The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1937, p. 11

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io xi wee f * @ P " dz Py Uoee perrmeenemeeees e l iA <'(y aren \0Q ' e occurring before. the said|. t possible proportion of the | come Tax Act was passed. 'More--' | ' Estimates for 1937--38 _ ~ over, in the majority of cases.that "Having made what I hope will we have investigated, our investi-- be accepted as a comprehensive re-- gation has resulted in uncovering lport of the financial~ transactions | fraud practiced on the Income. TaX® _ of the Province for the fiscal year, Department at Ottawa; and 1 @M _' j|et me place before you the Gov-- told that, through our co--operation. _ | ernment's program for the year the Dominion Exchequer has been commencing April 1, 1937. At the enriched by millions of dollars. | outset, let me assure you, Mr. Collection Costs Low. 'Speaker. that, proud as we are of E_ 4 k . it of the surplus of revenues over expen-- [ J".s' h. word '"'.'-0 the (:?.b.l o' ditures for the present fiscal year, | collection of succession duties. | P | was interested in an aurticle which iand certain as we are that we could appeared in the 'Arizona Star: on | repeat the suceess in the ensuing Jan. 21ist of this gear, which con-- | year, it is the opinion of the Gov-- tained the information that Gover-- | ernment that, having reduced the, \ nor Stanford of the State of Arizona _ | £ross debt by $33,000,000 and having| \pointed out in his annual message [I)c-orgnnized the finances of the | that. during the year 1936, the cost ~rovince, and _with assured revenues of collecting inheritance tax in Ari-- which we believe will exceed those zona was 40 cents for every dollar ol @any year in the history of the of revenue collected. The exper-- Province, some of the fruits of a lence of the Province of Ontario is | balanced Budget should be passed quite different, for, in the fiscal | on to the people during this coming _ year which ended-- March 31st, 1936; | year. * ¢ it cast this Province, not $40 to | ES a collect $100, as in the case--of the . | timated Revenue for -- State of Arizona, but only 83 cents 1937--38 to collect $100 of succession duties. ! "This, Mr. Speaker, you will agree, ; _ "We estimate the gross ordinary reflects credit on the Administr@= | revenue of the Province for the tion, and is conclusive proof that fiscal year April 1, 1937, to March Succession Duty is a sound tax, at ; 31, 1938, will amount to the sum of least in so far as economical ad-- |$94 849324 20. With the permission ministration is concerned. for !! ; of the House I shall place upon the| conforms to the T"'"'g' .:'h"' in :;": records the Budget forecast of or--| should return to the Excheauet dinary revenue for the fiscal year, * April 1, 1937. to March 31, 1938. | | en i io oo o en n o w 5 * | BUODMLET FORECAST OF ORDINARY REVENTE . % Fiscal Year April 1, 1937--March 31, 1938 i > Gross Application Net DEPARTMENT Detall Ordinary of Re':mnue to Detail «Ordinary A Revenue Expent)ture Revenue t I--AGRICU!.TL'RE se w e e# 6 6# 6 a 6# # # a e # 4 a 6 6# # # # # 3 m.lM.m 8 a o e a 0 e a a 6 # # ## s o mm j tegaocfi?'xsoyN'GmERAL a a e ue uh e 600# he 6# h4 b4 66# # m.%g{ 1%.%% , s wa v 6 we ae a 8 6# "?n%g %' 4 +--GAME, AND FHENMIES ...LLlL. Lxkesrenees, 675,000 0n 1.006 00. .+ Alili}il...:. 674.000-- 00 Main Office and Branches .... $ _ 50,470 0 ar00 on _ % _ 41,170 0 2 Hospitals Branch ............ 1,295,765 (® 1, 346 235 N0 1,204,.975,. 00 790 00 41,950.00 6--HIGHWAYS t N\taimn Offite .....«...«......... § _ IG62000°00 162,600 0n Gasolire Tax Branch .,...... 16,.000,.000 (x) FFVITVIDICIVT 16,000,000 O Motor Vehlcles Branch ...... 10,000,000 O0 26,162,600 N0 t e¥ a4k4% 44 +8 ++ 10,000,000 N0 26,162,600 OO tfi%RRANCE a w e h e e 6 e e n w e n# # # 6# # w ww w v w ww k &# n# %}g.%'ég ...-1&0.2%-(-,:) va e e w e w w e w e n n 233.2%(&)} s-'u AN-D-oi:diiécS-r-é.:.ttnooao w w e w w w# w w# s w# Oy & * w w e en e w e e e en + % Lands Btunch. ..,........+,« -- $ B14,418 60 13.692 60 600,725 0N 4 Forests Branth .......««+++«» 3,538,400 OO 1,152,816 60 505,000 OO 3,032.400 N0 3.533,125 OO }?--mk'sMTION w w w e w e e# 6# # 4 # # 6 4 & w ie e 6 e# a 6 w# n# fig'.% (®) 73" 'n w e e w e w e e n e# ns 21(;'&)%' 12--MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS: f h é $ iey Main Office & Muntcipal Board & 7810 OO C1# Kaue a i rir e x# 7810 00 Housing Branch ............ 18. 000 (¥) ©5,810, 00 38, 000 . 00 r 7810 00 | 13--PRIME MINISTER: 7E, « ; w | King's Printer--Ont. GaZQNO.. 0 .i..eke k.k +s 22,000 00 | ..... 6k .46 k +0 22,000 .00 | 14----PROVINCIAL SECRETARY > | Maln Office and -- Registrar-- -- t ' Geéneral's Branch . . ....... $ 1457,000 O0 457,000 O s f ' Reformatories & Prisons Branch 659,550 00 1,116,550 00 653, 150. uC 6,.400 OO _ '463,40000 | 15--PROVINCTIAL TREASURER : ' -- ' Main Office~--Subsidy ........ $ 2,941,424 00 2,941,424 O0 lfl'ml a o w # me # 73(11)") a a e e e# 4 a 9 # e w# n,ma' ' lo'qum. Cofllrol BO.l'd a 4 * # *# # * 9.&0.(" m # 4 6 t 4 4 6# # # # .# 9.5@,@ m f e f | Controller of Revenue: a * 7 + l sum"kln Du':" a a # e# 6# # * # # 17(m-anw w h 6 e e 6 e 9 6# # # # 17.".(mm * t A s I COMUOHS 'Ill.'( a a e # # # # # # # Q.w).m w a a a e 6# 0# # # # # lTv'mv(m w E: . Incoeme TRX .. --«.......... 5,000,000 () e rass*riss* 5,000,000 OO Stock Transfer Tax ....... 1,800.000 () a a4 §4 48 #¥a% ++ 1,800,000 ON * | Land Transfer Tax ........ 250,000 O( * a6 +4 a# e 648 ++ 250,000 O0 b LlW smu sw w e s s ae w4 6# ® 1w-mw # h6 t 4 4 # o# # s# # * 1&);" m ; Amusements Revenue Branch: k Amusements Tax ......... 500,00) (®) § asfiraisekr'rs'" * 500,000 00 mtm- et('. a a # 6 6 6# 6 *# # 8# ® w-mw w a 6 w e# # a 6 # # w# T &'mw t _ Board of Censors .,....+««+..« 100,000 OO s T A Aiiats . +94 e «* 100,000 00 _ . Savings OffICe ......««@@@@@«+«» 262,625 00 -- 46,912,049 OUu _ * 262,625 OO : ... @wa6e 0. 088 + C 46,649,424.00 IPPUBLIC "'mm a a* a+% t# # * # # # a a e a # a # # % # # % # n.'m m !C.....'...Q.' 11"'Puwc WORKS a # # a 4 4 4 # # # # 6# ® a ne #% a% 4 ## # # e 44.172(" * a* * > , 8 #8 a 4 s * 5omm ' Mvs a w a 6 8 6# 6 # 6 # # ® a w e # 4 40 s# # # # # lmnm a' a e e a 6 a 6 # 60 6# # -----------------------&----------'_--_________"--_----------------------- | f $84,688,922 60 $ 3.8525,594 60 -- ............. _' $81,063,328 00 PUBLIC DEBT----INTEREST.... ............+ 10,160,401 60 10,160,401 00 a wa aa a 0 # 8 # ie# --__--_--_____-----------------___---'__----'---- mAL 4 & w w w6 w e alh n w e w e n t ie n ie e e# # i# w4 e e 6 e 6 e e # # e# g.g'mm g_&- airr1 rtaries m'momg sSUMMARY > . ; s 4 N" om'mw M'nue a w w w w# m# # h a 6 6 a 6 e a 6# a 6 8 # 6 6# # # .......-..'..........'....'....... sl.mwm .- t Net Ordinary Exenditure (not including Unemployment RelQL) |q»..«<.«««s«>ss>@es@s@@@>0@+« 69,731,932 38 | --| j EXCESS OF ORDINARY REVENUE OVER ORDINARY EXPENDITURE .............> $11,331,395 62 . f Estimated Net Expenditure on account of Unemployment Direct Relief and the administra-- > | m mm' * # ...Ot.o-.....o.........0.0000...0'.0..0...uo.aooooon.o--occo.'o..o-lccoo-uo 9.m4wm. &8 % k s wmu' mmAS'r '0;0"...'...'....'.l...-.'."'.0.'0..'.'00..'.0'00..0.'.0.0'00.".-".... M ' ' Ordinary ,E'xp.ndifur" © { year which we are about to enter,| have the pleasure of recording to-- "The ant aestimates thit the gross ordinary revenue will ex--] day with respect to the fiscal year _ it will .&m"'dmon' ordinary account| Cee4 the gross ordinary expendi--| which will end on the 3ist of this for the fiscal year April 1, 1937, to| ture by the sum of $2,282,905.62. In| month. *h March 31, 1938, the sum of $92,566,-- b"dlefllil bffl' l:;l{:?: of over :3-' "With the permission of the House f ?:.%0 t;lr.hh mmomunt i:? :3::! 3':1 that one year from tod:y?m be| I shall place on the records the .the administration thereof. able to report to the Legisiature 4 o niees tar tng tmigeas yeer Abril 4, "I 'estimate . the ear's operations as _as I\ diture fiscal year Ar * L that . for figcal\ y + o mnennne ~_ ~1937, to Ma ."h,-,,n' d nsl ME s mt e e t $ * luas: se

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