The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1936, p. 2

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& _ March 6 j upon . careful examination of his & claims and siatements it can b,' 'Million--Dollar Poker ~Game." Ing $1,500,000 debentures paying 6 proved that he not only suppressed : Colonel Price then deta cent. interest, and $9,000,000 in bo:;: vital information but made many mis. | | iCD8th what he described as tl:ed At| !paying 5% per cent. interest. 'These | statemen's. Hon--dollar poker game"----4 ir mil-- _/ securities together demand interest of How much Quebec power do we | |tion whereby Hydro purchase ansac~ _ $685,000 per annum. On the other need today? Since 1929 the Commis-- quency--changin i & fre-- hand, the Commission's estima si g machine which th s es tes (as on has built its Chats Falls station Maclaren Coi ( per memo quoted abov ie &. » mpany had ordcred from s e) are at an mere it has 96,000 horsepower avail--' |the Westinghouse Com s interest rate of 5 per cent., which for | abte. In aduition to this 96,000 horse-- canselling the ordet. Tg:nyi" lana.:!' $8,567,286 amsunts to $426:364 The | power it needs severa hundreds was hurriedly made, he said l:; chase difference between $685,000 o,n& $428,-- . ' ' of thousands of horsepower from Que-- to avert a serious power sh live in 364 is $156,634, which means an extx:a, 1 irrng I e bo operation--and it is _ | Eastern Ontario t shorlage in | ( $1.05 bet horeebower for the 'Ottewa | KA . power. "This was al alley Power Company. | _"The Attorney--General telis us the course to"?jolatl:)ea rrfi:' s info belley, in Adll{ Oe t'opfiusy' we know that | Commussion had to buy 202,000 horse-- Ing at Ontarlo (fit'; c into believ= _ |the private company pays 50 cents per power trom Gatineau Power Company Quebec power. Wh not need any | / horsepower for the water it uses ::d , (in addition to the Commission's 96.«' | $1,000,000 each wde:xh ime chips cost, [also certain local taxes in Q;lebe 000 norsepower from Chats Palls). Tcemabic, . iL is 4 ey are not re-- | which the Commission does not whichc Ada on w this 202,000 horsepower | game," said Colonel Pr\;;ry "e;};l)e Tore 'added to the $1.95, would bring its about 60.000 horsepower from the of the whole scheme is that th e joke charges to at least $2.50 per horse-- | Gatineau and 20,000 itorsepower from mission does not int da, o Ti | .. . ©Ta vo," than the Commission's, or | he Ottawa & Hull Power Co., and $1,000,000 new machl;r;' 1?1511;8 o. ito $14 per horsepower. Furthermore | we have & total of nearly 300,000 | cannot, for it has no fa ies feri" |coniact was for Seaouue Company's horsepower ~af so--called unwanted doing so. There is onl Nce _ jo| [EnpMact was for 96.000 horsepower at I | power being used today; and, remem-- : only one high--| . $15 per horsepower for 70 per cent. load | ber, the Hydro could never have got tension transmission line going east 'factor. If for any reason, such a.slow | that extra 96,000 horsepower from from Chats Falls and that line is for , water on the Otiawa, it cannot supply |\Chats Falls i' it had not entered into _ CATTYing 25--cycle power from the Mac-- |this power, it rebates to the Commis-- an agreement with the O:tawa Valloy laren--Quebec plant, via Chats Falls sion the difference. During 1933--34 _ | Power Cempany. _ to Toronto. The Commission has it was paid $15 per horsepower on 80,-- i 'Why aid the A:torney--Engineer already made a contract to continue 500 horsepower, so it had a very small | and tne Minister of Public Works to take 40,000 horsepower of 25--cycle | spread to come and go on. prepare new cOontracts with the Gat-- power from the Maclaren plant and h Now, was the Attorney--Engineer ineau Power Company, and the . ac--| , therefore will continue to use this ifhp Exbaustive, or faithful in | laren Quebec for a total of 360.000l | transmission line as before. As you stating that the Commission's costs | horsepower? Add to this the Ottawa-- gannot carry the 60--cycle power from at tci;nhats Falls are $6.86, and inti-- | Hull contract and we have a total of this new machine to Chats Falls, the rga e LieL (he Oflawa Vailey Power 380.0qun horsepower acknowledged by | $1,000.0090 frequency changer will be saompany was making a profit of the Attorney--General as the addition-- uscless. a 14 per horsepower -- when it is al power required to prevent a power What did Ontario gain from this oubtful if the company was making | [ shorrage. And in sddition to this! . [ RHLORAOUSE poker . game? -- Tex-- | &1 per horsepower profit? | '.3': "nnu{}islsl;on wants to buy the ¥;::y ;g::'zg;su:zstste_a_d :f uthirty to _ | Says System Crippled. | awa Valley Power Company's P oie e and the saving "The issi | | plant for 96,000 horsepower. pany | of a little money in the interim. | Quebec gg&?gg&ai& mfimfl thefse | _ "Did the Attorney--Gen:ral speak m'" then? Where will Ontario get _ | Instead of buying power 't)o ifxd sla C nonps;.." in the Legislature, and over ' ( necessary hundreds of thousands potential mcr'ease of "'1.4 ppyta ns air when he spoke of unwantes | if hersenower at the end of ten years) |for dorty years, it D ht power 26 power? to replace the cheap Quebec power? _ | supp! incre & bought power to s Perhaps the Attorney--Engineer will i p'y an incréase of 7.7 per cent. Exchange Said Factor. lead us back to Niagara Falls where!" | or €ight years. If the load increased \ "The next statement I wish to |We are already extracting every | at a greater rate than 7.7 per cent., .« _ draw to your attention is this: 'In available horsepower possible (un-- imegnne Aindripnaine /. . ... the short time in which the present ;den the treaty). Perhaps he will de-- vears, the Commission wollld mt least Commission has hold office, from July | vise some scheme for making the fisie fime to devise new ways of 10 1934, to the close of the fiscal _ water run up hill again so that we mesting the demand. year on Oct. 31 last, the Commission can build another Chippawa. ds we all know, the depression has reduced its executive salaries by t h came along, and, instead of the load $98,000 per year, and has cut down Qfl"es ons Chats Falls Report. increasing in the Niagara System, it ' i's general expenses by approximately One of the best examples of the At-- decreased slightly for five years. To--. i | $1.000,000 per year.' tormey--Engineer's honest, exhaustive G2Y,) however, in spite of a mild fall, i |" "I ask, Would it not have been more and faith'ul statements was given in _ | it !8 28 latge if not larger than ever it Ihonest to reveal that because of the{ |the operating cost figures for Chate| . | fN0 in the peak year of 1929. And yet { improvement in United States ex--| Falls. Here is apparen'ly a deliberate | |°"° Niagara System is greatly influ-- ' | change, and because the Commission,| |P°IVersion of facts. . Listen to this jenced by the opetation of a few lafee |due to its former efficient manage-- statement taken word for word from ;lndustrial plants which are still taking Iment, has been able to refund certain th? 'Hydro Bulle'in: ;)nly a fraction of the power they did of its obligations at a chsaper rate, The Chats Falls plant has been int1929. when these plants come back 'it has been able to reduce operating | in operation for approximately two !:l g ;)gemvtion, they will automatically | expenses by $1,000,000> Why did t'hel years. It furnishes a strlking com-- a per cent. to the Niaga.ra load. Attorney--Engineer suppress the fact| parison as between the costs of public ;Dn top of this, there is the normai' \that part of the Commission's difficul-- | . | E@M°TAtiO® and of purchased power. lg:;"aai in utxilomestic and industrial tles were due to the fact that it had Fach side of the plant has a capacity . _/ whti):h? 8&;0 per cent. every ihen ip focstiper sent promtom on | | | e aie 2 iob citiitr wiih 1e "rgir; qs ye aeng medipt -- dur nit tat 2 r 6« c + | "Liste?m&weil::? r::tsxt piece of honest, regular reserves and interest on in-- Where do we stand today? Qur exhaustive 'and faithful information | + | rettment Included, the 6086 O SERENC L | severy submitted by the Attorney--General: a*ion in the Commission's own plant 7 ydro System is badly crippled. Its | "The genelt In the Ningara Sysiem tos ! sn stt c i. Tt LEW Saine ids afrsuner nower for forms yeare qoi | the year ending Oct. 31, 1934, was $2,-- po!we'r, f elivered at the very same ng %e&per power for forty years m_' S ols "In 1032 the deficis was 34... | | Doint. we are paring the private com--1 .i Te lated. 'The @UeDSC, Coltbsnie| '237.000. snd for the previous year pr| |Pafy MB her Ap. her anoua have been forced to offer slightly: |1932 the deficit was $2.545.000.' Canadian engineers knew that the chea.ger rates for ten years. What | * "Ryamine the Commission's annual Chats Falls plant was a remarkably then? The amount of power the Gov-- _ . reports for three years and we will find cheap development, but when they ernment intends buying will be in-- 'he following facts for the Ni h'eard a figure of $6.86 ner h.p. in--> sufficient to meet the 1937 demand. System : Sgarh clusive cost, they laughed. What are It has antagonized Quebec and thus 1933. 1934. thg true facts? !has probably prevented for all time Provision for re-- In giving the fictitious figure of. any turthgr joint developments on the newals . ..... $1,0608,.176 $1,027,164 $6.86 per horsepower for Chats Falls Ottawa River. An agreement on the Provision for ob-- power, the Attorney--Engineer tried to St. Lawrence River waterways systems _ solescence 'creatc the erroneous impression that to be further away than ever, and | _ (rural districts) 125.698 129.514| the Ottawa V:}lley Power Company whenever it is signed it will take five | Provision for was pocketing the difference between years to build a plant. sinking fund.. 1.838.199 1.987.207 $6.86 and $15, or making a profit of "Today Ontarice faces the m"'t dsb o nc se ore oi preignimnnrnn ns $8.14. Let us try and see how much power shortage in its history. Here-- ' $3.637.073 $3.782.885) profit this company does make. For tofore it always had several possibil-- | _"When an electric system can, dur-- ;'1';',',' l'fi',':fi:'efi 5;:" m!:ur:::dabc;utdal;e :gm %&ng 'rod.,;n ?fiam ift; MA * u '= | ing these lean years, put away about ing the construction period. future? It has not even sufficient off-- !83,750.000 every year for rénewals, peak power to attempt constructing cbsolescence and sinking fund, it is Tax, Water Charges. | _ | the proposed Q"emto',', Forebay Sys-- Isure]y very far from bankrupt. "We know the Commission's costs: temptor generating peak--load 7903" "PRemember, these reserves grew dur-- are $11.50 per horsepower. Therefore, --and it may never have the chante | ing the depression. Can you say that the private company's cost should be again. It can. perhaps, obtain a cer-- for many industrial companies? Was exactly the same. unless it has any tain amount of peak-loa:d wer at the that stupid management? How about' added expenses. To begin with it is De Fal w cew Is development--but it has n:;' ;xl"omnto t?vc!x'o-l:lectrlc System | capmlm'% slt preoe'nt at $10,500,000, no high--load factor power within' a e Toronto Transportation Com-- against $8,567,286 for the Commis-- s . _ Poes mission? They both had deficits dur-- sion's completed plant. Why? For the né'nfit we mu.stmt'fu:l et:nsttel:!t! m ing the depression. Were they stupid-- simple reason that it did not sell its with i'ts increasing costs?" s ly managed? The Hydro Commission's | securities at par, and it had to buy . At this point Colonel Price made Niagara System added $6,500,000 to its water rights, whereas the Com-- the admission, in answer to & ques-- . | its reserves during 1932, 1933 and 1934 mission places no value on its water _ |tion from a Government W f is classified as stupidly man-- rights as it will never sell them. --| that, in his opinion, "in the _ of _ aged. . f "The Ottawa Valley had outstand--| five years of depression, the .

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