The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1936, p. 1

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. Apn\ 1 ; The Premier will take up his work . ; a«z ... -- | |ll again this morning in an improved | but only fair state of health. At pres-- ' ent the Legislature is in its heaviest | | | week. Considering that he was under f | |this strain, friends report that the _ | t Premier is better than he was last A Nn ' November. His bronchial ailment has | $ cleared up, but the illness in his kid-- | . | neys is still causing trouble. GL A|Ms HENRY I | Undoubtedly the decision "to stick" ', deieiems ies iverin n nigresminey will be followed by some of the re-- ! | % § +1 Oorganization of his work which was es | i"LoyaIty to Friends" Will promised lastlfall when the Cabinet es § Rack t"l | s = said they would seek to have him re-- J acke | Not Let Him consider. A fiat from the Premier last Somet:h"'g i * * a a l Retire night killed any idea of any Cabinet Seen in Hospitalization | reorganization. What changes are | Chlrass sicmmcaricetee made, it is anticipated, will tend to Procedure | * R | _ .ease up the daily round of his work, | eeotmie (ruaioaniecianrnelrintiectene I ADVISES C AU C USI which he had been undertaking at too: _ > C } mmenemmomcomgemmaee i high speed. A racket whereby general hospitals * | lSevc('jnt:;;m of hii followers--three of were being imposed upon by supposed-- Paced with rebellious protests from | them Cabinet Ministers--were reported Iy Indll + ly were :hts own followers, who were wllmg! ready to resign as soon as the Pre-- ly indigent pa Jent.s.who:: hA h; h the |him frankly that his retirement spelt! mier resigned. The Ministers were | well able to pay, was charged 'di.stimegration for the party, Premier' Hon. Harry C. Nixon, Hon. T. B. Mc-- | Legislature last night by Hon. George | | Hepburn vesterday consented to stay| Questen and Hon. David A. Croll. \ Henry, during dGdiscussion of Health 'as Liberal Leader and Premier for} Conservative claims that the Pre-- | Department grants to public hospitals. Ontario. | . mier had deliberately pleaded sickness | "It's becoming something of a The Premier gave the first 'mkling' so that he might hold his resigna-- | racket," he said, "where a doctor packs ! of his decision to the Liberal caucus{ tion over some party followers who | lms patient off to the public ward of ' which met at the Parliament Buildings|! would not zgree with him on the| ! the hospital whether or not hospi-- in the afterncoon. In the evening he| school tax division. were scoffed at | talization is required, just so he won't 'confirmed it with the statement that, by Mr. Hepburn. "That's rot. The | be in danger of going without his fee. as much as he wished to retire be--|! : idea never entered my head," he said. | _ "As for patients," he said, "a great cause of his health, "there was no ------«------s«--«mus--ugo | many who enter public wards on the awlternative but to stay." lpre't'ens_e they can't pay, are act,ua.lly' "No Alternative." | well able to foot the bill. The figures | "As much as I want to retire," said uNTARIU cAnls | forrpublic-w:;g i:gstsma;iwsl:)sensmerg the Premier, "and as much as I would l?Ye Y yea:',: at increade in SCkness, nor retire, knowing my own physical con-- iL'Se t,anijr; ghospica.l s LSndGance. TVs Just dition, there was no alternative but | { i%hat more people are demafx ding that to oS . ; "th stink" was | # they receive free treatment, and A| The decikion "to stick" was made | 'great many of them could afford to. some time within the previous twen-- ' ay themstives." | ty--four hours. The Premier is un-- ' | P NMr. Henty further alleged that . derstood to have been informed then | hospi.ta,ls were imposing on the Gov--| and earlier that some of his own Min-- ! | ernmeni in their demands for an--| isters would resign their port:otljo.s | a_______._._._.s enual grants i if he retired. The reason for the | * i o e e 35 is 6« revolt was the political fact--admitted | Protest Over Liberal Ap-- | iney meta mone s -;%w'r;hgu $ by Hepburn friends and Hepburn= a 5t ; T. 'hotk / But if enemics--that if the Premier stepped| _ Pointments to Bench 5 ce prosgure mere brought 10 dear out, the party could not carry the Is Squelched they'd soon decide that they could next election. j get along with less. There is an ex-- , It was reported in some cxrclps t_ha;; | Wemnm nsm mm mme m mm ample right across the street, in the l mener--iour hourg previous f?';fisg:ff | | _A protest by W. A. Baird, High Park _ biggest hospital in Ontario. Last year l d:;g yannour.cem:s:n':). ex * | 'Conservativc, against the appointment }ney ;iiucegrghfl; tccfrt{s %;t:; pm:j There would be no election in 1936,| ftof Liberals to the Bench was squelch« r;x?cgper _;;y_.. ne " 'he said in answer to rumors which| jed in the Legislature last night when Premier Hepburn assured Mr. Henry | have civoulated in Queen's Park JAtEIY | |Attorney--General Roebuck declared that the Administration was taking | eaoet Cooemment planned an sarls | ; M 5 3 every step "to rid the hospitals of un-- | eleotion. P riaro foge f wer s Magistrz:\teo t deserving cases." He pointed out that | "I have nothing to say about 1927, OnLarlq today u-ere Conservatives. uy patienis .certified oo mwedine! or any other year, for that matter. l The issue arose over an estimate of Hospitalisation . were -- adimilted ml M en y Pi, buk (aonen & St" '"73'500 L. salgnes fNsd. itavebli® public wards, so that no malingerers | \distribution before any vote, however. |°XPenses of Magistrates. f could receive freaiment. | \You can bank on that," the Premiee |__"All the new Magistrates are Lib-- B8 'said when the press questioned him. _ : C"@ls," complained Mr. Baird. i "Will there -- be any _ Cabinet | "Why not? i All the old ones were \changes?" a reporter asked. 'Conservatives," retorted Mr. Roebuck. * !__"Certainly none now," he replied. |_ _ Mr. Baird argued that party affill« ; ; "I don't know what made me do it," _ |&tion should not affect appointments. 'the Premier told the press. "As far !Hon. G. Howard Ferguson made ap-- R 'as my own personal well--being is con-- _ Pointments on merit, he claimed. | '&Tn'ed. I should step out of office. | _ "Yes, but that meant they were all . | My doctors insist I should. But I lf:mnfiive:fim- the Attorney--General : PU can't let my colleagues and my sup-- * porters down, especially at a time Mr. Baird, challenged to name (t)ge f M s fike this There is such & t }nber-al Amgta t'et..i appox:tt:d t.e?iyl'un'lf vAt' r working on the job for about loyalty to one's friends, you know. So . | 0{;":";"'. im t°}gt¢°n ln i ems 30 h'e s oul tith 11 Hours for sleeD ht J I intend going through with this job . |S® charging al ice2 iclabure sot | the GOvernment's i o if it kills . Acting on behalf of the official guar-- Legislature got the until after the next election |dian had been replaced by the new _ | money vote through at 12.45 this me. ) f{ew min-- s ioi K EN5 NAT MJ\ | | Mcoinscbuck then tokd the House|. [ uiss alter' the advent of the. hioal brewing at Queen's Park after the lthat ho r e t. of the M 'Eraatei at § r. Brief tax;gles enlivened the last Premier's announcement, but he present ,:)en o:l:'e gntario aB';;ch were .}7::_ minutes of the job. knifed the all--winter rumors of an lconservat.ive appointees $ Former Premier Henry suggested early election with the statement that ppo * inc -- Provinee's revenue inspeciors s -- there would,be no vote this year. A "who bring in the most money get redistribution bill is planned for the the raises in salaries." Premicr Hep-- next session of the Legislature, and burn indignantly denied the sugges-- after that--no one could say last ' ton. night. j A few minutes later the former Pre-- The Liberal M.P.P.'s who had mier again asked Minister of Educa-- cheered the announcement in caucus tion Dr. Simpson to state what ef-- were ready to go to the country be-- fect the now system of grants would hind "Mitch" any time. The separate have on the schools. After a few min-- school question, which has been in-- utes of sparring the Minister said he extricably tied up in the members' must answer that he was unable to minds with the Premier's possible re-- § ~ give that information. tirement, jogged along another step at the caucus, a=~14 the bill is ex-- ® pected tomorrow. Once it is out of the way, Liberal M.P.P.'s say they are * -- ready to sweep into the home stretch toward an election. '

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