The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1936, p. 2

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'Provides Income Tax Re-- imbursement REPAYMENT BILL PASSES Blocked on two previous occasions by Conservatives, who demanded it contain definite provision for payment, a bill reimbursing municipalities for revenue lost through Provincial as-- sumption of the income tax finally re-- ceived second reading in the Ontario Legislature last night. Cc t Following adjournment of the Bud-- get debate, the House turned to this bill, which is supplementary to the income--tax bill. An opposition amend-- ment providing for a two--weeks' hoist till the Government incorporated defi-- nite provision for payment, was de-- feated, 37--13. and the bill received second reading on the same division. Opposition Leader George S. Henry and other Conservatives contended "Let me tell the member for Port Arthur," thundered Mr. Acres, "that people aren't all asleep at the switch. He'd better tender his resignation as member in this House for Port Arthur and let somebody take his place who can uphold the dignity of the House until such time as he answers these questions. It hurts to sit here in the House with men who can't give an account of their stewardship." "What does he know about the Indian Reserve at Gull Lake, what timber was cut, and who got the money that was paid out? "*And about Lac Seul Indian Re-- serve. Did the Indians get any money for the timber cut there, and did he himeelf get any of the money? that the bill should contain definite: provision for the proportion of the tax | to be returned to municipalities. At| present the act says that shall be de--; cided by Order--in--Council. "I'd like to ask Mr. Cox, through you. Mr. Speaker, some quostions: "What does he know about the In-- dian Reserve at Longlac? What timber and tics were cut there? What did the Indians got out of it. and who aid get the money? ister Croll. No specific charge was levelled by the two--fisted Carleton Tory, but he said, pointing his finger toward Mr. Cox's empty chair: Hamilton was the only municipality to protest the bill, said Welfare Min-- The resignation of Charles W. Cox, Liberal member for Port Arthur, was demanded in the Ontario Legislature last night by A. H. Acres, Conserva-- tive member for Carleton, in the course of an atiack on timber dealings in the Lakehead arca. Request Is Sequel to Slashing Attack on Timber Dealings Landlords' ROGRESS toward elimination of slums i P must not be blocked, Welfare Minister Cro yesterday in the Ontario Legislature Pri Committee as he swept aside objection to Toror in the direction of slum clearance. P March zo P ' Association Sees Fitness Clause in Toronto Bill as Arbitrary locked, Welfare Minister Croll deéiz;;é(; the Ontario Legislature Private Bills The committee refused Toronto au-- thority to prescribe a building line on any street and, with authority of a two--thirds vote of Council, to forbid erection of a building beyond the fix-- ed line. Mr. Croll suggested the Municipal Affairs Department be given an op-- portunity to study the matter with respect to all municipalities facing the problem of street widening. property owners, said owners were willing to do anything reasonable in the way of repair work if they were given a proper return. Fitness of a dwelling, he continued, would well be open to argument. JOwners Opposed. investment. to an owner if he was unable to bring his building up to the standard. The bill also gave the city power to demolish or repair buildings if the owner was unwilling to make the awelling conform to the standard, anda made provision for securing the city's Syy aniathane mee4 C Lo 4Cn . : Mommever mevece -- Wranakky "we are going to give more power than the bill provides." He said he would make his motion in the House, and added: "There is a serious situ-- ation in Toronto." The committee passed the section of the bill dealing with fitness of dwellings. It gave the city authority to pass by--laws fixing a standard of fitness for human habitation to which all dwellings must conform, and gave euthority to the city to advance loans pepeignninegtons Aliradc t The Minister's declaration came as representatives of the Property Own-- ers and Landlords' Association pro-- tested a section of the Toronto bill dealing with dwellings and their fit-- ness for human habitation was too arbitrary. They asked that owners be given the right to appeal from an in-- spector's decision on the fitness of property. (0] McMillan way we feel," said Mr. Croll in Toronto for the

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