The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1936, p. 3

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.. epe *-- e es e o t P . s P y es o . S o oo es ie s . -- March 28 | Price Attack Vil ' PICE acC 11C, B Hepburn Charges, . Closing Debat % # 4 ® # + # # Tory's Criticism of Administration Meets + ® # Blistering Rebuttal From Premier ROBABLY the most merciless castigation of his entire political career was given former Attorney-- General W. H. Price in the Legislature yesterday afternoon as Prime Minister Mitchell Hepburn devoted to the Parkdale Tory a large and bitter portion of his 95-- minute address, which concluded the Budget debate. We ie eb rerariariieent o ; "Price Berated. s a t j Mr. Hepburn then returned to his Hon. Mr. Henry," he continued, Ecss . Colonel Price was accused of "vile, |"himself took a 'joy--ride' all the way attack on Colonel Price's conduct dur "Fratmaqtane . | AUB f Provincial election Oof 1934, villainous and unscrupulous attacks" |to the Pacific Coast in the T & N.O. ing the Pro hnenever asked on Hon. Duncan Marshall; of & "vi-- |private car Whitney." recalling that he had, Wb'ige eocked cious and unwarranted criticism" of | , Appointment t is ons L iouine siviy. ind Edmond Odette, Liquor Commission: | ANNO®UNC®S 3P s L ds 44 P one eye quizzically, smiled slyly, c of hypocritical insinuations against |_ "It was not a joy--ride," broke in . raiseqd his glass Of Water, reply'nng.. almost the entire Hepburn Cabinet. |Mr. Henry. "I paid visits to the Pl'o'-' 'Well boys, this is only wa.ter'. 'Put after | and, finally, of acting in the last |vincial Governments along the rout." . july 1 you'll have your beer'. | Provincial election "more like a beer _ It Was at this point that, in reply "Why," expostulated Mr. Hepbutn, agent than a Minister of the Crown." to a question from T. A. Kidd, Tory '"tnis former member of the Cabinet, ' Particularly stinging was the Prime member for Kingston, the Prime Min-- | far from upholding the dignity of an | Minister's berating of Colonel Price ister announced that the new solicitor . Attorney--General, acted like a med\; for his past criticism of Mr. Odette, of the T. & N.O. Railway was Arthur . Cine--man in a side--show. He -- weht which Mr. Hepburn concluded by pay--| Slaght, K.C. around the Province mth é P s ing to the Liquor Commissioner one| "At what salary?" asked Colone! _ A8gent than a Minister of eerownt.hb of the most laudatory tributes given} Kidd. Prior to the vote, he proceesded, & a servant of the Government since' "At the same salary as W. E. N. t through the change in Administrations. Tilley--$4,800 per year. His firm will :':f%fg:;fi?:;:n; ?o';é :)efna.pplic&tgio' The Prime Minister took time also| handle the railway's legal interests," 'blank to restaurant owners who wante« to lash at former Premier G. S. Henty| replied the Prime Minister. | beer licenses, and these were filled in by for what he termed "joy--riding" at! Mr. Hepburn went spiritedly to the iv't,he thousand and returned to the Gov-- the expense of the T. and N.O. Rail-- defense of E. G. Odette, Chief Com-- | ernment. But, he said, after the elec-- | way, and he threw in caustic criti--| missioner of the Liquor Control Board | tion, and before the Liberals assumed h cism of the work done--or not dont| of Ontario, against what he termed cont'.rol. all the forms were destroyed, ;"g 1;10'1;;::; Commissioners under the | ;:.c l:r!osbt;' \éi:g:lousla;rdi unwarranted at-- . | to deprive the incomiinfg Govteix(;nmer';} h(;é And, in the course of his address,| 'The torrrnc(-'xx'1 § At:oor;ey-ceneral he 1'11: ?fizlelilrtxggfl ?lluee ;embers nof the Mr. Hepburn took the occasion to an--| charged, had said that Mr. Odette | former Cabinet to deny. SIa'ht. K.C., as counsel for the T. & emnloyee at $10,000 per iyear who for N.O. Railway, succeeding W. E. N.) wee i ' ¥. & ks on end was never in his off Tilley, at the same salary of $4,800 }"" w e a Newes » * ¥ »°0°9-- i at all, and whose plans and move-- Provincial Debt. tmcms were often unknown to his staff The Prime Minister at the ou:.octamr long periods." reiterated the charge that the Con-- Praise for Odeilte. servative Government, during the last uk four years of its regime, increased the: _ Th¢ Prime Minister tnen read a, -- Provincial debt by $182,000,000. And "CPOrt from J. B. Unsworth, Secre--| he accused former Attorney--General {&"Y to the Chief Commissioner, stat-- % Price of "vile, villainous and un-- ing that Mr. Odette had spent more! scrupulous attacks" on Hon. Duncan | NOUS Per day at his desk administer--| Marshall during the Provincial elec-- iN& the affairs of the board than' tion campaign. He quoted Colonel| 4"Y OM¢ of his predecessors. Price as expressing "contempt" for| "Mr. Odette," reported Mr. Uns-- > Hon. Poter Heenan, and accused| WOTth,. "rarely takes time off for Colenel Price of a campaign of villifi-- l luncheon, his practice being to remain * cation that ill became an Attorney. in his office until all correspondence has General. | been signed and his discussions with "He am@d me," said Mr. Hetpburn" the bmrd.s OmClals wncxm. No "of being ready to sell out the st. Other Chisi Commissioner has closed Lawrence project to private interests-- the day with a clearer desk, or with of being, in other words, a traitor to fewer matters in abeyance or pending, my country and a Judas. This, from than the present Chief Commissioner. the man who began the campaign When spending the week--ends at ; with a pious announcement that he home in Tilbury, Mr. Odette has been oCz f | was going to avoid personalitiee and AVailable by long--distance telephone ' mud--slinging!" at all times." The report added that Election Bribery Seen. ?}x; his tri&s tohEgrope :ng Créttomia e secretary had a fu nerary Purthermore, he charged. at the given him, and was frequently in very moment when Colonel Price was touch with Mr. Odette. Only on those telling an clection meeting that not| two occasions was Mr. Odéette absent| mwore than $80,.000 per day was being frori his office for '° riod of te : . : pe n| . spent by the Henry Government, the days or more 3y [ then Attorney--Gencral knew full well ' -- that $139,000 was being spent in one Operating Costs Compared. ' day by the Department of Highways The Prime Minister at this point alone--"an example of election brib-- read a report of the Liquor Control ery," Mr. Hepburn called it. Board giving the following compara-- Swinging his attack on the 'Tory. tive figures for the years ending Administration of the T. & N.O. Rail-- March 31, 1934, and March 31, 1935: > way, Mr. Hepburn charged that for-- _ Operating expenses--1934, $2,250,-- 3 mer Manager Lee used the facilities 000; 1935, $1,670,000. Net profits, 1934, s 'and funds of the T. & N.O. Railway $5,332%,000; 1935, $7,809,000. Number | 'for no other reason than entertaining on staff, 1934, 1,050; 1935, 797. Tories and promoting the interests of "And at this stage of my remarks." . | the Tory Party in Ontario." said Mr. Hepburn, "I want to extend : | "I further charge," said Mr. Hep-- . to Mr. Odette the congratulations of | * {burn. "that $3,500 was voted for the the Government for his most efficient _ _lsole purpose of entertaining these administration of one of the most im-- . Tories. The Racine Report tells of portant departments of the Govern--. s one item of $385 paid out of T. & ment. This administration can oountl o N.O. funds for such an entertain-- itself fortunate indeed to have, in < & ment. f such an exacting office, a man of the : +

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