P e <o % & uh C '\'\\3 'SEPARATE SCHOOL ' OPERATORS QUERY AF PEARS TODAY Not Protesting Levy, Says _ Debate Will Begin on McQuesten 1 First Reading Representations from operators . of ' $ large fleets of private commercial mo-- 1 today her tor vehicles have been received regard-- ' mm ntoh? long-sa 'w:;titeLZl al;gg:tuw ing the proposed special tax on such ' school t..ax battle will have bogun in vehicles, Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Min-- ' the Ontario Legislature. ister of Highways, told the Legislature ; * Prime Ministor 'Hcpbum's bill to last night when second reading was | me!\d t.h(' A.S%"m"nt Act so as to 81\'021 hls b'n pl'O\'Xding fOl' t,he ltax. rovide some ad}fiflthflnb---a.x yet not They were not protests against the » w gtflclall known--of the division of _ Principle of the levy, he explained, but taxes between public and separate _ Tequests for consideration when the schools in Ontario was to have been gg;g:";e't'?r':n?ggljlwuon of the tax was | introduced yesterday. * * = But, while crowded galleriecs hung on his every word, and then regis-- tered doep daisappointment, Mr. Hep-- burn vesterday announced that he | had deferred the matter until just | after the 11 am. opening of the & House today. . The reason, he said, was the ab-- | sence from the House yesterday of Hon. George Henry, Leader of the Opposition, who had requested that on uoi raneratrrrn n mang f the bill be not introduced unless he c s were present. Growers Seek Reductions When the bill was brought down, & said Mr. Hepburn, he would depart in Ottawa from the usual procedure and permit ; debate on first reading. es Removal of the tax of 10 cents a gallon on native wines is being held in abeyance pending representations grape--growers are making to the Fed-- ' l eral Government with a view to taxa-- BARBERS GR tion, Premier Hepburn informecd the Ontario Legislature tonight, When his bill to remove the tax came up for consideration, he anncunced his in-- tenlion of amending the bill in com-- l Cl e en iecas ce se mittse. s3"~iIt w;uuld not bescome effec-- % tive until proclaimed by Order--in-- Would Compel _ Associ-- _ council 8 * The grape growers are asking for ation Membershlp climination or decrease of the Federal excise tax and adjustment in the . 2 "in «ne--cont--a--pound sugar tax, the Pre-- barbers and hairdressers to belong to everything in abeyance until then." i an association was thrown out yester-- mgi:é zi:gglz:d s?li'gmsa;els"cé? Sna;::c f day by the Ontario Legislature PTI~] / jons in 1930 to 1,311,722 in 1935. Sales vate Bills Committee for the second| _ f>11 off following the lowering of the f successive yvear s Dominion excise tax on liquors. The Three different organizations ap-- 'Premier said it was the Government's plied for the exclusive right to con--| _ intention to pass on to the consumer trol the trade, and three separate bills | any benefit of a ljower wine tax. were before commit,t,cc'. A special sub-- The beer parlors, imported spirit-- committee, _of which A. Belanger _ moyus liquors and imported wines were § (Liberal, Prescott) was Chairman, ail conspiring to create difficulties for t reported against adoption of any ©f _ Canadian wines on the home market, . the bills. sys the Legislature was tolc # 'The tbreo organizations, Mr. Bel'- W. A. Baird (Cons.. Toronto--High anger said, "remain irreducibly apart," Park), blamed the taverns for the . _ and there seemed no prospect of g6t-- _ ;roubles besetting the wineries and ting them to unite. grape men. They were educating the tastes of th> public away from winss. hx marco@«>» Famous $15,000 Bull _ the Legislature last night to defend 2 Oshawa. The old ido!l of the Liberals * iA was protesting Wilfrid Heighingzton's t y e olan Ochene imertent t back a @lIn Ca@Uses 1L218pUuUCTC statement that a Magistrate's office _ ~-- oS ;oll"cnol g?"h:?m Atto'rtzeys and TME Ontario Legislature rensowed "And I hope this is the last <f difficulty 'there. nclair explained the the $15,000 bull wrangle just the bull," said the Premier. "They micht..have had beiter noll before it adjourned at 11 o'clock las The House rose after giving quarters," he said i ahls s'l';', PolCo night until Premier Hoepburn tool. . second reading or committee reading style "E;m, then the n,m ht h;.' C o. Colonel W. H. Price to task for dis-- to almost every item on the order into default. But '\i'e gt i C 33"; couraginzg private philanthropy by . paper--in all, forty--one laws getting if the 'orld had se algne. an making politics out of the bull advanced one step. It will convene | gone on that basis r several j ke un t perhaps we wouldn't be in the debt which was giveon to O.A.C. by several at 11 a.m. today to take up the | faat regre ae wealthy citizons. separate school bill. | we are now. While we're poor in this ml:"s goods we're really not ashamed M