The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Jan 1937, p. 1

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Ja.\\\\ 29 and saying: 'Let them come to us.' | are in a much more favorable posi-- 4 In my view this is the wrong policy.} tion. When, in 1926, the opportun-- The Government has a chance to do| ity presented itself of buying power ' a magnificent thing. But to proceed| from Quebec, we did so because it plong the present line will do more was an opportunity to break downl harm to settlement of the power the differential by two. We seized| question than anything else." the opportunity to buy power and HYDRO BILL fsssfum | 0 Roaiifiin moncte brmint" | _ Col. Price said he was t--| poseinilries n the AirAE nce.:' | 'ing to claim that the 2;'(} a&)ev'gfn_I The House Leader said that with | | ment was not to blame. Probably "' new electrical appliances coming | was, he said, but it had not been on the market, apd a general | 'n-;ni.\s in its duty as it saw it. He upward trend in industry, more | | did not believe, either, that "w} power would be used in the future | present Government was remiss in | He charged that Ontario was now | Ts Ee aeaaraaees % "The time has c in.| A ontraste s action Would Withdraw $127,000 ihlinlz.'(" Ts 'd:,'.l,'":'(f:;"c .'.,';.hsitf'pisqut'g'o' with the "repeated" statements of * big a matter to aui Uap Attorney--General Roebuck that the Posted With Courts |m(_a"s (00 inuch "\':"zi'l'e" 1:2001:1.'--' (I,} 730,000 horsepower contracted for by Hydro | the Province." was surplus. [ If li'l-" :i(nrrnm-: nt decided to get: Charges Figures Wrong. \ an outside expert to make a survey "'The Attorney--General says the L'KELY TO A D J O U R N | ;;Edl;(;»:: :)(rl -*'rl-.'t"(ll{:: <tl1ni::1t n;?(? n:t;fil Jlnt increase in power consumptizn last n the Chicago power expert, Ryan. Z:?dr I\'/IV:SHOeX:nlg 30:9\(')&'0 lroi'sepl:"}/'gr. C '. A * S d obtained to make a survey of the What i. h (;' e"h as im, onservatives gain Ssoun | Provincial power situation. s he doing with the rest WGrnin of POWOI' ShOf' The sole purpose of this bill, sub-- ?;}:259?90'000 horsepower now being 9 s s mitted Arthur Eliis (Cons., South There was no answer at this *093 In Provmce .! Ottawa), was to--set aside a Court point from ti1e Attorney--General .| of Appeal judgment in favor of the "Out of your own ymouth M_ x f Oitawa Valley Company and to re-- Attorney--General, I * 6 Warnings of a power shortage if cover for Hydro $127,000 which the figures are wro;, a» a';rovtedyg,;lt the present Hydro policy is main-- court had ordered paid into court. Henry. "Where w%uld v:erbe w'ttf. tained were again flung across the If the Government considered the out th.e CGatineau and Chit eFa]ll -; floor of the Legislature yesterday bill good law--"and it isn't"--WhY _ But the Government says the 730,000 by the Conservatives as the second didn't it exempt all the local Hydro horsepower was all su{'plus Oower of the three Hydro bills went Commissions from the provisions of My honorable friend, the Att?)rne\'; through second reading. the Privy Council Appeal Act? The General, sought to givé Ihe impres-- By a vote of 62 to 17, the Legis-- Government, he felt, had lost track slon that there was no Feagon for lature "nproved an amendment to of the true legal position of Hydro. the signing of the Beauharnois * the Privy Council Appeals Act It was absolutely independent of contract." which has for its main objective the Government under the Power "There wasn't," remarked Mr the return to the treasury of $127-- S;'t':"";i:;"""fi-\"';" t'}']' "'(":\'i';;";';?"': Rocbuck. ° ¢ ; the Hydro Commis-- y fro e Gov i s gg)np::':gstz.) El"'he b.'i!(:rwoc\:ud also just as separated, he said, as the loage;lnm.lehntsyry0l119;gat\vzt12ehip§ak exempt Hydro from posting bonds Temiskaming & Northern Ontarvio than the k ly'd ' Snel Raiilway, if not more so. "And it hAdas phos ".' January, ,1,929' for future appeals. . shoul!d stand on its own feet," he the year the depression started," re-- Adjournment Likely. added. t?rtet.i M!:. Hlegnzgy. Who gave us a Discussion of the third and last Would Ban Debate. \':':gn(;:gthlg way? t%lfioato(}gpggsf;&': Hydro bill, one to require a fiat Admitting that the Legislature it would last five vears? No one from the Attorney--General for in-- was all powerful, and could pass Not a single man in public life fore-- stitution of action against the Hy--| anything it wanted to, Mr. Ellis hat 4 h I \ dro Commission or any of its mem-- suggested to the Attornev--G 1 saw what was going to aPpCH. . . ggested Attorney--Genera can bring scores of quotations int bers, was continued up to 6 o'clock that he could "make things even 3 i napnf d ' | iings the House from prominent leaders | adjournment. Acting Premier Nixon| _ nicer" for himself if he passed a in industry, who said the deDressin, sought and obtained from House bill prohibiting Opposition mem-- was a natural wave th t" epression Leader George S. Henry an under-- bers from speaking against any in a few months. e that would pass taking that the Opposition would Government measure and from vot-- d ioi rrngmmniings feve not attempt to block adjournment ing acainst it. "And you'd be able of the House for a two weeks' re-- to put through even more iniquit--| cess. ous legislation than you've already There were no spectacular inci-- | put through," he told Mr. Roebuck, | dents, no violent clashes as have en-- | "if you would pass a ba'll dividing livened other debates on Hydro mat-- |all Cabinet portfolios between you ters, but undivided attention was !and the Prime Minister, with equal , given by members on both sides as| _ | priority." a ve | well as by listeners in the galleries Wilfrid Heighington, Cons., St., to the addresses of Colonel W. H. David, described the biit as "alegis--| Price, Conservative Member for lative trick." It lacked sportsman-i Parkdale, and George S. Henry, the ship. "Every step the Government Party House Leadi,., Hon. '¥' M. takes to reinforce its 19835 legisla--. McQuesten, Minister of Highways Iiii(;?i':ul}t'e Sa.itd.' '"puts it in a more | and Hydro Commissioner, sponsored flicult position, | the two Hydro bills, but for the It's just making a farce of the : main part it was left to Attorney-- highest court in the land, the Privy . General Roebuck to defend the Gov. _ Council," declared W. A. Baird, errment's policy under Opposition Cons.. High Park. attack. ! _ Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Cons., |South York, asked the Attorney-- Price to Retire. \ General to say whether or not he Colonel Price, who incidentally con-- 'was in favor of abolition of all ap-- firmed reports that he was leaving peals to the Privy Council. The politics when the life of the present Attorney--General sat silent. Legislature comes to an end, spoke "I'm waiting for an answer," said briefly but eloouen;'ly. He was gflld Mr. Macaulay. Hor}. Paul Leduc n his criticism of the Hepburn Gov-- leaned over and whispered to Mr. @nment but vigorous in expression Roebuck. "My honorable friend," #¢ his belief that the present policy said Mr. Roebuck, "suggests that| would bring the Province into grave you put the question on the order SS The member for Parkosis suld . -- _ "It took time to think The member for Parkdale sa 6 ook you some time to thin the Hydro problem was "too big to that up," Mr. Macaulay shot back. fool with." The public did not care The day would come, he felt, when who was responsible for the break-- Mr. Roebuck would propose the down in negotiations, but fth;{y ddid ;;'ipingcout gl>f all appeals to the care about the future o ydro, rivy Council, their own enterprise. No Apologies--Henry. "Let this Government take a Dealing with the third power bill, long--range view of the situation, Mr. Henry assailed the Government he urged. "It won't do the Conserva-' for its Hydro record and declared tives or the Liberals any good if! _ inat he had no apologies to offer for | fifteen years from now there is &A) _ the purchase of large quantities of| power shortage in the Province, but power up to 1929. He tfraced thei it will do the PPOV'{";";' an inl\(xlnense background of the power situation | amount of harm. ",_s OUI ,8'01. in the Province and pointed to the' power from any source, so jong as fact that from a power point of the price is re;xx.sonablc;. r')I;en'.\lca{s view, Quebec Province had twice s from now we may no able to ; purchase power from sources that 8\:t :;;:ilable power that existed in are now open to us. & t "What the Goven}mergt .is doing ou!'y':e:::bf;'::ngYchznbgectjtt;'r: :'iit: is simply passing a bill, sitting back "But from a power stand'point thea; s

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