D P es "--*--_------__'w--_--------'_-- * | \ Ja.v\uu'\s B0 Canadian National Railways? Hydro * * is a business enterprise operated ' 4 by the Province and it should not Ibe taken out of the regular juris-- ree ower l S 'diction of the courts." | Called Ultra Vires. & | G. C. Elgie (Cons., Woodbine) | said the effect of the Hydro legis-- lation would be to make the Legis-- as lature ridiculous, The legislation, he claimed, was ultra vires and | would make the Legislature a | "laughing stock." r n a o e [ "It is making a mockery out of j our system of democracy," he | charged. "I do not believe it will coomueinmmmmmemmeneme mas o ssxoumuennnyetmestaeumem | ever be proclaimed. It is passed in 1 | # . order that the Government might Objecting to Two Weeks'| Wearied 'by Days cf have a bludgeon with . which to % orce acceptance of their terms." RQCQSS. Conservahve Orafory. H o uU S e Attorney--General Roebuck inter-- «_ ® * * k rupted the Conservative member a Leader DlVldes Leng- QU'CHY POSSQS LOflg few moments later to deny that * most applications for fiats had been lOfoQ at LGS"' Mmu'l'e Debafed Measures refused by him. He said every fiat iemeerantonnireormmmnaces ' rmenmasmem. asked for against the Hydro Com-- | mission had been granted except in VOTE 'S 27 TO '2 | ROYAL ASSENT G|VEr4 the present instances. hNi beiic in n ie recire es | Snmmedsmeoommmmommues Only Bill No. 33 will be immedi{-- | ato!y proclaimfrd. It is declaratory "Cheap Strategy--They Declaratory Act Effec-- legislation, which defines with more % c § is : xisting -- provision Cafl GO to fhe Devnl." tive at Once. BUf TWO, which prevents Hydro from being * sued in the courts without a fiat Sflaps 'l'he Aflgfy AC*' O t h e r HYdrO Bl"' from the Attorney--General The | o % A .* O d other two measures are effective | ing Prem'er i W aAI raer. only on proclamation by Order--in-- } aheeiiies ifi mss | eueman e cncenmmemi 6 Council. O rt may have been "cheap strat-f In contrast to the hours of argu-- egy," as Acting Premier Nixon| ment on second _ reading of the later described it, but the snapf three power bills, a speech--weary COX DOING WORK division of the House pulled by the | Legislature yesterday pushed the Opposition at 5 p.m. yesterday on;!t'giSIqtion through comn(xinteekstag'e tns uotion . io ettonen tm tme [Sine? Hiake minoice tot Inlld real, WITHO weeks, took the Government forces | ing. * Eompletely by surprise. ! At 4.30 pm. Lieutenant--Governor sentuessmmmamcsuummumes a 'atives chuckled with glee| Bruce entered the Chamber, gave * + WhCeonnste:l';ame:k of the Housegin-i Royal assent to the bills which then POS"' of Leglslahve Secrefary | a 'che t three i formed Speaker Hipel that the Gov-- | :Siaul?:sk::t'o:.ndlratl\:e;;?ym:ninuto; | for Northern Ontario to _ernment had won the division by | the Government had completed its Be Abolished a vote of twenty--seven to twelve, thei ;)lbjscti\}z:'el o(i plz;)('inz tllo Onta'no en rercnrsrmmmanirneny | 4 e | Hydro--Electric Pow@sr Commission | k. smail est \erdict'the i.,lbert:lsl have | beyond the reach of the courts, ob-- _ Legislation indirectly abolishing | obtained since sweeping their op-- | taining return of moneys posted as | the post of Legislative Secretary for prlnenis in qefent in 194. The"\'ecur""" wiping out the necessity \ Northern Ontario, which has been \ Conservatives didn't expect to win of putting up deposits for appeals | or $ p C | | to the Privy Council, and making | vacant since the death some ten the division, but they forced the !0 t 8 | i A ; House to divide at a time when|!t. imPossible for Hydro to be sued | years ago of Frank H. Keefer of | only a handful of Liberals were in | xé'n':':lt a fiat from the Attorney-- lPort Arthur, was brought down to | their seats. Most of them hadi A d. & (ch | the Ontario Legislature yesterday } k Amendment Beaten. hi uo § L. DJ :c.)ne ::me t :/Loudiy | _ By a vote of fifty--two to twelve, the | by '.Attornn.\ (.,ener:\l Rf)ei?uck' rf ng long an y« f | Legislature gave second reading to | position carried with it an annua lor?gheagh;:::xoar} t;;l(lis {&"rfiuf" }i(cler b'ifl the third measure, the onefdealing salary of $6,000. "* ) wi 'ti lat, t s iclati : o Government Whip, scurried up andi ('3;};'0;:;;3" ox;::dby flfi;u:ce:;};fig This legls?dtlon was on of ,' down corridors roundmgi up s:}t'r.ay' sought approval of an amendment pumber of bills 'wh'xch Mr. Ro.eb.uc'r{ members _ and bhephfil'id "SP 'im' in committee that would ~confine introduced to aid in the consolida-- gffofihi&gf&"}hé' c,t-o!:gn ;'Em\g{l the judgment--proof action to the tion of statutes which has been ' cant seats and he appeared to flnd!Q"ebec power companies, and not under way for several months, di-- , 1 tisfacti in the sittation 'to others who sought to recover Eric Silk., Chief Law Clerk i"" C L Olaption in the s i; yc | [rom the Hydro Commission. rected by Eric Silk, Chie Col. T '}"a Md,d'i iCom;erv?ul\i'c, The assertion that the legislation of the Assembly. Whip, was kept waiting . * | would weaken Hydro's credit when Hon. Charles Cox, present Port ten minutes while the worried P!'vilr.' the time came to obtain money * h, o clovaled fl}r?);\eh:g;fir:grar?:ler't'?lx):rs(}onse'xl-:iab" oad, was made by _ Leopold Arthur r:nember, wbo v;fi.s £f the :'l newed the desk thump-- M@caulay (Cons., South York), He from private mem dA alo 0"th ut e qi vyriiigpet ym d wh he division | Sked the Government to allow the House to Cabinet ranking withot ing they started when the become| Dil!ls to be amended so as to af-- portfolio, a month ago, is undertak-- :)te':lck.appeared to: have 'becom | fect only the Quebec companies. ing for the Hepburn Ad":;"t'.sgats'io!:' ! "Camouflage it if you don't want without remuneration, duti Te « r s ; parledhat%a;k::? t:zx;tl(gp;ggftcignpr:;! to refer directly l(? ;he power ;)lar Ava t}'éOS*; Peg:r&i';e';t];?getm'f ct--o j barons, although they are as by Mr. Keefer C C :!hei t%:r:til':?n th ::id h:,?. s;;?x'z:! tough as you say they are, they | ministrations. Incidentally, Acting f *ohtimal 5 4 fag | won't mind." urged Mr. Macaulay |\ Premier Nixon yesterday had _ to after the House adjourned. "But hk | ited to Mr. Cox a» .! "Why put the Hydro beyond court deny a forecast credited to & LOX, when they pulled that cheap strat--| r | t was consider-- egy I said: 'They can go to the @ction entirely? The C.N.R. may | that the Government w f | devil as far as I'm concerned.'" be sued for a debt. Why shouldn't ing Commission administration 0 Hydro be on the same basis as the | the North country. |