The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Apr 1936, p. 2

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F. H. Avery, the Liberal m:mber for . St. Catharines, opened the discussion by attacking the proposal of his {el-- | low--Liberal, Morgan Baker of North York, that only twenty acres of tax free land be allowed each schoo!. | Application of this plan to Rid'ey | * College, St. Catharines, would be mos', unfair, he said, since its eighty acres , were used for sports, and not for | 'agricultural purposes in competlt.ioni |with the farmers--which had bsen the basis of Mr. Baker's complaint. agzinst private schools. Furthermore, | Mr. Avery added, Ridley was not | . operated for gain. | voted for the cheose bonus becaus: encouragement of the cheose industry 'w.'.s of v.tal concse:n to their constitu-- ents, more than 90 per coni. of whom | were patrons of chocse factories. They regarded the issuc, they said, as one of sectional importance rather than party significance, The cheese bonus motion was moved by T. A. Kidd, Kingston Tory, and received the solid support of the Op-- position, as well as that of the three Liberals. When the vote finally came, it was upon the amendment of Hon,. Duncan Marshall, that the Leg-- |thture do not make such a request of Mr. Heighington then moved an amendment, raising exemption to fifty acres, and it passed committe: «by a vote of 32 to 23. Sharp differences cof opinion upon the value of the place occunied by private schools in the educational system became apparent early in the debate on the land--tax issuc. the Dominion Government, and the amendment carried, 54--16. Wilfrid Heighington, Tcoronto Tory . and Ridley Old Boy, agreed that such | schools as his alma mater should not be taxed on the same basis as other property. A. St. Clair Gordon, Kent West Liberal, said private schools were not making profits, because their sur-- plusess were being used toward th: Tees of the poorer pupils. Mr. Roc-- buck said he could see no reason why rich men, who could afford private schools for their sons. shouldn't con-- tribute toward the same taxes as other people did. On the school issuc, Primec Minister Hepburn and four of his Cabine. un-- successfully opposcd in commiticec oi the whole a measure to raise from twonty to tifty acres the land which & private school or other institution of learning could opsrate without land tax. The voto was 32 for. and 25 against, Mr. Hepburn having the sup-- port of Ministers H. C. Nixon, Arthur Roebuck, David Croll and Dr. J. A. Faulkner in his stand,. while Hon. T. B. McQuest:on, Hon. Dr. L. J. Simv-- son and Hon. Paul Leduc votrd in favor of the increasod exemptlion. Cheese Bonus and School Exemptions | Divide Liberal Ranks PARTY lines wore split in two divisions in the Ontario Legis-- lature yoesterday on non--party is-- sues----the cheese bonus and land-- tax exemplions for private schools. On the chsese bonus, thrce Liberal members voted wilh the Opposit.on in favor of asking the Dominisn Govern-- ment to continue the cent--and--a--half bonus ver pound on cheoss. The three were. T. G. Boworman, Prince Edward--Lennox; F. B. Brownridge, Stormont, and R. G. Crovms, Rainy River. Emphasizing that they did not re-- gard themselves as "bolters" ftrom their party, Mossrs, Bowerman anc Brownridge later stated that they Party Lines Split On Minor Issues Apal 3 MR. SPEAKER last night re-- minded the Legislature to stay on its dignity while the House pounded its way through the school Brought to his feet to arbitrate one more dispute when Robert Allen called William Duckworth "a fool if you say that," the Speaker ruled Mr. Allen must withdraw the state-- ment. AXL "A few of the members," he went on. "have been making state-- ments devoid of the dignity that should exist in this House. I want to thank the great majority who have given me assistance and obey Mr. Duckworth was bringing the two religions into the school debate and a few minutes later John Row-- landson, Northern member, pro-- Catholic' and 'Protestant' in. a school depgtiej" he said. 17 "I'm asking the member to re-- Called for in Legislature Dignity '~-- The Ontario Department of North-- oin Development spent $181,715 for motor--car rentals and mileage al-- lowances since Sepiember, 1934, ac-- cording to figures tabled in the , Iegislature yosterday in reply to a testicn from J. F. Hill (Cons., Hast'ngs East). Northern Development Department Report Tabled O' the total, $88.374 was for the Northern Development Department it self, $34.171 in connection with trans-- Canada highway construction, $25,630 in the unemployment relief service and $43,540 on colonization roads work. PROVINCE SPENDS $181,100 ON CARS In addition to these totals, the Department of Lands and Forests, rlso under Mr. Heenan, spent $20,521 tor cor rentals during the same per-- lod of a vear and seven months.

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