f March 4 ; ' C.C.F. ATTACK COUNSEL COSTS ON COVERNMENT _ ONTARIO $28,185 P RUVES F I Z z l. E Cabinet Travelling Ex-- We renirrin in reiede io penses Also Reported Sam Lawrence Mislays Cumneel m_------u it ag 646 * *» U connection wi ¢ @r-- Want of Confidence bitration proceedings between the Amendment Niagara Parks Commission and the International Railway Company cost the Ontario Government $28,485, ac-- Because he apparently had mislaid oord.'mg to a return tabled in the or forgotten the ammunition, . Sam fii-slature yesterday by Premier Hep-- & it n. Lawrence's biggest gun misfired yes Counsel to whom the sum of $1,750 terday when the CC.P. membor from was paid were Kilmer, Irving & Davis Hamilton East was raking the Liberal and Kilmer, Bandriau, Rumbel, Gor-- ranks with verbal volleys across the d?nslélza%eaf'ty- Ind addition, the sum ce & s was paid to the arbitrator. 4 fioor of the Legh»l.llur('.' % Included in the amounts paid When the d()ught}' Socialist reached counsel woere $300 for wW. N. Tllley. the peroration of his address on the K.C.; A. G. Slaght was paid $200 per aebate of the Speech from the Throne, day for an unstated number of days, the House waited expectantly for the in addition to out--of--pocket expenses. amendment of want of confidence in F. W. Griffiths, K.C", counsc! for the the Government, which, it had been Arbitration Commission, received $100 whispered, he proposed to move. per day, and G. W. Mason, K.C., $200 ~ But Mr. Lawrerce, when he finished per day. © :s lambasting the Government's rocord. Travelling expenses of the Hepburn just pawed once through his papers, Cabinet since July, 1934, to date were paused, and sat down. also filed with the House. And the reason advanced unofficially The figures for July 11 to Oct. 31, for the non--appearance of the amend-- 1934, were: Hon. L. J. Simpson, $200: ment was that the only copy in exis-- Hon. Peter Heenan, $325; Hon. Paul tence was at that moment in the pross Leduc, $12; Hod. J. A. Faulkner, gallery, being copied by eager corre-- $400; Hon. Duncan Marshall, $300; a spondents. total of $1,237. Later, following the tea recess, the For the period of Nov. 1, 1934, to Hamilton member sought the Speak-- March 31, 1935, the expenses were: er's permission to introduce "an Hon. Mr. Roebuck, $35; Hon. Mr. amendment." but was refused because Leduc, $170; Dr. Faulkner, $500, and he had terminated his addross. Hon. Duncan Marshall, $350; a total The amsndment was to have point-- of $1,055. ed out that the Government "entored From April 1, 1935, to Feb. 28, 1936, office with the promiss to call a spe-- the figures were as follows: Mr. Roe-- clal session to deal with unemploy-- buck, $348; Dr. Simpson, $500; Mr. ment . .. and pledged itself to reduce Heenan, $500; Mr. Leduc, $350;: Hon. taxation and Governmntal expendi-- D. A. OCroll, $1,500; Hon. Duncan tures," but had not, in the member's iMushfil, $1,150; a total of $4,348. opinion, achieved anything in either ® § directicn. «Mr. Lawrence's address was devo'ed mainly to discussion of relief prob-- lems throughout Ontario, with special reforence to Hamilton, and his re-- M b A l d marks wore largely addrossed to the em ers pp au Minister of Public Welfare, Hon. David Croll. t L He charged that worthy indigents ThruSts a awyers in Hamilton were being refused relief bacause old--age pensioners shared their home; that pensioners' pensions LAWYER-BAITING was a popu-- | Hydro's present legal staff were just were being deducted from relief al-- lar pastime in -- yesterday's | as gond lawyers, but didn't charge Jlowances, and he charged other un-- islat hich boasts a such fees, said the Attorney--General. fairness in relief administration. "You Ontario Legislature, w 5 "May I suggest they're too high led the people to believe you would do score of lawyers in its membership. | yet" said the Colonel. better than the previous Government," "Some of the honorable members| The Attorney--General got back at he said, "but I am here to say that sometimes say they're glad they're not| Colonel Hunter within five minutes. you have been doing even worse." lawyers," Wilfrid Heighington, Toron-- | Driving home a point. he said that it 'I;!;ed 1member ba:tnck?d legislation to K.C.. suggested in the afternoon. was the kernel of the m;t.f % K# pas ast year barring persons from ; "Did you say the kernel of the nut?" | holding public office because of non-- m'l;?sdx"ig;::)t};rle desks were inumped l put in the Colonel. : payment of rent. This hs termed In the evening, Attorney--General| "I didn't say the nut of the legislation with Fascist tendencies. Arthur Rosbuck told the House that i Colonel." | Hydro's 1933 legal expenses were| The Attorney--General had to tell $114.632. | the House that Hydro was a very im-- "Shame!" said Colonel Fraserlportant subject before the laughing Hunter. «topped. &«