March 12 per policy. 'This represented 2N iN-- |© "The total taxable debt of our urban | | _ The present Government, he said, crease of about $68,000,000 over the ) municipalities is less than 12 per oem.§ had been forced to discontinue farm amount at Dec. 31, 1934. Ontan0 _ | of ;axapte wealth upon the assessment loans because of inability "to make policyholders paid into these CUM-- / roms Rurai Ontario has a total bond. | | SAtisfactory financial avrrangements w insy o Cao cbc@ back over 363. _ 20 debt of only $8,000,000, or Icss than | With the people who control the sup-- 000,000, and received back over $63,-- $10 per capita. | ply of money," and also because the 000,000 in death claims, etc. "The next remark I have to maze: Dominion Farm Loans Board was There were, he said, seventy--00°) | is to correct the impression created by _ functioning adequately. s farmers' mutual insurance W'_'lef | certain statements which have gained in Ontario. Three of those fl';'i!f- | considerable circulation that defaults f weather insurance companies, w B8 _ 'among our municipalities are about 30 per cent. of the W"me;u;n'"r?':"e $120,000,000, or one--quarter of the * written in Ontario. The Pring 85 _ total bonded debt of all municipalities, eight were fire insurers, carry n? That is far from fact. At the end of ; per cent. of the msurtar;ioe on 1A | [ 1935 the total debt past due and un property in foree in Ontario. paid was about $16,000,000 of principal [reew pecstone O Loconer diitke * ' Th Department of Labor, said My. Norther al'l,)';velomlwnt ue § Hepburn, reported at present 10,900 | n * !f-:wer workers than a year ago regis-- Regarding Northern development, \ tered as unemployed at the employ-- l the Premier said negotiations had been mont offices in Ontario. During the |carfled on with the Federal Govern-- |_ | last year the employment offices plac-- ment in regard to sharing an equal » ' ed 4,000 men on farms during the lpa.rt of the cost of completing the spring and summer months, and | Trans--Canada Highway. The unim-- s «ustsitsmess ~--C~~~**~ | proved and untouched gap (125 miles) through co--operation with the D»-- ldesdgnatcd by the present Government partment of Northern Dovelopment |from North Bay to Sault Ste. Marie placed 2,000 men on trans--Canada| | to White River had recently been ap-- highway work since Aug. 1. Altogethcr | | proved by the Ottawa Government. In 122,324 placements were mads by | |agdition to this, as a result of tic those offices in the first ten months of | |Donumon-Provincial conference, held this fiscal year. With the improve-- | | in December last, it was expected seyv-- i ment in business conditions in the | eral other roads that will be a benefit ; | manufacturing industrics of the Prov-- | | to Canada as a whole will be jointly ince disused factory buildings were be-- undertaken. -- ing opcned up and staffs tak>n on. | Jobless Relicf. To C cDf 0 ands at | * roficn ME Wipbam attosd the an. | || "That unemployment | reite} . con-- :nounc(nm:\nt thet IJ.:t y:\rr"\ cut oi 'Lulu'.'b to be & m!or Dl'O'bL('m is uld}' pulpwooed excreded that of th> pre-- |cab:d by the latest complete monthliy vious year by 20 per cont.: the cut of | |réturns available. These cover the / ties was up 300,000. During the five-- | 'month of December, 193:3. during month period covered by the Public l which time there wore 347,620 persons Accouns. the total amount recsived | in receipt of relief, as against over from all forest sources was $379,674.97| 420,194 during December, 1934," said --an increase over the same period of| the Prime Minister. : ; the previous year cf more than "Through representations made at + the Dominion--Provincial Conference l Department of Mines. ! _ held in Ottawa in December, the Do-- The total value of the output of On-- { minion grant--in--aid was increased tario mines in 1935 was $152,600,000.| _ from $600.000 to $1,050,000 a month. said Mr. Hepburn, as compared with | to continue to March 31. 1936. While . $145,854,000 in 1934. Gold production | _ §1,050,000 foll secmewhat short of 50 | exceeded that of 1934 by $2,850,000, | _ per cont. of the amount disbursed from with forty--four mills in cperation. The th> Provincial Treasury. it made a 7 increase in nickel was $3,250,000, and | much more satisfactory divisicn of other metals increased similarly. | _ | relief costs as between Dominion and |, _ --In view of the importance of this| Provinese than that which has pre-- !lndust?,\'." said Mr. Heopburn,. "it 18 | viously prevailed." proposed to alloi an additional sum | The total deposits in the twenty-- |to the Department of Mines for the| three branches of the Province of On. enlargement of its fruitful work. The tario savings offices on Dec. 31, 1933, department will send out into the amounted to $32.084,815, as compared fleiel tent _ SUMMOT bWIOP AS MADY | with the total deposits Of $21,449.527 gecuuieni survey partics as it did i1 || on Oct. 31, 1994, in All Of the seventeen 1935. and more prospector classes will branches, which was an actual in-- Mo ofi o) oo oener, banth 51995 . |rreese of $10,035,289, M/. Hepbu'n have already been taken to collect the pointed out. On comparing the D:c arrears of acreage tax which has been 31. 1935, figures with tas balances sh--s allowed to accumulate for more than for the five montbs' prriod endins twelve years, and to throw open to th: \:hr"h 31 1'035 when th*s tata) dsnosite Drh\:ax:'eclt\:x: Tiest Areas of territo"y! |amcunted Lo §22.326.499. an Incrsass F whic been allowed to lay dor-- s« Inrlinuted Inr The nine El6 of mant and unexplored for more than :;';;:gégat"d for the nine months of a decade. ' f 8 C Tack "Before leaving the subject of the "Sea'v;: ?:"ufe"}ffiofi;; l:)e;:l(:cgpg;:i Dopartment of Min:s I should like t> Sild thas: Y d Daven-- take this opportunity of paying tribute _ liament Buildings:; Yonge an i : y *rt, Toronto; Yonge and Broadway, to a valuable servant in the depart-- P°"* ment, Thomas W. Gibson, former es ; j Deputy Minister of the Department of Kitchener, London Mines and now consultant of that de-- _ 499 Windser. partment. _ Mr. Gibson entored the Scores Farm Board Policy. service of the Ontario Government in The operation of the Ontario Agri-- June, 1880, so that in June n:xt he cultural Development Board under will have completed fifty--six years of Conservative Administration was bit-- service. terly assailed by Premier Hepburn Municipa) Affairs, during his Budget speech in the Leg-- "There were at the end of 1933 Nf'.iu""gft"?:{h"hen h'.eu'l'ig"e fige § thirty--two .municlpaliues under the ; tory ?)? ang'n fi nanz.'r:l "i:sut, ;n f s clese supervision of the Department of | this country such an exhibition of f . ° Municipal Affairs bccg}xso 2' gneir d°'| improvident lending as would be re-- faults. Only one ncwkon- s beshn | | vealed by an examination of the files ¢ added since Im' prqumily Prdar y * 1 l of the _ Agricultural Development f Budget address. It is anucixpated that Board." during 1936 some ten to twelve rafund-- | o in | ing plans will be formulated and pre. ; , HMe gaye one instance, mmm |sented to creditors for their consiq.> RFOKer who cwned an island in | eralign | Ontario, and who.f tullntcheon evil ds{si | i 8 ® borrowed $7,000 from Provincia |_ _ "May I point out two important | Farm Boa:d. and then forgot about | facts? One is that, generally speaking | rggd e With | # _ _both the island and the loan, and except for these few places, rep-- | the result that the Province was < 'rmntln' less m 4 per cent. of 1"! "stuck" with a pm of pwny for our municipalitiss, the municipal af-' which the highest offer to date was fairs of this Province are on a scund | $1,000. _ basis, and loose talk of general in-- 400, h IM"' of municipal finances is en-' : tirely bascless. * * }