The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Apr 1936, p. 1

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A Pfll 1 * us on e . ! ' :lhecwonwd h mmeemrwat:w rs&hool taxes | h'xr one is to judge fairly of any [ |~ The Conservatl t phaso of the separate school problem, | |the opinion that the proposed onanges | one RVot $Ver bear in mind the com-- 1 " |_| were an "absolute daparture" from tghe 32:1'1" 1t:hac'ro?1%t:r:.t o(:talf)u; i svation _ | compromise principle * or Soleration P principle which set up the 'and compromise \ |public and Catholic school systems | k toric develooncnt N [ under the statute of 1863 this its historic development. | Galleries were packed with spec-- Principles Said Intact. tators and the Legislature benches "What seems vital to me in this unusually w'ell filled. issue," procecded Mr. Rocbuck, '"is "It's l'l' o'clock, I'm sorry I haven't that the children of one section of finished," the Attorney--General said Our populace are not being properly . :;Q:'ssauls::!z cllc:clic matmed the Legis-- adetquatcly or. equally treated in the p J closing o. e stop-- matter of school education. A H --l _A g;ge x{:'nd started to gather in his gl;;.gsgig tl'(l:fzf prisgnt "Leader of t.?i: s j P n enry 8 4 ceused of Premier Hoepburn leaned over and| effect: 'T'll nce>€ gifi? .youHe asr?ylgfiigz' Opportumsm and murmured something. | that you don't drag out of me by law-- . % = Oh, you're not going to adjourn?"| suit.' They asked bread, and he gave Insmcerlty the Attorney--General answered. "In| thom a stons. f w6 in cGedarar rucicie ces ' that case I'll continue. | _ _"A great statesman said: 'I will not x Sees Appeal to Animosity. open the door to power with a bloody TILLEY FILE MISSING? | 'The Conservatives in the Logisiature| KeY', But the Opposition, as indi-- * _ | were trying ot whip up a wave of re. 22t°4 by the remarks of the member Stmmmmenmemmmmommestommemigge ligious animosity upon which they for Bracondale, proposes to try to (For report of Hon. George S. Henry's could ride back into power. it was OR°n that door, not with a bloody speeth see Second Frnnl.) charged by Mr. Rocebuck, in the course key, but with a rusty key--rusty with | .(t)f al e;ri:?acham dofense of the school theT:Hgl*.ou; anirfnosities of the past. | N ax tion. "The Lceader of the Opposition has N ALT EK N AT ING Quelling Conservative interruptors CXPY°ssed the hope that there will'l tedium and tumult, the | | $3 ASUY Sfuting one demand for a showa not be. winn tws se way s s 'al of a protested remark, the . be, he issue is an O n tario Legislature ?tfmg;rGelncral spoke for more than ?::;sf',?ugflflgst c!}mg@hm the texistmg ol > wo hours in su & of & re 18 n. But if such a controversy early this (Tuesday) morn-- which he envisa.gms the aoo?rg?:st.'i:m does arise and rage in this Province.' ing was ploughing patient-- of an injustice and as symbolical of 1t Will come because of the speeches| ly toward the end of ten ,me tolerance and understanding of Of, Nis followers who are seeking to * the Protestant people of Ontario. set up religious discord and antagon-- hours' debate of the school _| _ Hot exchange occurred early in Mr. °M bY theitr utterances." | tax question. |Roebuck's address between himself --, ADY legislation passed by the House,| and Russell Nesbitt, Toronto member he asserted, could be repealed by the | Cheers, Jeers, Charges. for Bracondale and previous speaker -- Same House. And, furthermore, to as-i In a house where, earliee in the in the debate, when Mr. Nesbitt ac-- SUTE the efficacy of ths proposed| evening, cheers and jeors had succeed-- _ Cused the Attorn>y--Gencral of having Measure, the Government, once it «4 charges, counter--charges and de-- been a Socialist. was, passed, would keep "an anxious mands for withdrawal, the early mor-- "The member for Bracondale," said °YC,) On the situation to make sure ning hours saw the once--jammed _ Mr. Roebuck, "has seized upon a -- (PAt there was no injustice. He argued galleries all but empty, and t}e mem-- --_ Simple issue before us to make political . that the bill involved no departure bers' seats vacant but for # sprink-- | CaPital out of religious animosities." from the fundamental principle of ling of yawning legislators, with the Immediately Mr. Nesbitt rose and _ !eX division. _ division apparently still hours away. demanded a withdrawal. His record Then h? replied to the 'I_'~)ry appeal But the spectators who came to hear was well known in politics, he declar-- for a tgrmmation of the entire separate eratory and to see excitement didn't. °4. as that of a man who had never| | 5°hOO! issue. laalt o home mwolnted' soug'ht, to stress racial or rell'gious' | :'Th'e're can be no finahl:' to any-- They heard Premier Hepburn's bill -- ssues. | |thing," he declared, "as long as the sepperted 'by Minister of Bducation "I will not withdraw," said MAr.| | world rolls around and day succeeds Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson and Attorney-- Rocbuck. "I will offer, however, to| day, No act passed in one year can General Roebuck, and attacked by| :?i:gnaé t;he t}rxe'm%é% tzf my honorable' ::n::":ggdn.: zgita;';l: f};)er :gl ;:';}ic ttl(y> Opposition Leader Henry, Russell Nes--| n this ate, and to judge T R 4 bitt, Toronto Tory. and T. A. Kidd,| him instead by what he says between | 14 need be doted Tho no °t crosmal Kingston Conservative. | now and the next election." [ || - | e * Mr. Nesbitt retorted: "That's just| :by..? sulcaceedmg generation. eaga Pussyfooting Alleged. . | about as fair as if I were to offer to| | f n 1900 the prinoip l? of the divxsmn' They heard Mr. Henry twice asked| forget the words you spoke as a So-- '3\ (ci'ox'}mranon taxes was introduced. point--blank whether his party was) cialist in Northern Ontario." And a s 'li iis prosent Hropoged a.mend-l pledged to repeal the bill once it had| moment later he added: "Ysou're not fn}';lg is unconstitutional, so is the act been passed, and heard him both! following Karl Marx tonight, eh>" . |° ol 86 that has stood the test of time | times evade the question. They heard| _ "I never have been a Socialist, and y""..";guefifed°, ( | him accused of pussyfooting. | never will be one," Mr. Roebuck de-- %.s b C tif'de' of the Opposition ."'ys' They heard the Opposition ac--| clared. "As a matter of fact, my views: | NUOMI® the matter to the courts, My cused by Mr. Roebuck of seeking to; are diametrically opposed to the sa-- | [ "S"§! "l:e"h';'t is Why didn't he do whip up a wave of religious strife up--| |cialistic theory of Karl Marx. But 1 |'} NDHS NC Was in power' True, he on which to ride back into power--a |refuse to be drawn into a discussion CBSA48®A Mr. Tilley as counsel and charge which led, in the case of Rus-- | on economics." .:?g;l ag;\ o sela the :n%gfir. But why, i nmane ace ie nounamniargs| Lend af Biesy mss serlousts tor that purposs, has the fie that the Att:ornoy-Gcncral had ongc< "Canada," said Mr. Roebuck, "is a |disappeared? There are some who say heen a Socialist and a disciple of Karl composite country composed of people |that the member for South York (Mr. Marx. who trace their racial origin to aill |Henry) was simply giving a)| little . parts of the worlid. We have the 'come on' to the Catholics." $ | Says File Missing. English, Irish, Scottish, Italians, a« | Former Premier Henry's skepticism | And they heard Mr. Roebuck ac-- number of nationalitiee who speak the |absut a shareholder's power to divide | C'are that, although Hon. Mr. Henry, Slavic languages, and the Jewish |corporation taxes was called a "legal| when Premicr, had retained W. N. people. It is not possible to crush |subt.lsty." The Attorney--General argu-! 'Tilley for the presumed purpose of these peoples into a common mould, }ed that in the ordinary sense a per-' taking. the school tax issue into the nor is it desirable to do so. What is |son's property, transferred to a cor-- courts, the entire file had since dis-- desirab'e is that each shall enjoy the | poration, was still his property. Andi appeared. so that '"not one stroke of priviicgo of living its own life in its ; the Fathers of Confederation had, Oti the pen now remained to record what= . own way. It is in this way only that | course, intended that this property ever passed between the two on the this nation can remain the Canada |cculd be divided. ! whole matter." she has been and accomplish her des-- | "In this law, the Province of On--| m'!'hmugu hhcmt the da)(rl there w?s not -- tiny as one of the greatest nations 'ltario is meetimgmtt;hempmbéegasgla t';,lfiel e slightest outward sign of the on earth. | same way as in erta an «4 party split rumored in the corridors, "Under these circumsiances it is not | | @Wan--and if it is ultra vires here it and not the least suggestion Oof a a matter of wonder that some .special! | is ultra vires there, and that has stood weakening of the Government speak-- arrangements should be necessary |the test of the courts_." ers in .their stout support of their _ arising out of religious differences. Minister of Education Dr. Simpson Premier's measure. "In medieval times all schools were | had been first up for the Government. Shortly bofore midnight Mr. Kidd _ under the patronage of the Church | The Minister hinted his department moved the adjournment of the House _ The idea of a non--denominational MA¥ plan to put more religious educa-- only to be met with Mr. Hepburn's _ school is quite modern, and it is tion in all the secular schools. mmment that. "Lhe motion XS :hemfore not extraordinary Lhat we The debatt. as befittfid tohe mious" not acceptable to the Government." ) find in Canada a group who ask for NDGSS Oof the legislation, was fairly "How long, may I ask, will the de-- | a pontinuance of denominational solemn and heavy documented. Only bate continue?" inquired the Kings-- . teaching. Whether this is wise or in ONCe Or twice legislators engaged in ton To . o n i aont ths best intorests of this country is | POlitical cross--fire. For the most part "Until about 2 o'clock," replied the: _ nos now a matter for discussion, for they laid before the House reviews of ! Prime Minister. the history of Upper Canada in 1841-- a minority though important element | of thei To Courts, Urges Henry. in our population set great store upon | 63. and lsjn%th{a.r(i'on;clwomml ms te Early in the afternoon former Pre-- the privilege, and history has estab-- Qxf'evl;el;:er:nm l?e ngw? Wh:{-:'smst:he mier George S. Henry had given the lished it as a matter of compromis® | . (05¢ of 'rqucation?" keynote Ott,heme Conservative Party _ and of compact in our constitution. ll\?[r Nesbitt stirrea .the Legislature stand on issue--a demand that § n e

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