APfl' L. HOSPITAL SAID TIES PURCHASED soyErnment nouse | C W ie ITEM IN ESTIMATES _ To BE cRnwnEn FRUM SETTLERS Government House, the official resi-- ience of Ontario's Lieutenant--Gover-- m©mocman Cl erimie n eaigr iss iroveermiegs | a0r, Ynhfl;l topic of momentary discus-- s | sion e Legislature yesterday. Greater A c c ommodation Railw Chai ~ | "What are you going to do. let i; x .. : + ay airman bays run down?" Hon. George S. Henry Needed, Claims Price Tenders Not Needed l demanded, when an estimate of the e | partmen Public Works dealing . I | nutnire m R tss | with Chorley Park came up for discusgg | b('lthUa overcrowding in the Ontario Colone!l Malcolm Lang, Chairman of' sion. He pm'nt;ed out that there was| | Hospital on Queen Street was charged the Timisk>ming & Northern Railway, | no provision for maintenance of Gov-- in the Legislature yesterday by To-- resterdac tals H A os.| ernment House. S 0 yesterday told the Ontario Legisla-- | Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Minister of ronto Tory members. lure Public Accounts Committee dur-- | Public Works, drew his attention toi "This hnospital is so overcrowded at ing its investigation of ti?-purc!xasing] an item for repairs to the property. the present time that in the public .by the railway, as many ties as pos--| The Minister also hinted that the' wards the beds are actually touch--| _ 'sipte wer Ang j Province might increase grants to ing." said W. A. Baird of High Park.| _ "~¢ YC"C PWCh@Sed from the seiters.| _ county and township roads when De--| "The overcrowding is -- terrible," , Heo said 265 contracts were let to | partment of Highways figures were| uk > SEbtiers in 19355--48 in Tare ¥ debated. In reply to T. P. Lancaster| agreed Colonel W. H. Price of Park-- cllkors in 10935--36 in lots of approxi f(Cons.. Pelerboro'), he adMitt dale. "Greater accommodation % matecly 200. The amount, 53,500, was > -- s(omme .'m:ni:ip;;)it)i.es hadml:'e?u;ht:'y 1"':0:"01';2""3 &A. Pallkner. Minister approximately the same as for the | more money for this purpose, and add-- * % » "te . nroceding vear dbr ar t y i _ of Health. informed the Hou& thflt ',~.-l\,;\\1";.x{° i-l;'..llllil:;«('l the former Gov-- :fiié'rr;atgoghe request would receive con his department was considering ac-- "TThee anttines stig vake * commodating some 200 patients in the ' $ ";ld.xcv.le'l'li k,(g(:) 12('1)\-1 tf;u}grr t:;giu,';:,;'f | s building tormerly used as the Alex-- | lors as well. "They dd not peel Hes andra School for Girls and he added | and d'.d 1 t load I-h:m It gave th; that the new Fort William hospital| sttlers an advantage of 5 cents over | i would take care of eighty more, while | mnbtractors, he estimated. the present '"boarding--out" policy | During the same yeoar. contracts would further alleviate the situatlon.f were 21\; n to tw X'.l-_\:-Cl]P operators, | The closing of the Mimito Indus-- | bringing the tie purchase up to 123,000 ; * trial School and the moving of is tios. inmates to the Bowmanville School The purchasing quality did not re-- h was another issue of the afternoon's quire tenders, Mr. Lanz said. The discussion of estimates. present Commission continued the | G. C. Elgie and William Duckworth. | policy of the former Administration in | Toronto Tories, led the attack on the fixing a price believed fair to both ! change. claiming tha: the two institu-- i Government and sellers. It permitt,ed| tions housed different types of boys, | small operators to do business because, | who should never have been placed | he believed, they could not compete | -- under the same roof. | with the larger operators on a tender | "The Mimico boys wore much worse | basis. Settlers and small and large op-- than the--kind that the Bowmanville crators were all customers of the rail-- school was built for." declared Mr. way-- Duckworth. "It was a greoat mistake Two clashes betweon Attorney--Gen-- to move these more hardened boys eral Roebuck and Leopold Macaulay n with the Bowmanville lads. It'll over the Attorney--General's method make the Bowmanville boys worse| of examination took place at the dull | instead of better." | session. | Hon. H. C. Nixon, Provincial Sec-' "It's a farce." Mr. Macaulay said.' retary. argueod that the change had at one point in commnting on the| boeen advisable and advantagerus. ' manner in which the Attom@y-, He said he had never been able| Gencral examined witnesses. "You've T to blame bovs for running away from made every statemeont and he ('hel th> Mimico school. It was located witness), says yes." | miserabiy, he explained, and had Mr. Rocbuck's retort it was cross-- | dingy and depressing surroundings.| examination and permissible, broughtvl : The boys were now benefiting from| from Mr. Macaulay the exclamation:| ' the better ermrvironment at Bowman-} "Oh poppycock." | ville. l "That's not parliamentary language." | * Hon. David Croll, Minister of Wel--| |Mr, Rosbuck returned. } f fare, added the observation that the| Later Mr. Macaulay described [,hel Mimico school had been an unsanitary | Attorney--General as "The judge ofl fire--trap. | sorencess," when Mr. Roebuck accused | A brief debate followed upon Opposition members of becoming similar issue involving the CiOSing of ".'C';.'C" when a point was made. the Alexandra School for Girls and o | the moving of its pupils to the Girls' % Training School at Galt. . cwepeemmememme ce zooo . . l it Accuracy Provincial Secretary ; o e i Asked by Price DIS]IkeS Cha Uff euUrs l In Reports Buys Own Gasoline islature t s t e "a'* :g'x;:m yos-- JJO®N.. HARRY NIXON doesn't | go back to the system of asking the |, Press Gallery w like chauffeurs. public Treasury to pay for cars and terday by former Attorney--General Just what he has against the chauffeurs for Ministers." W. H. Price during discussion of esti-- Uveried man behind the wheel he "Who s 1O § line?" mates for the department which he didn't say, but he did tell the Legis-- Pas NOU' Saso > € lature yesterday that he never called out William Duckworth, To-- once administered. 'Toty wanted to be in another Govern-- | ronto Conservative. P S o o Tos on more court ment that furnished its Ministers | _ Mr. Nixon looked annoyed, and had spoken in favor of mo:ie l;.?iu with chauffeurs. his reply showed it. "I'll have the stenographers when Colone 5 ot"' "They're more trouble than | member for Dovercourt know that who recently became the objec 1' they're worth," he said. "I hope I | I've paid, out of my own pocket, formal mk" mich h onl h 4 .. never have anything more to do | for every drop of gasoline and oil leged remark wh e lf'e m with them. I like to drive my own | and every bit of work ever done on lnglx'xl)lade. expressed mmmy. fuiend." car, and I'm very happy under the that car, and if he likes I'll show go further than * present arrangement. I don't think | him the vouchers to prove it," he ; he said. "I would suggest that we this Administration intends ever to ' shot back see that we have at least one * * shorthand reporter in the Press C al-- * lery, so that our future utterances will be correctly reported." j