The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Mar 1937, p. 1

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March 12 f "Ontario I T ax R | Is Ad ted j By Conservative Criti the Conservative Government, said : 4 # » "Conclusive Proof" Th a t he, taxes levied on the people of On-- ario amounted to $50,190,154 up to Levy Is Unnecessary Is Oct. 31, 1934 It. was now eslifasied p * y the Prime Minister, he said, Found in S ut p I u s by the amount of revenue which wct::fl'(; Arthur Ellis, O t#tawa be received up to March 31, 1937, « M L A would be $92,221,809.51, or an in-- sleefAs crease in taxation amounting to w n mn mm en m l l343.031.6551.31. Thiat is the gr(e,atebst ncrease in taxation ever made by LEG'SLATURE S P E E C H any Government that ever held Thb e oi it teeiniins es office in Ontario. "On Oct. 31, 1934, the capital in-- Repeal of the Provincial income debtedness of the Province was tax was advocated in the Legisla-- $655,760,852.70, and on March 31, ure yesterday by Arthur Ellis, Con-- 1936, the capital indebtedness show-- servative financial critic, on the ed an increase under the present ground that it never was needed AQministration of $33,797,661.06. The and consequently never should have 'Prime Minister has told us that he R been passed. will expend during the forthcoming Conclusive proof of the correct-- fiscal year on capital account the ness of his attitude was to be found, sum of $31,935,643.43, so at the end: + he said, in the $7,000,000 surplus re-- of the fiscal year of 1938 you wili ported by the Government for the find an increase in the capital in-- fiscal year ending March 31, and in debtedness of approximately $64,-- the fact that under the proposed 000,000." Provincial s:bs(i;:y p'}ank the Gg:;r- A i New Taxes Seen. ernment is handing back some $,* The Prime Minister, said Mr. 000,000 to the municipalities. | Ellis, had been able to balance his In leading up to this advocacy Mr. Budget, and show a large surplus Ellis charged that during the com-- why not? He had inaugurated nev\; r t * paratively short time the presen taxes and had increased every con-- administration has been in power, ceivable tax to the greatest possible "there has been recorded the great« degree. On top of that he had had est lnctrea:e l'," "'l"a"?," in the his-- the good fortune to have received . tory of the Province. from the gasoline tax and motor «Where*" put in Ainiot Ja:mes vehicle licenses and the sale of Clark (Lib., Windsor--Sandwich). ; _ liquor an unusually large revenue. . "Don't you recall the Provincia "I ask the members of this House," incon'vc tax?" snapped Mr. E":ls]'i n he said, "why shouldn't there l;e '.""S got f"{;r ;l::tut;tpbrlr:mo some reduction in the capital in-- anres.digu}t "a reou promised 'the | Gdebtedness of the Province when 1t on \sro:'dyreduce their tax-- the Government has taken from the "'t""'ofla::f: Mr. Ellis. "What I said 'tunds of the Hydro--Electric Power ?va(sm)"m; pro}n ised the people to re-- Commlsslctm ?2{'.162.206.84 lé\ ;l))arti:l © aven't done repayment of advances made by the '.'t".fe theirs, and you h Province to Hydro?" * '"I4 like you to explain," Major As of Oct. 31, 1934, bonds guaran-- Clark said. | teed by the Province, amounted to i Free Course! | 1$97,782,015.91, said Mr. Ellis. And yeo > Peghci ivatety,"| _ on March 31, 1936, it had increased "If: you'll _see BM | B to| to $113,968416.67, or an increase of cracked Mr. Ellis, *Ill i on ever $16,186,400.76. '"In considering the "}"" yo:n a:u.rzo}'rl;z uon * y' capital indebtedness of the Prov-- s tlir'v'\?as e).;timated, said Mr. Eliis, ince," he added, "there should al-- ince would receive| | Ways be taken into consideration nfhat tl':: ing:\ventax the sum of $2,--| | the potential liability of the Prov-- 56(())?800. The Government now Jr0-- ince un'fler bonds which it has guar-- posed to give back to the munici« anteed. palities during the next fiscal year Mr. Ellis charged that the $7,000,-- an amount equal to one mill. 000 surplus reported for the current "What a farcical situation," he fiscal year was not an actuality, but observed. "The Government has _ an estimate only. taken from the municipalities the sum of $2,500,000 and _ now gives them back $3,000,000. "rhealfl:icet' rg; s mains that the municip 8 H Ch L I PI f Ontario will after this year have enry arges I era o to levy upon the ra;gl'):l_yel;bi 21;'1';':;: municipalities an a ion ' ! to recoup them for the income tax S f Sf g f pb J f tak:m hypthe Province. I challenge | e a e or e urn es the Prime Minister to say he will | mm : eontinue this subsidy after . next A charge that a member of the | quired in my office," said Mr. year." Ontario Legislature had duped | Henry _ yesterday. _ '"The note $ "It is our intention to continue ; PA wasn't signed, but I have a fairl the subsidy," said Mr. -- Hepburn, fmmvr Premier H?m'y into leav-- good idefwhere it came from. Ilt'; while his supporters applauded. ing the House during the Budget came from a member of this "The wonder to me, M",, Pfl;:": address so that he would become | House. I understand that as soon Minister," said Mr. Ellis, "is t e the butt of Premier Hepburn's as I left my set the Prime Min-- you do not put through an act com-- jokes, stirred the Legislature yes-- | ister said: 'He can't take it.'" pelling the municipalities to barn terday at its opening. Mr. Hepburn jumped to his feet over to the Province such propo'l";, Premier Hepburn himself intro-- and denied that he had made any tion of their taxes as youU mt'g duced the subject, but denied he | such remark. Mr. Henry insisted desire and then, next year, w" ;: had had any part in the practical | that there was a coincidence that . generous wave of the hand, give joke played on the Leader of the "the people of this Province back to them." h Opposition. should know about." As soon as "I have here a telegram from the | In the midst of the Premier's | he had left his seat, after receiv-- Mayor of your city," said Mr. Heip-{ Budget address on Tuesday, Mr. ing the mysterious note, the ourn, "saying Ottawa is well"sat 8*| Henry suddenly left his seat. At Prime Minister had make a jok-- fied with our treatment of it. | _ the time Mr. Hepburn was dealing | ing remark about it. "He is one of the best--known Lib | _ wiin nis Government's success in "I do not think the members e¥als in my constituency," Mr. EliS$s| _ oollecting taxes under the Suc-- | of this House will believe I would retorted. cession Duties Act and as the stoop to tactics of that kind," re-- "I have here a letter from the Opposition Leader left his seat ©| torted Mr. Hepburn. He had been Mayor of Toronto, in the same he made a joking remark at Mr. dealing with the highly contro-- vein," smiled Mr. Hepburn. Henry absenting himself. versial Succession Duties Act and «Neither of the Hepburnian prom-- "A / note reached my desk in-- | Mr. Henry's departure had occa-- ises of reduced taxation and | re-- timatinz that I was urgently re« _ sioned a mild remark, he said. . _ duced capital indebtedness had been furfilled, charged Mr. Ellis. Under = -

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