The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1936, p. 1

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March 2.0 ' borbeniar _ LIBERAL FLAYS BULL PURCHASE RD OF DENIAL , T+* 1's Not True," tte Thun-- _ HYDRO PURCHASE, ENRAGES ACRES ders ' ) An insertion into th« The purchase by the Hydro in 1930 i it. denial of the words for ':(;:;fff;d h(:f \h:': of the Dominion Power and Transmis-- Marshall and' Tory n Blt censured Wednesday, was asked in slon Company was severely criticized ter (,lash the Legislature vesterday by former im the Legislature yesterday by Wil-- Attorney--General W. H. Price. Hi lam F. Schwenger, Liberal member ie was gou:;; to take the matter to the forrg'":g'g:cfi""e- & the Provi * Scotch bulls and Scotch whiskey public, the former Attorney--Gene revandinang Tovirce ' i ighti stated. Premier Hc:)bux'lxr }1n(i£:\nurca} almost $6,000,000 more than the mere o o . over . rremeemrers »meperice, that the matter was not subject for purchase price, he said, because of the A. H. Acres, Conservative member debate; and that many of the mem-- oost of adapting Hamilton's old 60-- for Carleton, which last night had bers and the Speaker had heard the oycle equipment, both public ind the Ontario Legislature m:mbers on words as the Premicr used them and private, to the 25--cycle Hydro current. the ed £f thei ais for an hour |as they are printed in the permanent Only when the Liberal Government and h gehz (ster: SreA feultire Dun: records of the Legislature. took office, he added, were the con--| s I\ad hin.ster in Aotntpeanrcions "I didn't say that," Colonel Price eumers offered any assistance in the ase 1:;1'5 ut aund canary ann mtanine +__| said. "It is not true. The press gallery, cost of replacing their old equipment, _ ;'.]_ce'. flushed and angry, and waving every man I spoke to, said it isn't such as motors and machines. in fisk. § 4 true. The people in the lobbies say it Mr. Schwenger congratulated the A direct gnd stinging allusion tl}at isn't true, and"--thumping his desk-- Government upon having provided that had the entire Chamber in an uproar "it's not true." all bond issues sold since it took office eame when the Tory member, re-- must be repaid in Canadian funds, ferring to the $15,000 bulil which Mr. ® thus avoiding loss in exchange. Marshall acquired in Scotland for NEW SCHOOL BOARD He stressed the need for moderniza-- the O.A.C., said: "I wonder if there tion of the Municipal and Assessment is much ccom to doubt who got the CREATED IN TOWN Acts in so far as taxation was con-- best of the friendship between Mr se irie en it Teig id cerned. He disapproved of the ~rin-- Marshall and Duncan Stewart, the The Ontario Legislature Private ¢lple of taxing property more than the Scottish breeder who raised the bull, Bills Committee yesterday approved individual and who also is interested in a dis-- a bill sponsored by A. Des Rosiers, Finally, Mr. Schwenger warned Hon. tillery?" Liberal member for Russell, establish-- George S. Henry, Conservative Leader. '"The Minister of Agrriculture got ing for Ward 6 of the Town of East-- that thel'? was "bolshevism" in the the bull, but Duncan Stewart got the view a separate school board over ranks of his supporters, because a sec-- $15,000, and his whiskey is on the which the town separate school board tion was revolting against his leader-- shelves of the Liquor Board. Now, I would have no jurisdiction. ship, and would take the first oppor-- ask, who profited the more through . _ The board shall be composed of tunity to oust him, although he him-- their friendship and associations to-- three Trustees to be elected by sup-- self (Mr. Schwenger) would like '» gether? porters of separate schools in that see Mr. Henry remain in the leadir-- "And another thing I would like ward and the first election will take ship for many years to come. to know," went on Mr. Acres, "is place on or before June 1, 1936. The # about the public--spirited Canadians members will hold office until the + whey put up the money for Mr. Mar-- last Wednesday in December, 1937. shall to buy the bull. TI'd Nk#e to know There was no objection to the mea-- ~ -------- what they got. I'd like to think they sure. WOME R G got something, for they deserved it." N D lNKlN Mr. Acres tangled again with Mr. Marshall when the Conservative ac-- WOR R IES ACRES cused the Minister of having neglected BUDGET ]S SOUND enromenmmmnnnninne the t'ulb;(r)oulizftest.i?g gf cattle in 7 severa wnships of Carleton County, e Says TOO Many In Beer in spite of farmers' requests. DEFENDS L!BERAL P l "We did it in spite of you," Mr. ariors Marshall retorted. "You let those k semeeneineniiciommmmenmnmrmmiegs townships lie there for two years and Sees .~\ppr0\'al in Back Too many Toronto women are fre-- did nothing, and we took on the job." s % cuenting beer parlors, in the opinion Pounding his desk furiously, Mr. Concessions of A. H. Acres, Conservative MP.P. Acres demanded that Mr. Marshall # & for Carleton. He voiced his com-- "take back that statement here or Premier Hopburn is to be praised plaint in the Legislature yesterday you'll take it back elsewhors. You for bringing down a sound Budget when he said: can't ram that sort of untruth down d Ngomecma w annn maene anmo I don't like to see so many of our my nock," he roared. '"You don't which every man on the back con-- women folk going around these beer know one thing that's going on in cessions can understand, William rooms, particularly in Toronto. It's Carleton County. | Newman, Victoria--Haliburton M.PP., getting to be a serious thing. It's "Why," he woent on, "all you fel-- told the Legislature last night. destructive to the morale of the lows could talk about before the Do-- The Liberal member predicted thai women themselves, their families and minion election was 'On to Ottawa.' the Hspburn Administration surplu the public generally. It won't do the | Well, you'd better come back from Ot-- would be higher than now prodicted Government any good to let this go itawa and test the cows in Carleton,. ' and amount to a million or mors at on. There'll be a swing of public e--w/_ «. mmme mss e mm n the end of the fiscal year. In addi-- Opinion against it soon, and then we'll tion, he pointed out, an "unheard--~f have prohibition again, with boot-- | reduction of the debt" was going to leggers thriving all over the place." be put through by the Government. esmm Mr. Newman and Leopold Macau-- lay tangled when Mr. Nowman said he was glad the letter of the Provin-- lcial bonds was to be kept--"but the f Hydro contracts, conceived in in-- i!quity. born in outright graft--there maammammr ' was no reason why the Administration should break faith with the Hydro N F' rk A 'oommunitios." o lrewo s | _"I ask the honorable member to mm ara | take back that allegation," Leopold Galleries at Queen's Park were well |Macaulay said. filled yesterday. If they came to see | _"I don't know that I can prove fireworks the spectators were disap-- | that," Mr. Nowman admitted. "but pointed. The Budget debate continued | my suspicions are that a lot of men along conventional and quiet lines, al-- $ ,got rich. Tll take it back that I can though more were in attendance than ' prove it. but I won't take 'back my on the preceding day, when the House * opinion." was engaged in a bitter political fight.

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