' l do." "'"I 2t ' - nation of unreasonably low price; tor a substantial portion of the power sold. and the transfer of sales trom secondary to primary " a re. sult of the Commission's more busi- ness-like policies. TN 00,000,000 Improvement. , ' "The net result of this is that l last year we had a deficit of $2,- I 950,932.54, while this year we have a surplus of approximately $3,118,- ', 117.13," he said. The improvement over the year, considering the old C" Ideficit and st'lsle present Tdet. was 'more than ,000,000, he state . _ - fo Consumers .Are The Attorney-General then turned Reduced, Revenues Ris- to the year 1937. The Commission . L . I T id had passed its peak-demand time "'9. egls ature O with a total of 180,000 'll'l.'l'lpll'r'l'r') ----- ( purchased from Quebec. at a cost F of $2,705,972.18. Under the old can CALLS IT BANNER YEAR! tracts. the cost would have tteen) I ('s'ltGiko'G, so that the difference' l between what would have been paid Contract Cancellations Cut. and that actually paid IAN" 8tl,2titbri, . 1 Should the Hydro rates during Costs by $5,000,000, Claim I 1937 remain the same " in 1936, the f AH G I surplus would be substantially more It orney- enera than 83,000,000. ---- x A reduction of $2.50 pelr hora: t.. , I power to Hydro municipal ties " Deficits had been abolished in. recently been granted. This reduc- Cvery llydro sysrem in the Provtm'e.' tion was over and abdve an average charges to ilydro consumers had. '1055 on power previously ttttld ot been drastically reduced, and rev- 8523 per horsepower. Nor was that cnues were steadily mounting, At- all, he claimed, for the Commis- torney-General Arthur Roebuck told 'sion this year would add at least the Legislature yesterday in a tttree-, "1,000,000 to its reserves, in addi. hour review of his Government's. l tion to the usual sinking fund and record since cancelling the Quebec .renewals provisions. This $1.000.- . contracts. l i000 was the equivalent of approxi- He reported a $3,118,117 surplus', l mately $1.50 per horsepower on the in the Niagara System for last year, , total sales of the Commission to and forecast another $3,000,000 sur- the municipalities. I It,', indth: coming year. The policy , Better by $9.28 Per Horsepower. l a opte y his Government was u'~ " . 89.23 per horsepower better than the "If" ts to.. say, the Liberalt policy of tho. previous Administra- policy as 'Tolitd to the manage»; tion, he said. merit of llydro is better than the; "This," said he, in what he de-l f,tnstatlive erupt.,,,,',),',:',',').,,",',",,) scribgd as a triumphant mood, "is stated . p p ' e! the anner ear i I Hydro." y n the history of CNot st,',',',',,",,,,",,",,", 2ft,,,Prtg,ingig1i; Commission enefitte y the newl Courage Said 'tesetuired. policies and the cancellation of the; The Attorney-General contrasted. .Quebec contracts, but so also hadi his optimism in 1937 with the ithe Municipal Commissions, he said, "darkness and gloom" which he 'selecting Toronto as an example. said had prevailed when he ad- A $637,516.53 deficit in the Toronto: dressed the House two years ago Commission over the past fourI on Hydro affairs. It had taken _ wears had been abolished last year.' courage to do what had been done. ' Due to the reduced rates passedl but the Government's efforts had (tlloncr by the Provincial Commission.' met "with unparalleled success." iToronto consumers would save Mr.Roehuck adjourned the debate $735,000 this year. As other ex- on second reading of the Power 1 amples. he said that Hamilton was Commission Bill and will resume, Ibetter off by $800,000; London by today. i l $265,000: St. Thomas by $56,000. and lie was bitterly scornful In his! Kitchener by $148,000. criticism of the Opposition. "If? _ 1 sound a note of triumph." he, said " he presented the bright! . picture of Hydro, "perhaps I may; be pardoned for some exultation,' in View of the character of the Opposition and tho obstruction and misrepresentation which our poli- t-ies and administration have en- countered." The members opposite had been "serving their masters, the Quebec power interests, faithfully and well." said he. The cancellations, houcver. were completed and they would stay completed to the extent of the Government's ability to hold the fort against " comers "by - every lawful means within our power," he said. ' ('osts 84,993,089 Down. "It should surely interest the people of this Province to know that we have operated Hydro this year, 1036, at a cost of 84,993,089.3g it-cs than it cost in 1935. And do not forget that the cost of pur. chased power. had the contracts not been cancelled. would have been nearly two million dollars greater in 1036 than it was in 1035, it seems to me that a saving ol approximately five million dollars m a single year is worthy of pres. . . ,..vation by every lawful means; . within the power of this Legisla- ore." Mr. Roebuck said, and con- tinued: "Our total revenue this year was s24,36tt,MI.2S, while last year it was "d3.292,490.Sn. . "This is a revenue increase of " This increase irnot so much the result of an increase in . I load as it is the result of the eAltpi, _-------------,.-.---------