The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1936, p. 2

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"I MAKE N " "that; keGiidniifikAe met-ripe 0 CHARGE when they were withdrawn from public a'"------- use and consigned to timber com- Firetitttttem tn the Northern forests panics. The companies. he clawed. could find it profitable under Wit- gfi not may" 'd,ilu'lfdet',t,"d Pin]- ' e men as y were u :11: go? ' umu end Porous part rent for the Ontario pWrties. miniatm been: his Mile», 1naoortngtheleaaaondtttemi ins money by setting line. C. W. Goat., ing of the leases, the lumber bore Libegat metntter foe met Arthur, aug-' tgg if"? the J,',ttt,,','Stt ' arty. cue ter one en - ttested tn "may. mm"- ed the profits made under m- Conserntive We. tive regimes by 1eaaehttldett--'V The ehame drew instant Concern- gred friends of the Consemtive ar r." tive protests that Mr. 00:: was chen- "These resources." he said when he ing arson and should name the no summed up, "were disposed ot under leged criminns. most questionable circumstances and ThePttrtArthur lumber RM") no attempt has been made by the make m. cm in that form and original grants? or t2hu',1,.f,"',1",'2f, to carry out t eir o ga ons un er gummmz thel Jtt'f,'?r,',',t; tho were merits of sale. In the circum- Mr Cox anid he ','2l,uttf%"tt stancas I maintain that there is only {members tsomething attout the the one timer-able wurse tor this Gov- raaet"ttetattge with" Mic be ernttwnt to follow, and that is to one ot the best medittttu Tlfddlare remind the agrzements and return the for the Commune and their mend, re-'urr's to thns? to wh-m they right- I m I will be tu1mmt to 'riiiirire' ifully bet-mg, the people of this Prov- mem' l nee." 2,fnd'egg't'lttA Sh 2,'lft, Mr. Cox insisted that his recent- wasteful m melee. OWN" oil. mmcluzion did not suggest action Provincm funds." i "him \'i'ouildddisrhpl the active paper u "m. cm." a an. pun outftmhem n lick ttt m in?! The Port Arthur member's hottest North wintry." " the met Arthur charge was laid against William Fin- member. The my," Bgwttttt m. laysnn, Lands and Forests Minister in Item but been W. the Ham-y regime. During the life- "lt's not worth while luring one Ilmo ot that rrg'me. he charged, a gang atop it while another M it." timber company holding a limit had "Did the Doped-taunt ot heads end repored that the limit was burned We hue s m of men m and that they required more timber. fires?" named former Ptemiee am, "It, and no: bern depleted. and had i, not been burned, no matter what they 'If . P." _ .. . . .. _ - [may say." said the member. _ More Fires Under Tories, C. W. Cox, Port Arthur, Suggests POREST ARSUN it HINTED IN tlitllturl1lllli "t wouldn't put it Jun. tint m. I would Just1iketotrnmrshatittduee- mentttwewaatomiettttedustir httrh-for81tid-ttettraueouht putotttttmsatt2Batir." "tknow Immetm mruldgooutinthetttmttstd+ are and an the 1mm mad M outthedrt-tdputouttheNe." "Dorrutneanthatfamtem new crooked that they would Mart gm. tmdgetotttthetrt-totmtttoutt" "William. " wouldn't a: they are not. but Issyttter*erer" A theNoettt%todsqrerealmttettnattra. that momma men hag! Wed 6nd made up the personnel ot the 1m- nghttnc t---"ftienda of the mm were sent out tn tho woods out! man who couldn't hell not pine M "r-ttttsu-ttttand-ttttet be mentioned inthe We," W. A. WM. Aluminium. Inter uncouth". ttsets-tttuit-tttest-tteine paid 3135 tor mknohlntowt out ftres.ttter-grttnetotrt+t 1tg','g'1flltum,, "In!!!" W (,2"rgi,=l,",l',','t"i'At'd,"re "uottePetetrtrettyiriht "he dame {met-s!" Mt. Henry "int ton youfnothet way you could old Administration tad 872.000 in the same district under the new mm- tmtion--doam't that 1ndieate some- thing is wrong?" [ongoPendhu' Attack. The changes were only B part od the Port Arthur member's speech. in which he made his long-pending am on the timber and pulpwood ieues " the Head of the Lakes end called tor their rescindment. 'mttthnttghtthtntdtt-ettttrt" thetomterPgmrtier. "raAttttttttt name the men and the comm." "tmsdenoottHtr-trtatutrper- leue titer leue by name a he fltryed the "rumination of the Crown tim.. ber lends from 1916 to 1934. no attempt has been made by the original grantees or their successors to carry out their obligations under the agrermenis of sale. In the circumv stances I maintain that there is only one hcncrable curse for this Gov- ernment to follow, and that is to rescind the agrsements and return the recure" to those to whom they right- fully belong, the people ot thts Prov- ince." Mr. Finlays'on. he said. had given them 205 more square miles without a can for tenders. He had reduced dues on the whole area. to the rated for burned timber. The company had filled its contracts without cutting u stick oft the new unit. Mr. Cox maimed that " recom- mendation did not suggest action which would disrupt the active paper and pulp industries. The Port Arthur member's hottest charge was laid against William Pin- layson. Lands and Forests Minister in the Hmry regime. During the life- time ot that regime. he chasm. a timher company holding a. limit had repmfed that the limit was burned and that they required more umber. "You might quite properly at why any one should receive these extract. dlnary concessions. I think that you will comprehend the reason when I tell you that, although the recipient was not even a Canadian citizen. he was a staunch supporter ot the Con- servative cause. having donated a much " $25.000 " a time to innuen- ual members ot the party." "You are saying the timber was not burned?" asked former Premier Henry. "I presume on your responsibility as a member?" . "I do," answered Mr. Cox. "Powell Manipulation." Eit' it reaved only $50,369. mak- itttt a saving to this company of $285.- 229 at the expense of the Province." Claim 825.000 Donation. '-n'me original dues had been paid," charcd Mr. Cox, "the Prove inee would have received 3341.599. Records ot. the Porestry Depart- ment, he said. were not the history of a. trust faithfully performed. "But rather they revealed a. Itort of 991m: cal manipulations for the benefit of a favored few. carried out with a. dar- ing and utter disregard for the rights ot the common people." Limits disposed of since 1917 with little or no return, he said. represent- ed nearly 16,000 'qufre, miles: or half me irisir Free sun. It FebruA'N t. tt scored HENRY MEMORY Y q MADE Til RHYME l WITH 'PLENTY' "A large part of the timber on these areas is overripe," he went on, "and should have been cut long ago. The appalling feature ot the situation is that, during the past twenty years. limits were sold, and until the present day not one of the conditions ot ale has been carried out, and previous to last spring not one woodman's m had as yet felled a single tree in the areas referred to." would take 7,000 men 70 years to cut the pulpwood on the stea. "one. This, he said, would have represent- ed gross business of $2,000,000,000. It the Government received dues amounting to $2 a cord on the stand- ing timber alone it would represent the sum of $100,000,000 to the Trea- ury of Ontario, Mr. Cox said. former Premier, hear himaelt described in the legislature yesterday by Dr. A. D. Roberts, Liberal member for Sault Ste. Marie. during resumption of the debate on the Speech from the Throne. That wasn't the only sally walnut the totmer Premier in Dr. Roberta's address. He accused Mr. Henry ot being "the biggest philanthropist at "" when he "called In four banker: to advise him how to float 31min and gave them $40,000 for their advicelf and ot announcing a. mythical sure plus of $200,000 two'years ago when actually his Government of the day was facing a $30,000,000 mat. . Dr. Roberts Says Tory Leader Was 'Philan.. thropist' to Bankers A"gua.rded allusion to the separate school issue was made by Dr. Roberts when he said that the British Mire had been founded and had grown on the foundation of just and fair treat- ment of conquered minorities. "Shall we in.this Province," he said, "not rice to the occasion now and treat mi- norities with justice and equity?" SMe.s limited. _ . Replying to criticism of the De- pertmept of Health voiced the pre- vious day by Russell Nesbitt (Gon- sctVetiv'e, _ Toronto-Brat-le), Dr. Roberts said, presumably in reference to some of F the departmental data quoted by Mr. Nesbltt: "There are in the Government service today persons not much better than third-rate spies. Sane ot them are handing out in- formetiou for the sole purpose of try- intt to embarrass the Government." Contrary to the claim of Mr. tar. bitt, he told the House, from June " 1984. to Jan. 31, 1936, the totat an! in the Health Department had (IND- ped from 2,411 to 2.303, file, .tt..Pe same time, the hospital pom had Increased by 10.3 per cent. Be explained several retirements, cited by Mt. Nesbltt. as due to physical iMrmity or advanced years. chimed that they had been accompanied by muted economies, and presented ow- stdenble other data to support his clan! that Hon. Dr. J. A. 'ryerr iari,riiiiiiniFaiauiering the De. partment ot Health. Of bonds he knew all. John Aird he couldn't recall. But he came back from the Canyon with plenty." O'Henry, was Mea

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