The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Mar 1937, p. 1

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& I -- March 1. " | nvclece i t ns es Provincial Gradi WORK HOUR Provincial Grading a @ 3 f Provided by Bill l Standards Act Amendment n----_--__-- C Gives Power to New Wide Powers Granted to Labor Board | _ Government Inspectors by masuesmks | # # | _ Terms of Legislation Intro-- MAY ZONE ONTARIO i duced by Minister of | Power _ to establish minimum * charges in the personal service ' Agrlculfure trades, such as barbering, is given wunscsmeneenmmmenteamtiast under the provisions of an amend-- } ment to the lndustrial Standards REPEAL FORMER ACTS Act, introduced in the Legislature «We in ue in yeec ts yesterday by Hon. David A. Croll, kT Minister of Labor. Repeal of the present Marketing The fixed charge, however, refers and Fair Industry Acts and the only to the labor content of any Government--grading of a wide service. range of farm products is provided The bill provides for the estab-- in a bill introduced in the Legisla-- lishment of the Industry and Labor '\urc l:c;;te;(;l'm' tot:y o?ox'gri?u'::'l::: Board, which, in addition to fixing Marshall, mister &« i minimum charges, may also fix the Extensive powers of enforcement | SUb"dY Act Introduced to maximum number of hours com-- are tkacn by the Government in | Ensure PurPOSe of Schem' prising a regular work day. It may the bill. Inspectors will be able h'z b d also classify the employees and em-- enter any premises to inspect any Observe ployers and separately provide for & farm product °"t'hh'--'y m:y s;':\':'('a:{ seeinin en ons each classification with respect to truck, boat or other convey any of the matters which may be any time to make an inspection. REGULATIONS SET UP dealt with under schedules estab-- Samples of goods for inspection are ue caand es e ragrninss sns lished under the act. to be provided at the owner's ex-- s The Board shall have jurisdiction pense. 'The inspector . Sonis biik Government Anxious That and authority. to determine and quire production of any DOOKS, | e esignate which industries are shall permit such competitive. Many rpducts rHoted. rinclal to Ra*epayen trades to assess their members for | _'The bill authorizes the Provincia mmeasmmmanmens enforcement purposes. This is the \Cabinet to set Rm:':}s ':'v';o'l'"'g:}]r';'_ The Ontario Government will system followed in Quebec. Pur-- /' | meats, eggs, pouiiry, * t overni pose of the bill is to keep wage lproducts. fruit, fruit products, vog]e- e: ablish refulat'l::; gove A "l' levels up, Mr. Croll said. tables, vegetable products, maple the manner in which municipal-- The Board will be empowered to products, honey, tobacco and .?uc;\ ities pass on to the taxpayers the | cope with the problem of the one-- i"""'" ":'" urgl h';;:?"r;;;sy ?,frd:fr cul= ;ubsidy to be given them from the | _ man contractor. This section of the ture as Ihe \_&D 'dig a 4 j bill was designed to meet evasion | 'The Cabinet is also authorized to 3::\:::,:?5' c'f;'ls.i:tc::;:gg }: ! of the act where a man does not !9"'90"""' the Agriculture Minister the Legislature vesterday | pay his workmen as employees, but \to establish grades for "such me Car'tinture 9 ¥+ gives them a contract to do certain fnrliclos of fpod or drink manufac-- The Subsidy Act. Work. \ tured or derived in whole or in '.'"; 'The bill, named the Municipal The Minister of Labor may desig-- |from any product as the Cabing. Subsidy Act, 1937, implements Pre-- nate the whole of Ontario or any \ may designate. h mier Hepburn's Budget announce-- part of the Province as a zone for \ _ 'The Crown may confiscate any ment yesterday that his Govern-- any industry. Advisory committees |\ farm product of which the owner is ment would make a grant to each will have jurisdiction over the prob-- ! convicted of an offense under the city, town, village and township| lems arising in the zones, but ap-- |act. Penalties range from $10 to equal to one mill of their assess-- _ Pcals from decisions of the commit-- $50M for I'ir\rt oflcl'lnslos and so?'o'no ment | tees may be made "i-o th; Ingustry $100 thereafter. False information,. s it bel ! _ and Labor Board. The Board may obstruction _ of inspection -- and ;th':'hemg.r::et ::t l:::!r:lgctr;:ldzfsc::'c:yg;?'rh also receive and collect wages due wisrepresentation are punishable Gralpmug\lcipal 1 ax rate devied or 16 to any employee accordixl\g fodthe offenses. 4 < r 4 o provisions of any schedule and to An amendment to the Dairy Prod-- be levied and to r:ake sut:"'e ttl;illsl gen disburse the same in accordance ucts Act and the Plant Diseases Act, . eral aim is carried out, .eG PO° _ with the regulations of the Board. 1937. which takes the place of the yides that the Lteu:(ena:t tolvlernior- Fruit Pests Act, the Corn--Borer Act ~|in--Council may make the following, . _ ___ _____________ 6 and .thr~ Barberry fhr\itl) A«l-'t;nwcre refi:agg:'s';'mng soplicalions . ay also H"l-trod\l("'d by Mr. Mars § municlpall--ties for the said grant or May Cancel Permits. subsidy, the times when and the: Under the amendment to the form in which such applications Dairy Products Act, it is provided shall be made and the times when that a building shall not be CO"-- _ ong the manner in which the same structed or reconstructed for use as shall be directed to be paid out ot a cheese factory, c"am'"fi;'g ";:';:ig; the consolidated revenue fund. crearmm shipping or recelv wntrectaimedisvergagnes unless the Minister has granted Do w?:)ld('m:m P""t,::e. application s * = n alif} missign "r'l wrn:ng. t;cet:::ltu(c::"; and us;mbyr mugni('ipalitie: of the Will Free Municip alities trol ard must certif) 4 fos en bru)ildn?g is required. The Minister zaicihzrant o; ts:bil(:');';}':::lt\hr;?;fig From Mothers' Allow-- t F be y em an @ tC Wafi' fnte h;ensesv tg;ngfho:s:xs- the ratepayers of the municipalities ances Cosfs p:n:in i::-s p'é'r'mi&"' Violation of the _ so that they will benefit idil'e;ti'&l'{ e ' j ina rictor and the form and manner in whic Nmkgsiohin op pevdts w is:mtlll :'ncur * O |Such transfer shall be made to the OPPOSsSITION LOOMS fine every day of violetion. _ ratepayers and be disclosed upon Under the Plant Diseases ACt| ns tay bills of the municipality or * permits must be obtained to Op@rAte | _ prperwi5e, Bills designed to free the munici-- Iny plant No(pei';soii:\t::?el:l b\:rli':lg\ (c) For withholding any gra:;t O" _ palities from contributions to moth-- any plant or fru subsidy under this or any act from s e pensions any disease into the Province, NOF| _ any municipality which fails to fur-- _ °NS AlOWANCS and 01:-&81&1)1;) lure | buy, sell or exchange such a PI@Mt.| | nicy sarisfactory evidence that the _ Were introduced in the Legisiature, The Lieutenant--Governor--in--Council} | _on; or subsidy to be made under _ yesterday. Both are liable to en--, may, upon recommendations of th¢ | |Tn;c ao, will be applied for the PU-- _ counter stiff opposition from To--) Minister, provide for inspection Of| | pose intended by this act or which, berk * | nurseries, farms, orchards and mar-- a ived th id grant or ronto members. ; ket dens, and may provide for: |having receive e said & In taking over all revenues from et gardens, q . | subsidy, has failed so to apply. income tax collections, the Prov-- seizure, removal, destruction an that the # confiscation of any plant, fruit or | (d) Generally to ensure ince also assumed the cost of pen | container infested with a plant| |Purpose of this act will be carr ied _ sions and mothers' allowances to !d'isease § | | out. compensate the municipalities for i nmemeingndicon n mmmreniienenercminy \ The act will be in force on the _ |joss of the municipal income tax. | day of Royal Assent. | Toronto, however, and other large| > " 'centres, claimed that the compen-- sation was insufficient and that heavy losses in revenue would be, - sustained. e 3 \ p,

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