The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1937, p. 2

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l . March 2.0.- . , ton with about one and one-half - - I _ ' l times as many patients as aeoommo- F 0mm Wttt "than! It. dations. The hospital with the least Dealing with objectives th overcrowding is Whitby, with an port says that the citizen i re- . 333th!" only 8.2 per cent. over its _ Eric iwill. in the long mnsdzmgt'}; . . . . at ts facilities to br ', GIVEN ONIARIO Owl" has an excess of 23 per of the mentally ill. 't'i,etht.gtg,t,t,,iiitji, cent., and Woodstock 13 per cent. epileptics, and the 't'i'aiT'lr'llrm,hntg',rl. The overcrowding for all the hos.. teetlves, shall be as good d' JJ',; . . ------.----- nitride _(mentai. feeble-minded and can be made. ey! Budding Program, Increase in (the ',"'ttiys, about one-third greater "It must be confessed that any I n et.' capacity. A comparison iGovernment might regret the nee, Staffs Advised as " with the States of Massachusetts, "SSHY of facing present conditions I and New York shows Ontario insti.' There is much indeed to do Presl su ' of Survey tutlons overcrowded by 32.6 per cent ent organization and i . Massachu its 13.4 . . equ pment are ----------- l " per cent., and inadequate. The troubles of the CO 1 "tt 2t 13.3 per cent. _ , division are very largely due to ter. MPREHENSIVE POLICY . LIU' '",','i'"g',,t, that the mental; Eribie overcrowding. When patients --- --- 'staffch? a; rggélatrlgeagei under-i must spend their time in turmoil, A program to put the hospitals t"The hospital with the 'UI paadrgj 'lu,'sTiip,t. thiether that peace 15; system of Ontario in the forefront iquate staff is New Toronto with i . v en an able-bodied. of North American institutions is (iii? of 181 patients to each plh 1a. gatient m?" spend months in bed; contained in a series of remmmon. Clan. The hospital with the 13:50 Ahgcause o'. the danger of combat it dations made to the Hepburn Gov- 'adeouaie staff is Penetang, with 1: the? I" bl narrow confines, when ernment by tho Mental Hospital lratlo of 296. patients to each plib'Si- 'in 'i Ue, enough space for eat-i Survey Committee of New York, re- clan. ' : s'l'/jmt1Cd"'ubeergt a1'ge,,,,tg,t cent " t " . . : . . . " '2'lt2i/"r',g',iptt,'ifs."' probe Provincial 'io'trledinf Compared. . tions, then ill. must be time for radi- The report was tabled in the ,' Comparing this data with the cal action in the field of construe. Legislature last night by Hon. tstandard set up by the American Psy- tion. "A Harry C. Nixon. Provincial Secre- .chiatric éssociation of one physician Dr. bamuel W. Hamilton and tarv. ',to each 150 patients. the overloading Grover A. Kempt, of the Medical Chief among the recommendations lf, the ghisicians varies from 97 per gospltai 'Survey Committee of New m... a comprehensive building pm. ten . t) t, e standard load in.Pene- . ork City, prepared the report. l gram to relieve overcrowding; an its!" tO 21 per cent, overloading at increase in the medical staffs: amal- 3W Togonto. gamiiiion of all nursing activities, i h','.',, ffl {hing to the deficit of -_---, _ -- "_'-'--'-"----------------.---.- demolition of autumn structures: tt','s'?fd'lsn.s 'd the Ontario mental and the initmlion within five year:- iostp' ta s, t l r.eport says about of an institution for n.ciilal de- Ex:-.tline physicians Ts', required tectives, l o g ve adequate care. with the pres- . " " . ient patient load. Since there are Situation "ttorrrnhtr. , ionly forty-eight physicians now in A feature of the report is the', .service. there was a shortage of . blunt statemcnt that lack of fore-e twertts-one. the report. pomts out. sight or indifference to tho needs: I Turning to the nursing phase of . of the sick, or the devastating finot linstitutionai care. the report finds -.__....._.__. ancinl tii.,intrsgrntion or the de- ithat the hospital mm the least . . . . pression period. have brought the 'adequate nursing staff is Hamilton, Bill fo Raise Limit Goes institutions of "this uenerous Prov- with a ratio of 10.6 patient: to each . love to a lamentable plane of in- nurse in attendance. The hospitals ""0th Committee of capacity. rixer.vwhor" one finds with the most ade nate nursin . overcrowding. Beds lune been (put staff are Whitby anquew Torontog, Legislature into all sorts of unsutttttMn pla et. with a ratio of TA patients. to each ------ it is superfluous to >n:-' that the, nurse and attendant, state of affair» is intolerable and For all the hospitals the ratio is PREMIER IS SAT|SFIED should b., qtrurkly remedied. This) 8.2, which is just below the stand, ------ M, ' . . out set bv the. American Psv?hiotric . . . means that a building program is Association of 8 ptttlent, pér nurse . Motorists in the Province of On- urgently "tman.dod --not. '0 Feitl, "In the schools for mental defect; tario will shortly be able to travel for the further increase m patients: tics. Ontario lags behind with 6.5 at fifty miles: per hour on the open bs for thoso "ho at H"',".',"" are not; nurses and attendants .er till we . , Pt' . . .. . , M. iv "" dated. . . p l highways and .it thirty miles per dwent . a t'orr:mo C. _ tients. while New York has 10.5 and . . . ' The report in dealing with the Massachusetts 1R.1." savs the re- hour in cities, towns and villages. overcrowding of hospital: declares 'port. "In the colonies iii, epileptics. The bill to increase the present 1 that. Tix,':,'",',',,",?,)',',' (t; 3000 mar)? iOntarlo has almost twice as good a speed limit passed quickly through i should be N" l prm Cl; on e :ratlo of nurses and attendants per Committee of the Wh 1 H - ' - basis of present overcrowding patient as New York and is only a ' . ote ouse yes "Let. it be repeated." declares the little below hiassuciiusetts T ierday afternoon without any oppo- _ report, 'that all construction under- it is, noted that Ontario has, the sition and stands now for third taken for some ttttte /? come will 'lowest per capita costs in mental reading. It will become law upon merely ruin-w tho deficit caused by 'hospitals and shows the greatest! . thn resence of they) hundreds of ' 3" - . proclamation, probably soon after . p . diverRottee from the other States in . . . patients crouded unsuitably into a the United States in the amount' the House prorogues. The limit to- _ hotpittr." _ ispent. f0" salaries. in the schools} day is thirty-five miles per hour , Hpecial attention " t:sUlrd .m the :for menu' defectives. Ontario again on the highways and twenty in report to the recommended Increase 'shows thr lowest per capita costs l ul ted r g JP, the medical staff. the construction {The only institution in which On-i pop ."l as Pas. . iof a hospital within a few miles of itario excels the States in per capital Originally the bill called for. com- 'Toronto to accommodate 500 tuber. maintenance is Woodstock. ; plete a.lolishme.n! of speed limita- culosis patients and 1.000 infirm The report estimates that thei lions. l whs,,P/T1y"d, by J. H. 'patients, erection of a hospital to [present population of the Province! Clark (Lib: 1yiy!sor4ipndwieh.r. but contain 1.200 beds at Fort William. lcould be expected to fill 13,700 beds I P. the Municipal Law Committee the itt new unit. at Woodstock to contain iThe number of beds now available, Liberal members agreed to a pro- 400 beds; and, as an emergency even though patients have been posal from Hy. George S..H.enry lmeasure. the arrangement of.rrroo crowded not only Into bedrooms and that a fifty-mile per hour limit bet ,visionai quarters tor Lo00 my?!" dormitories. but also into halls, cor- set. t (in some fireproof factory or similar ridors and porches. is 1,200. Acs Premier "tisfied. t lttructure, . i cordingiy. 1,500 beds would soon be " agree. that this is a conientiousi ' Advocacy of tho ll'," of an ""5?" occupied if available and properly question," Premier Hepburn told mg buildinc, "mm a:, a factory. 'S_ distributed. quite without regard to the House. " know the member for ry/r3tir.le0 3' proo/ oi. the ycrtous: relieving the present overerowdinr,r.' Windsor-Sandwich was disappointedl situation Ihut. CNtstn m. ry.'-Prf to, A stronger medical organization, about the amendment, but, the Lead-, ovycrowdi"y tn mental institutions. , with more individual attention to er of the Opposition made a very, i I." .it WHO" devoted to motor (the problems of patients, is recom- fine compromise. I do not believe. ttlitfte.s., "mm tho Survey Commit. lmcnded. The number of medical fifty miles is an excessive speed. i!'?'-' beliet Ps should he adopted. are positions should be increased by Basses have to travel that to keep. glncluded a program ot repairs. re- twelve a vear until an adequate on schedule. Personally, I'm satis- i construction and expansion to cover standard is reached, it is advised. fied to curb my driving to fifty miles ithe. next seven years. " is recom- While the report finds that neuro- and keep within the law. I'.'.:,',',',',?:',',' that closer relationsbe de. pathological service is not yet satis. Leopold Macaulay (Cons., York tveloped between the institution for factorv the best arrangement of South), suggested a forty-five-mile Imentai detectives and the _school this service is in Toronto. It is felt limit. is3"item; that more responsibility be that funds should be found for a "Make it forty, that's fast enough lhestogvildirpon 'i'"tissut,tg1',t,t/i1t,"gt: t pathologist to give all his time dl for me," offered Hon. Duncan Mar- ', or u ng up is organ I t ' '.i shall. tend that the local Health Officer be , 'd,rgthdggftatcrve tissue at the On I The amendments were not put in F made responsible for the care of the, l With "(i to the nursing pro- motion form and a few minutes: 'mentally sick pending their removal; "355:0" 'ld', report points out thatl later the bill passed through com-! to mental hospitals. ' the tendency to shorter hours in the, mittee tstage. Overstowdinx Sires-ed. F i industrial world has spread to the , The report has the following to 'fieid of nursing in many regions. isay regarding overcrowding: "In the _ Probably this question would some- ' lmental hospitals (including Cor, time be raised in Ontario and the V bouts) there are nearly one and', Government is advised to study the one~third times " many patients as subject beforehand and 'prepare a there are accommodations. The policy and schedule of readjust-t most overcrowded hospital is Harm}: menu. " - ." , . .--__, _---.----- _

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