The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1936, p. 1

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kpr\\ & Y .. ,One-Man I rolleys f t' To R in L | | Bill to Make Two Oper-- ' ators Compulsory Is + Defeated A NE--MAN street cars & will remain legal in SGH"GL TAXES Ontario, so far as f the -- Legislature is con-- cerned. Bill Defeated. Yesterday the House defeated, on 0N "M"ST" BASIS a <a second reading, the bill of T. A. Murphy, Conservative member for the TAX'F REE LAND Beaches, to make it compulsory to Th SE CTH ie erercmnge 4 have a crew of two men on all trol-- k s . a BILL APPROVED! leys. Division Favorable to . Minister of Labor David Croll, whil> r * i rrotelnd inintar rrmmetmcriemen admitting there was merit in the bill, Non -- Ontario Share-- CTnc Ontario Legislature Municipal said he proposed, if it went to com-- e f ommittce yesterday approved the mittee, to submit two amendments-- holders Forecast bill sponsored by Morgan Baker (Lib., one limiting the two--man rule to York North) to limit all private cities of 200,000 and over, and the A fairly liberal division of the schools to twenty acres of tax--free other providing that the law could corporation taxes which are indirectly land. At present private schools are not apply without first receiving the paid by outside--of--Ontario sharehold-- exempt from taxation of ali land in endorsation of the individual City ers may feature the school bill when connection with their buildings. Councils. it is brought into the Legislature Mr. Bakor based his objection to Russell Nesbitt, Toronto Tory, today. the present law on the experience of thought the bill would get more con-- Liberal members, it was reported Pickering Collego, in Toronto district, sideration if deferred for a year. He vesterday, are agreed to acquiesce in which, ha said, farmed 100 acres and noted that the T.T.C. declared pas-- 'he changing of "may" to "must" in competed with farmers, sage of the bill would mean a higher the tax law. But the division of the "If this sort of thing keeps up we| * fare for Toronto. tax which is indirectly paid by non-- will have to close some of the public | N A. H. Acres, Carleton Conservative, Ontario sharaholders is rumored to schools in Whitchurch 'I'ownship."& emphatically supported the measure, nave been a bone of contenticn. he stated. "The farmers cannot pay | and said 95 per cent. of the people of The Government is reported to have the shot." | . _ Ontario were behind it. "It's no use." held out for a division of this share r t he said, "for the Presidents of the _ of the corporation taxes between the trolley companies, like Mr. Harvey, iwo school systems on an assessment "ymg that it'll mean increased fares. basis The Liboral members who are In the old days they had two men lukewarm to the changes are reported on all cars and took you anywhere to have wanted all this money in the on the line for a nickel. If they would public school treasuries. go back to two--men crews and the Proemior Hepburn repeated yesterday five--cent fare they would get more that the bill will be introduced in revenue t"d""'omd help alleviate un-- the Legislature today. If he follows emp'ayment. his custom of last year when he Nervous Wrecks. brought in the Hydro contract bill, s Mr. Acres professed great sympathy ' the Premicr will speak to it at the for the operators of one--man cars, time of its introduction. : "y]ng that t,hey woere boconung ph)-sx.i An amendment to the Assessment cal and nervous wrecks, due to thel Act stands in the Premier's name on vg multiplicity of their duties. "Why,"| the order paper and was placed there he exclaimed. "they even should have Tuesday. It is presumed that this * two men on those big highway busses. is the school legislation. They're getting away with a lct, in my opinion." Sam Lawrence, Hamilton C.C.F.!| _ member, deplored Mr. Croll's proposed | amendment limiting the effect of the| bill to cities of over 200,000. A pri--| M'N' vate company which formerly operated | « 'in Hamilton, he said, used two--man| 'cars except on the spur lines, but as | 'soon as the Hydro took over it ap--: ; plied for one--man cars for almost| * 'all routes. He agreed with Mr. Acres' --.--{V--_fi- R that an operator trying to managel 1 emove controller, brakes, door handles, uck-' Amendlpent ets, transfers and change would be | j Imprlsonment Clause sure to suffer in health eventually. | e derovey quenoaitormenmnraiantscacn f Dr. A. D. Roberts, Liberal member' Removal of the minimum penalty for Sault Ste Marie, said the bill, if ' of two months' imprisonment for pased, might mean the closing of the & second offenders, under the Minimum Sault tram line, since it could not Wage Act, is provided by an amend-- operate with the higher cost involved ment introduced in the Legislature by two--man cars. He opposed it yesterday by Labor--Welfare Minister strongly. David Croll. f Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Minister of "At the present time," he explained, Highways, corrected Mr. Lawrence "Jjudges are reluctant to send em-- with the information that the Ham-- . ployers to jail for not paying proper ilton Street Railway at present was wages." 51M not paying its way, even with one-- "Taking the teeth out of it," com-- man cars. mented _ Russell Nesbitt, Toronto| The House then killed the bill. M.P.P. s | f "No, of course not." replied Mr. . Croll. "The present bill had so much / kick in it ithat every one is afraid io enforce it." | To prevent abuse of the act by em--| Y pioyers who pay partly in cash and| partiy in credits, another amendment stipulates that the full minimum wage shall be in cash, so that there may * . be no doubt if the law has been * broken.

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