¥ f february 27 i iriil l e a aana paring tor action as soon as they can assemvole. George Downsy, Bolton, declared tonight that he "didn't think much"* of the announcement, and Rev. S. H. Soper, pastor of St. Paul's United Church, Brampon, 11 cA said that a Governntent that under-- mined the authority of law and order by such drastic acts could not be _ supported. Liquor Control Act Wnll' R f d G t $ ' . ' Be Enforced, Says _ | e U n Ua ra n ee =-- ... _ Urged for Tax Bill Premier Hepburn, late yesterday in| rge Or ax l the Ontario Legislature, denied in-- ferences that he was granting new semnmmmmen n immmmmmme mm mempee oo m permits for beer and wine sale in 3e P N Canada Temperance Act territory. CcONSER V A TIV E ;mthmcmfixéfl:m the be ggte':xttaotf:e;hfnlltig:f c(i(::nx::l:]s Act will C.C.F. attack in the Mr. Croll countered with the 3&0:1-1 P C 4 informed The statement followed newspaper Legislature late yes-- mgti'cip:g?ttiesheot h:;,ie tax plans in flare lines, stating the Premier might terday pointed out that the |January and had not received one open liquor stores in the affected a complaint. areas: Peel, Perth and Huron Coun-- income tax bills now pend-- | wnam' puckworth, Toronto Con-- ties and Manitoulin Island. The Pre-- ing in the House do not |servative M.P.P., opened the fire by mier called them "misleading." I { a to the asking what security guaranteed re-- "The Brampton decision decided the| Suarantee refunds funds from the present Government Canada Temperance Act was ultra | municipalities after this | or future Governments to the munici-- vires," said the Premier. "It was de-- year. palities. In Toronto, he said, the cided our law officers should enforce little taxpayer was anxious to get this the Liquor Control Act in those dis-- Hamilton Resolution. guarantee and the knowledge that his tricts. The Government is not think--| | 1f these refunds stop, the Opposi-- | property tax would not go higher. ing of opening new stores or granting |tlon contended, the already burden--| The fight over reimbursements new authorities.'" | some property rates would have to be |came after the Government had in-- The Premier's announcement that jumped. The protesting members | troduced its two bills supplementing the LC.A. would now be enforced in suggested that a bill should guaran-- | the income tax and carried the first Peel, Perth and Huron is considered tee the refunds to the municipal | through second reading. Arthur Eilis more nearly a legal formality than & ) [ treasuries as long as a Provincial in-- | attacked the provision of this bill change in liquor control policy. When come tax is levied--and --otherwise t which gives certain income--tax payers the Supreme Court at Ottawa decided asked for some statement from the | & municipal vote, but there was little last suramer that the C.T.A. was still Government other argument. law in those countiecs Premier Hepburn The only.assuranoe he could give| The Province lost the business tax | said the court--discarded LC.A. would them, said Municipal Affairs Minister | revenue in this measure, Mr. Croll | not be enforced. Because the Province Davk'l Croll, was the assurance con. |POointed out, but could afford this loss \ decided to appeal, the Liquor Board tained in the clauses of the pending | DECaUse it knew just what it would be. | did not cancel the existing authorities | bills permitting the Government to The desired exemptions against real in the affected counties. make refunds after 1936--plus the estate income, he said, had been at hnate soeacis nould now an.| | [good faeith whien the 'GCovernment | fePIGE JrS the same resson--bercuct j w now en-- a ;Z:Ote ??1:"(')31?38%'?: cliguoro;x;: in Peel, had Showf' in dealing with the MU-- |¢neir total and because there was an Perth and Huron on the basis of the ;mtmuez rted as a back--benchers:|210wance for depreciation, interest, ultra vires decision. No applications | hok w.: cading when the House taxes, insurance ag;i rtz;:lairs dAmchts for new authorities are pending in this fig Oolm W.H. Price insisted The Minister indica amen: en it was learned, and aside from rose. onel W. H. would be brought down which would . the 1 lities. officials predict-- on adjourning debate to preserve the | cars for partnershin returns. | the legal formalitics, 0 i avike. Conservative right to argue out the| yr, Croll used the lack--of--statistics ed there wil be Hiftle change. 'nunbursement. provisions at a future | argument again when he defended the Drys Plan Action session. second bill, which will give Toronto A formal City of Hamilton resolu-- |and other income--tax collecting cities Brampton, Feb. 26 (Special).--PIC-- _ |gon and an appeal for a mass mU-- |a 1936 refund equal to their 1935 levy. | mier Mitchell F. Hepburn's announce-- nicipality attack on the income tax| The Government, said Mr. Croll, had ;mem that the Liquor Control Act will featured the Opposition fight. The|no gauge to measure the amount of be considered in force in the Counties _ |ramilton resolution was presented by|tax which would come in from cities | of Peel, Perth, Huron and Mantoulin Sam Lawrence, C.C.F. member fof |not heretofore levying the tax. After| Is!land, created a furore here tonight. Hamilton, and said the city was op--| 1936, he said, it would know what| Temperance forces were shocked bY _ posed to the tax bill unless it set OUt | these centres paid in income--tax rev--. thke announcement, while hotel-keep- 'mum and definite mmmuon enue. ers rejoiced at the prospect of being for the future. "We are then in 2 posipion to im« put on an even footing with the hos-- "I think the municipalities have| burse to these municipalities the telries of York and Halton, in which been asleop, because they don't know |amount of taxes collected," the Min-- beverage rooms are operated. . what is going to happen and you can't |ister promised: but he added the quali-- "I don't think that the Province can _ tep them what's going to happen. I l fication that that must be as the Gove: . . Isue licenses in Brampton," was the _ think the municipalities should have gmment saw fit. j cpin'on of R. W. Lont, Town Solici-- tor of Brampton. and Crown Attor-- ney A. G. Davis, K.C., was of the same opinion. "Good." said George Bowers, proprietor of the Cooksville Irn. "I hopso all the hotel--keepers in the county get liconses. I can't say where we stand until I hear from the Pcrsonal Liberty Leagus." Standard hoteols in the county are loucatecd as follows: Port Credit 1 ONTARIO BONDS Ccooksville 1, Streetsville 1, Brampton , Claireville 1, Bolton 1, Pafg:'agf' 2 YIELD 2.5 PER CENT. Caledon 1, Alion 1, Inglewood 1. Com-- | Ne esmm rormrer ces plications arise in other municipalities _ _The average interest rate on On-- than Brampton, however, over the tario bonds floated since the present i ma L)l of local 0;)110!'). According to J Government took office has been 25 d ck, now member of the Milk ' per . $ ' Control Board and former Mayor of gepbc:l?l:'l: fi?yot:m %egtli?ulg Brampton, "The majority of Peel yesterday afternoon revealed. The in-- municipalities wont dry by local op-- formation was asked by Arthur Ellis ticn, beginning in 1914 when Bramp-- (Cons., Ottawa South.) tor voted to stop liquor sales, Some The return stated that on Aug. 30 cther municipalities voted at the same & $37,500,000 issue had been sold at. time, and others a year later. Those 2 per cent. interest to A. E. Ames municipalities now under local option & Company, the Canadian B'ank of are Bromor on orimnis of Calee -- Commerce, Dominion Securities, the don, Albion, Chinguacousy and To-- Royal Bank, and Wood--Gundy & Co : E ronto Gore, and the Village of Bolton. at 98.782. The same group paid 98.85 Those mot under local option are: for a $10,000,000 issue last August. In Toronto Township, Streetsville and June, of last year, the Government Port Credit. got 100 on a $20,000,000 issue, and in | _ Aside from the legal aspect of the November of that year 97.85 on $15,-- c Premier's decision, members of the 000,000. § o | Peel Temperance Federation are s