-'"'-q--'"-"""""""'"-'-'" - . January at - still available from th e mi ---, Roeb ack V 3 Eltyrara. without 1'/,tlPl',"t,t ea S t vets scenic beauty. Do not f e i lj',','; that the Commission ownsorifit' I o Memo side of the Carrillon pow e Y ro 0 e velo 33; gutttaPtg: within a 'OJ. ' horsepow - p 21) the Des Joachim and £63323 aritheirslon the Upper Ottawa are W11 G n. 00 miles of the lines of th o wer e/ll",',',,'",', Bay System. e ' n rem -.--. ..' Mr. 'keJ'lllii',t1tirita 'httlireg,t on . ripe for arm of the undo , s s are Future Needs Will Not mission's r'll2us',"i'd'rdh,of,ntltehf,?g; the St. 1'r,'Stltr,"f, '1ltriit,igiwt', on o q one, . ' " ' " Power. It is l ' ' ' one. Be Supplied by Private 1'l,eieree,e1,e t,i,sutgp"pth,1g diate el/ill/re/n/ref/i/le/ii?,';: ng . . - ' as an Interests, A f f o rney- "t but?" tyr the Power barons." "err/ret/tut.', far tuturts. Ge I T ll . l l a entive hearing was given ed with u sierra System is surround. "era e S tegishr 8 e Minister outlined what the problem in Ive/tyi power. The fure: D . A ommlssmn has done in the way of Supply him" In finding sources ot ' e n t e s " providing for future power develop- '/iii'/ii',' 1}: father in f?.hot?!ritttr the ments. The Ogoki River -' w Icrt lends itself to th OWE, Odd e had b surveys cheapest and m it e g een completed and 120.000 vein n. ' . ost advantageous de- ----- horsepower could be developed it 1eo"r't,"enn"initii'-,iJ,js,t","i1te tne proper CLA the water was passed through the effrseti , ]in which to proceed and in SHES IN HOUSE 'Quccnston plant, based on a flow1 plntjonoy earning through to com- 034.0th cubic feet pcr second. "303' will know quit 1 ' l 'rcliminary surveys are alre d . . tttt cearlySOme l"Emphatic denial that a power 'in progress with a view to diverting} gggtrzri-ly we limited our purchase 3 ortage exists in Ontario. coupled the waters of Little Long Lac from io/ll',?,)',','.',),',', tcn years," said the rlth the definite intimation that the Northern watershed to Lake inc, once- eneral. apparently hint- tiling? Power "feds would, be sup- Superior. Tho. flow is estimated at this norioglotrhc that at the end of p ItefIY'om "him the Province, and 1.2m {not per second. and it used iiidlp'i,iirfr'ct are Provmce would be no rom private interests; featured at [lcccw Falls would develop 30,- T outside purchases," Cf',.",',';;,.'?,,',':'.,',',",',, Rzebuck's thrce- rm horsepower. , -- .a n . C v terday, e egislaturo M's Part With Dominion. .Denouncinz the Conservatives as As part of the gcncrai scheme to "insincere and iinpatriotic." the At-' render Ontario independent ot) torney-General scored "this stockt 'privately owned POW" the At-' bunkum ota power shortage" Con-l tornoy-Genornl revealed that the Lining his attention solely to the! !le"i"dal Commission was V0!"- Niagara S.s stem. Mr. Roebuck wound; t p Tm"? details of an agreement up Ily first instalment of his "mara- "witli the Dominion Got ci'nment l thon speech by revealing that the, Willi respect to tho iisc of water l Hydro Commission has 5,." the stage! 'from the Welland Canal at Dec-ow t for a power development program Falls. Tho Dominion's charges _ "witin, 83??" l ""ch nofw cut in two, he said. in- _ e o o tho steptiaiready taken tt ca o $150 per cubic foot per' '/r'ig?"e1'2rUt',"te1isyel,'.' of tr; Ewing the chrome in future would, . . . e u urc. an e c no per cu ic not for w tc -, summarized the details of half a livercd to the Commission: (Jets t,'ggd'p..'vi'"it'l developments by at Allanburg. Thch was a pros-i ec or ng: gcciive increase in capacity at the' How the Wind Blows. cccw Falls on this acc u "I mention these details of things some 20.000 horsepower, heopgit'tgg I actually accomplished in order to out. _ 1 indicate the direction in which the Those o!..vyt y'hl.care to s'pecu- t wind is blowing. it is not blowing late may find significance in the, toward Beauharnois. as the gentle- fact that the Dominion has further' men opposite so keenly desire. It is agreed to. carry in tho Welland blowing, in each instance, toward cam" to its capacity without m' . public ownership of the sources of pry to Pavigaiion. other water supply, toward propositions the cost which may be mudo available at of which is so low as to make a joke sfo per cubic foot nor second," con- of the former Government's 'rt-per-, tinued MR Roebuck. horsepower purchases. i ' "The time is not yet ripe for that :Baaia for Stimulation. announcement ot the Commission's', ' "A cubic foot per second is the plans," said the Attorney-General.! equivalent of approximately 25 "Nor is there any obligation to rCl horsepower at Decow Falls, at 100 real them to those whose only ob-I per cent. load factor. Gibson Lake iect would be to blot.k. them. To on the escarpment above the Decew those in the House and in the coun- Falls affords unique facilities for try who are in favor of public own- l the storage of water for use during ership. and the development of out: lpeak hours. A cubic foot is the own at,',ggei'idgy have patience. icquivalcnt of 100 horsepower at 25 . minim" e. iper cont. load factor. Let those The Attorney-General clashed fre- iwith imagination speculate on what quently with the Opposition. When Ithe Commission may he able to ac- . he accused Wilfrid Heighington complish whammy 1,000 cubic feet Cons. St. David) of being "de- per secon elivered through the liberately mischievous" in connoc- Iii elland Canala at Allanburg. tion with a statement on Hydro Surveys were completed this ,and possibilities of a shortage. the summer preparatory to the devel- (Conservative member called upon opment of the Madawaska---the es- the Speaker to ask for a withdrawal f timated capacuy of which is 85,000 _ of the term, together with the words I horsepower. . that his statement "lacked in com. We have Just completed an made, though the Attorney-General ernment by which the Commission remarked to his opponent that "you has secured complete control of he know what 1 think of such state. gainer resources of the Trent ents." a ey, ot or than that alread m"There has been no power short- .aitenated to private parties, and age either in municipal or Provino' -this summer we purchased three cial systems during this past winter,! plants l the Canada Cement Co., nor at any time for many years inl _ior _$225,000. giving us added this Province," the Hydro Commisoi . '08}??th of 4,200 horsepower. sioner continued. "And the attemptl 'Gurveys were completed this no dupe the reading public by such', summer for a development of 10,000 Iarrtnt nonsense should be resent-g horsepower on the Muskosh River ted by those who view the Hydro! which flows from Lake Muskoka to iproblem as one of public impor- the Georgian Bay. This new power . trance." l Ji/Ugly"; the 5030 '"t'/ii.',y",'gvg. ' se rom ri ta t is sum- Detllll Withheld. . mer, and will release the 7,000 horse- Ttte Attorney-General hinted at power which is delivered from the the minions plans tor Provin.: Niagara System through a fre- do! development of power by stab, quency changer at Hanover. m that he would tell some tact; "And do not forget." reminded b and mt Pt House draw it: own the Attorney-General, "that there Jii-tmts The time was not yet are many thousands of horsepower