The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Mar 1937, p. 4

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: 'March 10 + Government Hopes to Col-- i TO MODERN'ZE . , lect $17,000,000 in Suc-- f | ; * cession Duties | ALL HOSPITAI.S | TO HUNT OUT FRAUD ' Serving notice that the Provincial Prgymc' w." Bll"d N.w Treasury will intensify '1!% dri\':: Umfs, Hepburn An-- | to obtain payment from delinquen | estates, Premier Hepburn told the nounces | ) vest av i aget "emswtenemmememme | Legislature yesterday in his Bu | address that he expected the Prov-- ONE S'TE 5 EL EC TED' Ince would secure $17,000,000 in ? succession duty revenue _:0!' 1;;189 Premier Hepburn announced inl fiscal yeat o'n«llll.g Mifl'ffh ;l'tm(.o'; hls Budget address yesterd'y ihat This is approximately S$1( d his Government wij} shortly embark more than will have been :ollf)(,te upon a program ot modernising and for the fiscal year of 1936 when nrepropfinz the Ontario hospitals at the books are closed on March 31. s B'rockwue, Cobourg, Hamilton, King-- While expressing determination ston, London, New Toronto, Orillia to sift to the bottom every estate and Penetgnguishene, wn;fi fraud and misrepresentation "A'suffl'cnem number of new hos-- appear to have been practiced, the pifa ; ""NHs to accommodate the Prn\'in"ifll Treasurer r'?\'('n,cd that {iapid }. lncreasing patient POD'lla- if persons have knowledge of any on will be erected--in areas which rregularity in any statement with ;re not as well served as conditions | which they have had to do, and come | demand. f | forward voluntarily with informa-- 4 A'reaf'." 4 site for a new mental | tion which will enable the Govern-- inSstitution has been selected at Port | ment to obtain its rightful due. érthur. he informed the House. they will be given a full discharge onstruction of new buildings is * without any penalty except the arop'osed for Hamilton, where--addi-- . amount of interest. bo";b" inCIu.diflg a new reception "I have heard it said that the $§(,l)dmg' will be erected at a cost of Treasury Department has been able 10,000. _ At Wopdstqck two .new to collect the large sums that it un'rjts for epileptic children will be has gathered in because of the fact :'." ertaken, as well as other addi. _ that legislation passed by the '°t;'sh imer\:ement of equipment, Dominion Government in 1933 made an'l"h reproofing. available to the Treasury Depart-- ' e total amount that will be ment the names of coupon--clippers faced in the estimates for this build-- of bearer bonds." continued Mr \351 p';':xram, Mr. Hepburn revealed, | Hepburn. "Such a statement is Ton of $2,650,000. . "It is the inten. wholly untrue. Practically every "thnto the Government," he said. | estate that has been dealt with § adpracucau;_r all of this work will | was created through the death of w';fiog"e by private equipment, for the testator occurring before the *h tenders will be invited." ' said amendment to the Dominion rmrmmommecmeecmatises. ) | ' Income Tax Act was passed. "Moreover, in the majority of cases that we have investigated, our + Investigation has resulted in un-- covering -- fraud prarticed@ on the f Income Tax Department at Ottawa. } & us * And I am told that, through our h C + + i co--operation, the Dominion Ex-- H w o chequer has been enriched by lg ays ons ruc l n millions of dollars." h q y The Premier contrasted the cos . ; of collecting ifhheritance tax in "' Arizona, $40 for every $100 col-- ro ra o J 1 lected, with the 83 cents per Sl;)fl C & A § in Ontario. 'This reflected credit on the Administration, he felt, ql\d' nnounce e urn was conclusive proof that succession ie . J duty'was a sound tax, at .lflast'ai Weg ue oue m o iy en oo ie omeone io m : cak far as m-,.-,.;'--nr'al ndmnmstratlon:- A highways construction pro--|closing, said the Prime Ministlest:; was concerne I Emer N# p » the Go'vernment has added |gram involving an outlay of $14,-- A hS' :. s 58" 350 ith & full | consideration 'Imues to the Provincial road system, en in 2 M £ quire. | 76 construction projects were start-- fong, of ol inereasing require-- ed and mostly completed under an ments of the _ northern,; part. of the agreement with the Federal Gov. Pro\"m(-e," will be launched this | ernment, the latter contributing 50 overnment: rerhier Hen 50s in per _ cent. of the total cost of the Government, Prenper Hepburn An~ i work and material supplied formed 1?11- L(-glslature r in R his under each project. This work, said -- | Budget mlrsentation yesterday. : the Prime Minister, included the "In preparing this program," said laying of 95 miles of new pave-- the Premier, "safety in construc»-- ment 100 miles of grading,.and the tion and maintenance will be em construction of. 15 bridgeé includ--, | phasized. Grade separations, bqth ' ing some of the largest ever built: ' 'raih\"ay and pighway. will receive in Ontario. m i | special attention. Construetion_gen- Several grade crossings, he sai i. : |erally will be of a much higher were eliminated,. with. subyrantial standard, wider road surfaces, im asgistance received ' The Ped-- 'proved alignment and grades. The eral "Coverhment onfiothmis Account." ,pn"p'v ", polaibe dbided pave« Construction was commenced on a~ | Oe P Un iRamIt traveiled rouds four--lane highway from Oshawa to-- will be continued; in short, every Toronto, thence via the Middle effort will be made to bring S«*iRoad shd Burlington _ Beach." |highways to the highest possible \{hrough Sf. Catharines and Niagara -- NC nb o1 mlely | Falls to Fort Erie, connecting at" 167 Miles Added. ;-the Peace Bridge with the road to 4 During the year which is just Buffalo. (2; % ~- se q m" --

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