Jaotuan 2.1 (Government representative? onthe' assumed Pee PHI. That is an _ ) Provincial Hydro Commission. got; example to this Government. Now i into a brisk cross-chamber fight; this official organ of the party. says. l with Mr. Macaulay at this jun!-l you should abide by the court's de- l ture. l cision." _ i "Are you charging" he "kw-i Wants Expert Advice. ."that Toronto. won't get all the) Throughout its whole record of .power it reouires. " Hydro administration. the Govern- c'."c')11nn't, m December, replied .ment had revealed an attitude of t r. acauay. disan ointed sus oicio in which it Mr. McQtit-sten submitted that 'ldfli't')1'l'l to "bring sibmething dis- what had mm .dor.w in Toronto in honest" on previous administrators. the we of reducing voltage had vet had failed miserably in its ef- "yon done by the local Commls- 'orts. Wilfrid lleighington (Cons. ytott. ft. David's, Toronto), declared. Con- _ ' "tou YY,',"?)? member: l' "it?" t-rvatlve - appointed probes and Idunt you. asked Mr. Macaulay. liberal-appointed probes had re- 'Asks For Instructions. vealed not one improper action. 5 "Tho good ones." Mr. McQuesten "Remember," stressed Mr. Heigh- 'retorted. "Well. I repeat that To- ington. "that you have been asked ' ronto wouldn't have dared resorl- from the outset. to take this whole led to that trick without direct 'm- cours'e of action on allegations of istructions Jrom the Frovincml Hy.- the Attorney-General alone. I ant dto." I sure he lays no claim to knowledgt'; ---- "On whut do you base {9th a held alone by a hydraulic or clec' . - charge?" demanded Mr. Aft-Ques- trical enuinoer. I "mm." that n .1 Stricter Administration of ten. . . " one in this House knows the "3:1 . "Silo" us the d"j:i.,t,ruly"i; t u truth and the lt'hl fatts. Let us. Gasohne Tax Provided "We can ro tit-e t' HIS l' c. . .. -. ' . .. . . . . tirns." said sl','.'. Macaulay. "yyi ot l(nt't2'io,"ti,it/l"'apt/y1,vigeg.t, "'ll m Regulations , course .i "utlt")tn'llt D/po','.:,',,,',"']'),',,!,')" fore us: hear the testimonv b? the "------------, :a minute tt P . envincers "ho re-) t l n.- iwuuld havc "doptvd such molhud' holler purchases "l/ld'"-",';,"),', also: FEE A NOMINAL ONE "vithout instruction; fiom hitz'l'F "lit' iudr:ment . . . . ------ u I' Never. And the whole thingt "Can the Attorney-General name . . hit been done -e-» this depi-essing' one court in the land that would Retailers Also fo Be Lr. of potwr demands --. in order tol, pass its judgment on the argument . justify ttto unsound stand of uiirl, alone of the counsel in court?" censed, 8ut Will Pay Government on the contracts situ- asked Mr. lleighington. "Yet that' No Fee ation." f is the fart in this case. The Attor- ""----------., --- "What Bill Ill purports to do," he ' hey-(jetteral has come in here. fired V . said. "is to mange the Constitution " his alltu,rations and demands a Judg- LicSrlsi.ty; of "ll imirorlcrs, retire of Canada and of its Province-t by i ntyttt in his furor. 1 demand that ers, distributors. jobbers and whole- unlawful means. so as to seize juris- he submit his witnesses and his toss Ialer.s of gasoline in Ontario and diction over subjects which were timuny. [hate not lost faith in this the. imposmon of a nominal fee of not assigned to it by the British Assembly )o-t. but faith will he lost $1 for each tank or reservoir and North America Act. and the way it in it hy the people if this course of 03°". fonveyty.ure used for trans- is seized is by the Moscow expedient action is pursued." Porting gasoline arc provided for of ordcrim: that no sheriff. Isailiif A reserve I! 120,000 horsepower, y.ndet 'e.regu)ation.s to the Gaso- or officer of any court shall execute. 0" about 10 "et' "t'tlt. of the 1936 line Handling AM which the Hep- ("Hy out m. assist in "mun": or Iiul; load. was quowd by D. M. burn Government passed at the 1936 cumin}: out an) process of law or Campbell Wilt-- Kent, as an ex- SHistott of !.h" Legislature. These Judgment of any court heretofore 'ttttples of the present Hydro Com- ncw regulations which come into or hereafter given. made. entered or mission's methods of keeping Power' "?ct on Feb. l, next, also pro- issued. What right had the (titer. cosh- at us low a price as possible in "'9" for ihe ll""llSillfl of each re- itcy-(cheral to order any sheriff or (Hilario. tailer of gasoline under a no fee :hailiif or officer of a court not to "in brief. the situation appears system. as u_means of guaranteeing cat-r} out a judgment of the highest to be this." declared 1Mltlu.in Elgic stricter administration of the ores- court of Canada or the Privy Coun- 'Cons.. Woodbinet. "More compro- '-1, gasolinedax. til it that judgment. is interpreting misc and less dictation could have 'fr1:trmy'nirrs, parts of the new the British North America Act and settled the present controversy regulations: Said Hon. T. B. Me. pricing effect to Dominion jurisdic- without, appeal to the courts, it' Questen, s1..1inisty,of Highways, tion as distinct from Provincial jur- there had been no appeal to Courts; yesterday, can't designed for the isdirtiony' there would have been no judgment 1 teo",';',',?"'),',)',', Of'flll'f and tsxplosion and _ , . against Hydro. And if there had, .come un et' lt' Joint jurisdiction on" supports Bllld d in tie been no juaument against. Hydro of the. Department of, l-!.is',hsvars and The Hydro retox url g C' the Attorney-General of Ontario' the Fire Marshal's Office and gov- past two years. when an "THROW" ,would not have had the present op- cm the transportation of gasoline ment of twelve millions hat! bf?" portunity to stir up Bolshevists in and other flammable petroleum pro- shown, was suffiment to -"and'" the Province hr a measure which ducts on highways as well as the support of the yeyttinmg',nf.f. Hy.to The Globe ami'Mail has aptly up. bulk and retail storage and hand- policy. declared John Glass. K.CI scribed as this 'wrotched bill'." ling of gasoline. Minimum speci- tLiberal. St. AIfrtt.Tor.onro.s. . . fications for tank trucks. bulk and who went to great lengths In hls retail storage are given. and pro- argument to support the legal foun- vision is made for thc gradual elim- dation of the n . ination of all curb osoline u s Not one Government member in and also for the (f/C/i)', type or'")',',',',','? the Legislature t'Y.1ld appear Ill' line pump in which lat-ac quantities the next election if he votes m fator . of gasoline are kept above ground of the bill. A. Hollis Acres (cond: 'in a. glass container." 'Carlptont declared when 1tc',y"e, Mr. McQuesten said that the new i' a plea that any surplus ?f.lttr, . trd regulations are also designed to help _,': utilized in a rural power C.',.',',:'"',,",',') lessen the danger of fires in homes: scheme that. could also woe. pu through the improper use of gaso-i imuch 't'.,"1'.",',1,yim,'),t,t.k by tttvtng line, by providing for the sale of emoosnn s o ITV'n . . . asoline. for other than use in an l As one "ho had yI'lt'ug,mdt Sutomobile. only in a safety type same platfor.m with Sit Admin fi','. of metal container. This is in line, at the opening of the J.i,rlt y P he claimed, with the present pro- .... . Ontario, William New- " . enterprise in. . q ud to visions. of the Ontario Insurance man (Lin, Vit'lonm- was p"; . l iAct which renders an insurance 1 still pledge himself to the pr help e , tpolicy void if gasoline in the build- of power at cost. he said. ' :ing is contained in a glass jar or I " . r." l any other type of a container except Th." 1rlt.l'.? Way . Icht be saved a metal can The only other part , Whatever money m y ' - tthe re ulations aft ctin directl d h repudiation. it "OUId full HI g . . e ' f. y thro g h 1o.as sustained from f the general public. is. he stated. the it?" short oft " .d the eventual (provision that car engines are to i POW"; 3332?"th repudiatlng an i he shut off when the tanks are be- , Slit-igztign: William Duckworth ing filled at service-stations. Icons., Dovercourt). declared. l The British method. he said, was . . ' to seek to find a way out by con-. i (mutton. This principle alone had , j kept peace in the world for ten' vents. he said, and .all British "people had carried on an the British ' Vito" at The Globe and Mail." (said Mr. Duckworth. "When The IGlobe took over The Mail and Em-. =plre there was no repudiation. Hi 'there were obligations. they were! F