a narrow path today," urged Mr: Henry. Leader asserted. "He can only re- scind the resolution. It's a. physical impoedb0ity for a clerk to delete any- thing from the records of the House which have been circulated through- out the Province. it not the entire Do- minion." The Provincial Secretary. he added, ought to know that. for he tratintheaeeondrow (astvindal Secretary in the Drury Cabinet) be- fore he was "shunted over here." POINTS?" "It's not April Fool's Day yet," put in, yr. Mummy. "Surely." pressed tii. Henry. "the government doesn't print bills for the sole purpose ot playing jokes on news- "We Were just, playing' a. little joke on the Mall and Empire," Mr. Hep- burg rtstorted smilingly. lts history, or since Confederation. "He caa't delete from that. recon}, no Ptrtler what he does." the Opposition Mr. Henry termed the measure be- tore the House the most remarkable in m friend. the Evan's Telegram." JU Mr. Henry mused m. motion, the Premier said: "Wa not acceptable P, the 96vermnent, Ind that's no an mm. the "bnnGd" He moved mu lt be struck from the order paper. "tf was when on a vote ot 61 to 16. tthe corpomtiori -tax bill). Proceeding " once to the attack on the Government move to block the desired ordintry and capital account duh, Colonel Price complained bit- toriy: "With public accounts not being revealed, with other this being with- held, and with the Government re- (using to give financial information regarding Provincial affairs. I Mk you Mr. Speaker. how is the Opposr tion io carry on? We've had the Prime Minister on the busting: broad- casting information which he refused to give this House." Proud of Record. Hon. George Challles. former Pro- vincial Secretary. produced records which, he said. proved that Govern- ment statements had. in the but been Issued " times within tive (my: ot closing the books." "Travelling Cabinet." "How do you expect me to have ac- cess to the files when you have them?" demanded Mr. Nixon, with heat. "You have a lot ot files which should be in my possession." "We're some to be very happy. at a later date," replied Mr. Hepburn. "to present all the information. not only to the House, but to the public. at the proper time, and when we do. we are going to be very proud of our record My honorable friends are be- Ing unfair. it's physically impossible to provide this information now." Mr. Challies demanded I. with. drawal, but Mr. Nixon merely re- newed the charge. He was frequent- ly finding that papers and files were missing from his omce. The situation was rapidly nearing the explosive stage when the entrance into the House of Hon. Duncan Marshall. Minister of Agriculture. ac- companicd by a Liberal demonstra- tion of welcome, created a diversion Mr. Challies contented himself with welcoming home "another Member ot the travelling Cabinet." ebruary a. '1 52?" "The principle Was the same," as- serted the Premier. "ttttlution of the House regarding the Gamay cue was rescinded following the receipt ot the Royal Commission report. "That was diffmnt." argued Mr. Macaulay. "It involved a reflection on the character of an individual." That William Reid, an inmate, who was fatally injured by a falling tree on Jan. 27 of this year, had reported sick early on the morning of his death. but had been ordered out with the wood-cutting gang in the bush, where he was fatally injured; that an- other inmate who had the fullest knowledge ot the accident. had been prevented from attending the inquest: that Nicholas Vataroviteh died at Bar- wash in August of 1935 of a ruptured artery after he had several times re- ported Mek, and had been pronounced healthy: that the author of the state- ment himself suffered from a lung condition, which was allowed to go without proper treatment until an inspecting physician arrived: that another inmate suffering trom infected tonsils was flogged and given solitary confinement; that the in- mates of Camp No. l. predominantly Catholics. were on occasion forced to attend a Protestant Church service or lose the privilege of hearing a hockey broadcast: that when a num- ber of men lined up, on another occa- sion. to attend a special communion service a guard dispersed them, tore down the notice ot the service, and said: "Get the -..- out to work"; and finally. that favoritism is rampant at Burwash. and that more men have been flogged there in the pastfour months than in the whole previous year. Demanding that the charm be in- vestigated, Mr. Lawrence passed the statement amass the noor to Hon. H. G. Nixon. Provincial Secretary, who promised to "look into it." The charges in the statement in- clude the following: Charges Levelled by For- mer Prisoner illllllhlelll PROBE ASKED Ill HOUSE Serious charges ot harsh treatment and lack of proper medical care ot inmates at Burwash Reformatory are set forth by a. former prisoner in a. sworn statement which Sam Law- rence, C.C.F. member for East Ham- ilton, produced in the Ontario Legis- lature yesterday. LIBERALS RAPPED OVER DISMISSALS Henry Says Newspapers Know First Gonaervutive Leader George S. Henry severely criticized the Ontario Government in yesterday's Legislature tor announcing Civil Service dismis- sals 1n the was before sending the information to the discharged em- Noree--in this case, Inspector Hamar aardner of the Provincial Police. " merely confirmed the press gal- lery report that the man had been dismissed." said Premier Hepburn. Attorney-General Roebuck told Mr. Henry that the news was purposely withheld until a. notice was sent to Gardner. "He was dismissed for sumicienl reason," said the Premier. "1 think we are treating him very generously in dismissing him and not taking anther mtion."

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