The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1937, p. 2

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March 3 . omm mano m cemmmmenmenftometsemmmmmomey i House Will Probe QUINTS® AFFAIRS Charges Against t "A ges Agains f RE KEPT SECRET l .b I nsurgent Libera _ Hepburn Refuses to Divulge § e (Fermmmmmmemmammemmemenmrcr ons eemniges Information Regarding r.. Rol?erfs Demands Inves-- : "I Have No Regrets." Contracts tigation by Leglslafure DTh};f l;romier read Ig. telegram from mesomenegmmme k * % r. Roberts to the Deputy Minister Information concerni * Commnf.i'ee After Denying of Health saying "he was appalled" ministration of U:h(.'_.mfl,';'ff,n;hiefi,dé A"OgOfIOflS Made by His the department objected to him hay-- amassed for the Dionne quintuplets Former Leader | ing hlhe contract for medl'(;al work ; g\ust be kept strictly confidential at the camp. It was true he was a remier Hepburn tol '¥ long way away, but he had let the lature ."PS'PI")(]aV as oh(: :'Z;Eust;gltsc: work by contract to a local doctor, table a reply to a nue;tio' GALLERIES CROWDED . »« said. Premier Hepburn decaared order paper placed by for;;\e(:'nlfrl: Nes | Dr. Roberts not only accepted the mier Henry, Charges against Dr. A l)uncanf :?::t;:;';;li':e':tar'l';dmi:iepzztt:n dtr ug: p::'g:dop(l;o'fii'ion eocl "bo. henyg ges ts . M C & contrac sse etermination -- to S&t:?:ts\.'mh:'.l,fit. te:(r,r:elbl:;u" :ie. with Dr. Brownlee of Webbwood for pa"fs':'ge of a bill FOSDECtingde:gz 3 , whic d "base, des-- the medical and surgicar work. guardianship of the quints unt + picable, deliberate and contemptible "The honorable member has em-- had full information Concerningufl':: gg:n m'i't,:'c!cbgnp{'(:'?:i(:eby 'Md"l:."luse barrassed the Government and Sir administration of their affairs, but . ileges an ec-- James Dunn. It is beyond reason upon a promise from the Premier: D. 'Robe a man of his calibre should be im-- that the information would be given 'r'.' (')'b"'f" now : back--bencher ; portuned, insuited and harassed by l"' him confidentially, he agreed to' ;m' : fl"p?,.l';;)n side of the Legis-- a member. 1 have moved the mem-- et the bill receive second reading | farly by P "".?""" out of the ber across the floor of the House and go into the committee stage,. | par ,\hi;.:f"el;er:\:-;e":zbl:}rq on Fri< and I have no regrets," said the f" keeping the information see} ration ~esterday ie investi-- . Premier. tet, the Premier said he was pro-- ;':d;on ;'\?r:; ?_\":,n a'r' angry and Dr, Roberts was quickly on his ;]el'tmg the advertising firms which | ndigna pfutation of the allega-! feet. He branded the whole story ad made contracts with the quints'. ;'lonc. made against him by the || "downright, deliberate lies on some-- svuordians. It would not be fair, he| remier. || body's part." y felt, to release to the public details , Probe Next Week. \' _"I hope," he said with feeling, of the contracts | Crowds filled the galleries at the| | . ols ; ' opening of the day's session to wil-! ' .:ha' ;1'"". nve. Avoqe rm;onds pays ness the sharp clash between the !NO;':,' (nblarn.:)ase' despioable and Prime Minister and his former col-- ;?,':. mr'" € l;;s.. .A' {1-0 o a td']q 4 -- league. The expected flare--up came -hia-!;s Inm'. Pj is a 'nssue of lies : at the expected moment, and former " o y ",n'" +# expect under the | Premier George S. Henry joined in cirecums anu's : the fight to accuse Mr. Hepburn of _ Because of Speech. | playing "adroit" politics in reading It was, declared former Premier | lh'o]'hmeénbnr out of the party. Henry, largely an adroit political | 1 'he Soo member was white with move on the part of Mr, Hepburn rage as Premier Hepburn con-- lo move Dr. Roberts across ""3! cluded a resume of his charges and -- Nvor of the House. "I would like j added a new allegation. "It is the !h¢ people of this Province to ap--; tissue of lies which 1 would expect Preciate," said he, "that it was be-- under the cireumstances," Dr. Rob. C@Use of a speech the honorable | erts retorted in a cold, angered Member made last Thursday that he | * voice. has been read out of his party. The The investigation of the incident Prime Minister said on Friday that ! will be launched next week. *T |V|nder the cireumstances he felt he committec is empowered t0 sit aftt("" should read him out of the party. | prorogation, to call witnesses, and Did he mean the circumstances ; is permitted to report its tin'dings ' which were outlined or did he refer | at the next session 6f the Legis~| o the s[)."'pcn? ied '-"d o mapes 1 lature. Premier Hepburn and Mr. | necads _ "apter uit in shad ho tm Henry waived the usual two dayy | mOYed?, Afler all it may be an j j notice required for motions, to pér-l ad:o;t Prvemier i Peatio graw a ; mit Dr. Roberts to ask for' the in-- | heiving actoss the trail" | guiry. Sam Lawrom-c' (CCF.. Ham-- | Mr. Hepburn interrupted him. "I | ilton East) seconded D' Rb _.', agree," he declared, "that the situ-I s TUULOK seconded Dr. Roberts$| »;jon has developed from the | C _ speech. As a result of the speech Tells of Timber Deal. | _ certain _disclosurps were made to' The Premier read from a news--| M® which 1 wouldn't have had paper interview given by Dr. Rob--| under ordinary circumstances. 1 erts in which he said all he had tola| {*C 'f,'"' °""'D°"° conversation with Sir James Dunn was that he would| Giope and Mail w 5 in Montrest | s . _ Globe and Mail while in Montreal like to be doctor for the Helen Ming.| ang wired me all this informati nl Michipicoten area, which would notw ; Wlictte as dj veral _ uy + * o » |\ -- unsolicited, as did several of the be in operation for a year or more.| . company's officials. He told me l Dr. Roberts was quoted as denying| | he had considered these requests | any contract with a pulpwood com--| | so unusual that he had not acceeded | pany and made the subject of an--|} | to them, and had not told me of ou]::r c}l;arie by th;:i P':'emier. them. r. Hepburn sa e would tell the true s't)ory of the pulpwood camp Asks Henry's Attitude. medical contract. He said Dr. Robp-- "The reason I had to act," con-- erts came to Toronto and told Hon.| | tinued Mr. Hepburn, "was that the Peter Heenan, Minister of Lands attitude of the honorable member and Forests, that, if certain timber _ for the Soo toward the bill was - limits near Massey, Ontario, were |affected by the company's attitude | leased to a particular company with |t0 him in respect to his impor-- out tender. he would defend the |{U"Nings. I'm not so thin--skinned | lease on the floor of the Legislature. |1 _ °A"" take a little abuse from | The Minister refused to give the 'm'fwo";'l supporters. $ lease without tenders and they were n emmarhew That doesn't alter : called. 'The company sponsored by ' the situation. He knew of this : Dr. Roberts obtained the lease. 'm"tho"m_lddle_ ©[ i s hrs I No," interrupted Mr. Hepburn. '"These telegrams were received by me .the: day following the speech. I didn't know he had badgered Sir James Dunn." What, he asked, | would have been Mr. Henry's atti-- tude had he been in the same posi-- tion? Mr. Henry did not answer. f °o

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