The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Apr 1936, p. 2

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The now grey--haired separate school spokesman pressed his plea with the enthusiasm which he is re-- ported to have taken into caucus. At one point he intimated that the bill did not fulfil all his dosires. "But in the present state of the spirit, in the face of the bitter propaganda being made, it would be futils to make any attempt to give full justice. night. His voice was clear in the top galleries, and he used it t> give the Legislature one of the finest bits of old--style oratory in recent Queen's Park annals. *"I appeal, Mr. Spsaker, to the people of Ontario to leave aside re-- ligious prejudice, every creed bias, and to judge this on its merits. Who will deny that undor the presont systom there is no such thing as equality of opportunity for the children of the Province?" "Not Dollars and Cents." *"The separate school supporters-- and it has been rightly said that our Catholic people are the poorer psople ----the poorer people have to pay double the rate of the richer element. Where is the equality of opportunity? How can we say that the Province of On-- trio is a democracy? I undorstand that the first elsment in the demo-- cratic concept is equality. Where is the democracy under the present sys-- tem of our schools. Democracy means that the surplus of the rich will help "Over your head, Mr. Speaker, is the Brit'sh coat of arms, and that British ccat of arms contains a PFrench inscripticn between the lion and the unicorn: 'Dieu et mon droit' ----not my might, but my right. "I appeal to the members and the Province to look at this in its trus light. The principle underlying the bill is bigger than any criticism, Some one will say it is badly drafted. What has the frame got to do with a beau-- "I think the rignt--minded people of the Province will look at that side of it--and not dollars and cents." tiful picture?" The member for Carleton (A. H. Acres) had appealed for equal rights to all and special privileges for none.= The French--Canadian M.P.P. asked if a Catholic sharcholder's tax*®s should go to the public schools. "Where is the equality of rights?" Should the tax of the C.P.R.--sub-- gidized by Dominion grants paid in part by Catholic citizens--go to the public schools? "Where is the equality of rights? And yet we are denied a share, a little share, the smallest share of the taxes paild by that corporation.' "I'm not talking of legal rights. I'm talking of justics--the rights undeor the law and the rights under justice are two different things." i If Hon. G. Howard Ferguson were ) now Leader of the Opposition. he | would not only support the bill, but | would co--operate with the Prime Min-- | ister in drafting it, the Prescott mem-- | ber claimed. Protestant Schools in Quebec. The Protestant schools in Quebec were not actually separate schools, said Mr. Belanger, but were common schools just as much as the Catholic schools of Quebec, inasmuch as they shared in proper proportion the assistance of the common purse. There was no excuse, he said, for a misunderstanding of the status of so-- called sevarate schools, and he de-- plored deeply what he called the ten-- . dency in some circles to regard the| Catholic schools of Ontario as "a sort| of bad grow'th" upon the body of the public school system. At the most, he said, the new diver-- sion of taxes would not affect any publia school supporter's purse to the extent of more than 7/10 of 1 mill. "Is that not a small price," he asked, "to pay for the privilege of extending to one section of the people the rights which they ask? Yet it is being claim-- ed that this bill will be the ruination of the public schools, Ruination, for-- sooth!" "The existence of separate schools in the Province of Ontario," he de-- clared, "reprosonts an elomont of sal-- vation to the public school structure." If the separats schcols wore to close, he argued, a tromendous increase in the public school rate would place an unendurab'le burden on the ratepayer. Today, he said, the Conservatives who opposed the bill were ruthlessly setting aside the heritage of Sir John Macdonald, who had "practically pledged conservatism" to concessions to the Roman Catholie minority in Ontario. And he concluded with a paraphrase of the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as others are doing unto MANY department stores and chain -- organizations were hiring boys and girls after they left high school, paying them meagre wages, and then, when they became 21, replacing them with a new and younger "crop," the Ontario Legis-- lature was told yesterday by William Duckworth, Toronto Tory. Mr. Duckworth raised the poipnt during second reading of a bill to amend the Industrial Standards Act. The Toronto Conservative urged upon Labor Minister Croll the need for "Led Around by Nose." The last two speakers to the bill before asdjournment were W. A. Baird and William Duckworth, Toronto Tories. Mr. Baird offered a detailed and carefully prepared review of the his-- torical origin of the issue, and de-- clared that it was the bounden duty of the Legislature to protect the people of Ontario from the danger of having some of their taxes diverted for the support of schools other than public. o Mr. Duckworth, whose address was APv'\\ 4 | ceut short by adjournment, declared: E "This is not a tax fight between the | Protestants and Catholics. All the | t cuble is created by a gang of agita-- tors such as Mr. Quinn for their own personal gain. The Prime Minister," he added, "is being led around by the |nose by a bunch of contemptible po-- litical agitators " If Not, House Will Meet Saturday and Monday MAY PASS BILL REFORE FRIDAY " The action was seen as an inuita~ ' tion that the Opposition and Govern-- | ment may stop the school fight in | time to get the bill through before | Friday. It must get second reading to-- l day to go through on that time sched-- ule. The Premier woulid only say that the House would meet Saturday and Monday if the bill was not through by Thursday night. It was indicated that the Civil Service will also have i to stay at their jobs if this proves to ing. when Premier Hepburn let Wi!-- liam Duckworth, Toronto Tory MP.P. adiourn the qebate. : -- io oAbsutibram Queen's Park hopes Uhat LasiCl Wl be quitting time were upped a little at 1 o'clock this (Wednesday) morn-- be the case. ark hopes that Ea_n'.tcr_.\\"; as an indica--

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