The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Mar 1936, p. 2

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& & hm'\o \' * # "If I were depending on & broken _ reed like that, I wouldn't be proud of it," rejoinea Mr. Henry. "I'd like to know," said Colonel F. Fraser Hunter (Liberal, Toronto--St. ; f Patrick), "whether the newspapers are running this Province. or is there any intelligence at all?" AD D F GUVERNMENT "Well, now, my friend from St. Patrick has put a poser," Mr. Henry retorted. "I can't answer it." hnnrenommamnetamermenaed "Can't you think something up for BY 67 ]8 yoursoel{f?" Colonel Hunter wanted to w Denounces Attorney--Gen-- iknow. The f>rmer Premier Henry chal-- eral Roebuck and lcri.lgod Hydro Commission to convert mmmnmmmmmemm mmmzme> callable bonds issued to pay for Abitibi * The Globe aLLthic lower interest rattl?sa which l(3::m- TOl"y Want-of--Confldence o mission spokesmen said they could get ADDRESS CARRIED ": PC mny ds Amendment Lost by A he former Premier told Attorney-- n( ue General Roebuck that, if he could Same VOte convert those callable bonds at 2.5 wn_ _2 _ccmm cce (By a wote of 67 to 18, the Legis-- "as the Attorney--General says he lature carried the Address, _ See can." there would} be a savlngyc?f $6,-- BY A VOTE of 67 to 18 th_e He!)- Second Front Page.) 000.000 during the life of the bonds. burn _ Government, with its "My friend said he could get all the young Leader still blushing under a Hydro policies and Hydro commis-- moncy he wanted at 2.5." Mr. Henry tribute as the most popular public sions of inquiry set up by the Hepburn told the Attorney--Gencral "Why pay figure in Canada, was upheld in the Government were flayed by formert 3.5»>" T Ontario Legislature last night on Premier Henry last night in a slash-- The bonds. he said he understood, division on the Speech from the ing gg&? speech in the Ontari0 were convertible at any interest date Throne. Legis * o hes s f and an interest date occurred at the At 11.20 pm., in a House show= m;lx':':: m}:":gfn gfaad:rasx. La:?w- end of the month. ing the strain of a solid month of simost all ?dro on "You can start right now." debate, which began on Feb. 11. the all Hy operations set in The Conservative Leader had provi-- Legislature by that count defeated motion by t.he present regime, _and & -- ously tangled with the Premier when + a want--of--confidence amendment defense of his Hydro and Abitibi re--e ho ro; sity * hor Cord. j {::1?1 ghi(Tx'a tl}(;gtx;'rfogpn 'Exl:lxel r:lzc{)ets& ?ovedt b)I')Wlllxam*Duckworth (Cons., Mr. HMHenry wound up his speech by long--torm loans now. figuorz Ouphog'3rcfirervé}i:rifa;)ynrgfiosr?u;ef The Giobe "{f justif "So o wil : es "Ir" j assailing or J ying Some one will reap a harvest ©f _ | approval of the Speech mt"you did in the way of repudia-- difficulty, debt and want unless the While party linss were rigidly ob-- * s prosent Premier goes into the long-- served. the two indepzndent members He challenged the Hydro Commis-- torm market," Mr. Henry said after ho divided Lheir"&;pggrg sgfn tLa,w;régie. stiomn--if they could get money at 2.5 had pointcd cut that the short--t>rm t i s iv As East Hamilton C.C.F. representative, per cent.--"as they say they can"-- commitments of the Government had voting with the Conservative Opposi« to convert the callable loans issued mounted to almost 18 per cent. of the | tion, while Farguhar Oliver, South to pay for Abitibi. The saving, said dobt. 4 | Grey, U.F.O. member, voted for the Mr. Henry, would be $6,000,000. "We ars still floating on a falling | Government. "Back to Beck." money market," the Promier flashed The division ended a day of the "'Back to Beck.' How often have back '"When the time is opportune lmost consistently spirited oratory and we heard those words." said Mr. we will' refu.nd. I regret that my bitter dobate since the session opened, Henry. "We never loft Beck. I say honorable friend floated $65,000,000 with Hon. George S. Henry, Conserva« we never left him." tive Leader, and Hon. Duncan Mar-- "Didr't he leave you in 1919, re-- oflsnr.\' regime loans) at 5 per cent. shali, Minister of Agricuiture, holding fusing to run as Conservative candi-- when he must have known we vere the attention of a tense House and date?" asked Premier Hepburn on a falling market." packed galleries throughcut the after-- "Sir Adam would hever have .baCk° The Conservative Leader ans wored | ncon and evening. ed you in contract repudiation," Mr.! °ACk With the charge that the Gov-- |School Grants Assailed. Henry went on. | _ ernment seomed ready to give the public M h o y l4 "The situation wouldn't have arisen.} the impression they could get chea» 'Co I'p I\{Iat_shall'r'lpp:d mgarcflesmy into We wouldn't have been placed in a ICDeY--'"and they haven't got it yet." | | mservative critics of his department position making it necessary," shot The former Premier wanted to know fand the Administration generally; | back the Premier. what "wizard of finance" was telling 'AVed his hottes, verbal punches for "What were we to do?" the for. the Premier he was on a falling money |A. H. Acres, the Catlston Tory, who miee Premier wanled to know. "We' Warket. + had taken him to task last week; kept Ticeded power, and your friends down "I don't know whether my friend ;he House in roars of laughter with a; Oitx fere blockIGe m knows it," answered the Premier, "but is quips at the Henry Administration wa were l'oc ing the St. Law-- there is a possibility now of another and its fgw remnants in the Legisla-- :::c:odgxfilogrg::xc_. n'\\;hat'.) I ask, wgre general reduction in the interest in ture; revived the Henry Abitibi bond nte whetnes w go ¢;1 tsox'x;teh ®-- the chartered banks. We are glad issue with a warmth that had the Tned io aeramemete w siecuent, on drot is in shortterm Toane so #e To td magee wih antiiie pfoute Fole there should be no word of criti.) |(*" refund at the lower rate when we icn, and ended with a striking tribute cism o} our Gatineau purchases." announce a balsnoed Budge!--some-- Sb!:remer oo Otmsdeliont Turning to the Chats Fails develop. WeE Y0u never did" P receamg tho Winis i ment, Mr. Henry doubted that the The former Premier swung into T mdepranive pease, Rebereet » C Hydro suddenly with the t ture, Conservative Leader Henry pre-- Falls was capable of the power out-- Y Y commen ioffated Athe a | put eaimed lor it. that _ Attorney--General _ Roebuck l(:pna. e the calling of the Public * When -- Attorney--General Roebuck _ Should have known it was a fruitiess . | o ouimg bgdomnu' (the Legislature's took issue with him. Mr. Henry said: _ tASk--'"to thresh old straw. Johnny pmng p 2 while he was speaking. "What you say is not true. and if 1 Aird and the Madawaska,. The old . | ,,;, To tgt&r Heenan's offer to have were not prevented by Parliamentary , ON°Stnlt----worse than threshed straw." . ;,, .-coi,,,fifi'l ,c'ont'-ractfsuscanned ~4 procedure I'd tell you what I think! The Conservative Leader said the o pe" _ was followed a few of it." * Madawaska was purchased because of ?i':',guifi,s Mtgrtl?y t-?e usual Opposi-- Mr. Henry proceeded to read the: is Power possibilitles, and he had Criticism of (gvgvzrntzxeae;?n;'ee:l'fxgiion words of Junius, as reproduced daily YCt to hear from the Hydro Commis-- of school grants, coupled with a plea on The Globe's editorial page: '"The Si0n that it shouldn't have been pur-- for money to give poor students & subject who is truly loyai to the Chief chased. university chance, also featured the Magistrate will neither advise nor Then while Liberal members mur-- _ Opposition Leader's attack. submit to arbitrary measures." mured "threshing old straw" he re-- "You have chosen to dig up the & "And that," he said. "is the slogan peated his answers to the Latchford-- ghost of Johnny Aird here tonight," of The Globe----'Canada's National Smith Commission and tore into the said M#r. Marshail,. "Let me say that Newspaper,' as the radio announcer Attorney--General and Arthur Slaght. _ |that ghost will follow you to your last puts it. And this is the sheet that Flaring at Mr. Roebuck's statement day on earth, and, if it ever catches has been spending the lasy year in that he was the Minister of Lands up with you, Heaven help you!" justifying what you did in the way of and Forests who signed the Abitibi ; The Minister recalled that the De-- | repudiation. 'This is the sheet that leases, the Conservative Leader said| |partment of Education, under Mr. | has been spending so much time and that was "merely to build up the pic--| | Henry's regime, had increased depart-- 'energ_v in attempting to bolster up a ture I was the villain, that I was mental examination school fees, and ' floundsring Government." anxious to sign. anxious to invest andl had changed the examination date 3 Mr. Henry then quoted an editorial . MAke money for myself." from June to July, '"so that what yOU ! in The Globe of last Saturday com-- couldn't get out of their pockets you ' menting upon Hon. W. H. Price's at-- could sweat out of their hides. tack on the Government's Hydro Mr. Marshall pointed out, in re« policies. The editorial, he said, was sponse to last week's attack on his deoliberately misleading. administration by A. H. Acres, Con-- "That," he said, "is the organ that servative member for Carleton, that has been supporting your Govern-- the exports of farm produce had in« ment." | creased in the past year by $13.000,000, "¥es, and we're proud of it," in-- i(t,ltnl'tvehédll{l 59 per cent. went to the teriected Attorney--General Roebuck. Rega rdlngngdomMr. Acres's request for & 'tuberculosis test of cattle, the Min-- s ister charged that for several YCAT® "~C e , Mr Acres sat under a Tory Adminis=

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