The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Mar 1937, p. 1

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--------w-w--w----------*-w~ ° mrme t "~~~~ .. March 25 1 8 f # * ¥5% €46 % 99 } i i Comewa'we M.L.A. for You can't take i ; This was the signal for a South York E d taunted Mr. Macaulay. jeer-- | fresh .qutburst from the or scorte ing in the direction of the ' _ Opposition, and ther was From Chamber by Ser-- Treasury benches. no restraining them. i * » ' 5 -- j geant--at--Arms "Sit down, sit down!" | fCl}:eated, a:, they b(}h'c':veg, thaeaubin came a chorus of Liberal | of the opportunity of "rub-- DEFIES TH voices. Opposition Leader | bing it in" on the Govern-- E SPEAKER George Henry, his face red | ment, they waved their saun.___=~_ |__-- with anger, encouraged his %rms,e Sgg'éted therlr}sel\;ei | oars enera o Member Refuses to Ac-- col'l'e?gu & . f | themsclves gof; C _ cept Closure Moved| ; a%%%t(gg'; dto ttmkq 'z;nd 1 *) in nerned epptrem sns pema ven ~+*1 . s 9 ing to take It-- | in marked contrast to the peace and _ by Premier -- Wildest in the name of demoeracy," [ PSE NEIEE was sbeciine ang ' | & % y e ime Minster was speaking an Scene in H|sf°ry of yoelled M'- Macaulay, now | explaining his reasons for repealing Legisla fure out of his seat. t the school bill. h : + Ironically enough, the Prime Min-- | The uproar beca"}? so | ister ended with the statement, loud-- terrific that the militant ly applauded by his followers, that Hon. Leopold Macau]ay, | member for South York :hol was repealing the bill to prevent former Minister of High-- | turned his head upward to lf,.!,';""f':f,,,lv;';';f.n;'l,'?,f}',f %:J:fg ways, was forcibly ejected the Press Gallory, immedi-- '"'This has bee{(xll a l:\ixtter and hectic e 6 session," he sa '"No doubt, the from the Legislature last 33[?;}\290\;1?.1.'2'333@::"(1 ggnfig will be more harsh words said];Yee- night by the bjorgeant-at- ]OWS.' Ii. is the' )(liirtics;t, lor"gvrl)t\:%r:ge{fian your words," de-- _ Arms, Captain Charles rottenest trick ever perpe-- flared 'Mr. Hentsh Rutherford, V.C., on orders trated in this or any other T°X;'('lesth'f: f::"°;'£:;e Sintss s « h _ Minister of Speaker Norman Hipel. Legnslatum." touched off the spark that set the _ The wildest twenty min-- | / | . NYOM MNo Satt Pibss oL 1. i Rorst expiopion ever seon io Pro: s A >ry it cou _ . P pg t % to-- utes in the history of the c hial 'QpeakermHipel pschs vincial Legislature. j F p isohainng as e said: Ontario I.-.cglslature fol-- doing, but when Captain | __"I am going to forestall it," he lowed Premier Hepburn's Rutherford, hero of the lended uy fit. Mikon of Srant that s . * on ve # | e t Mr. Nu ant, t application of closure to the Great War, advanced from | the question be now put." e 1t motion on repeal of the his seat on the floor of the | _ For a moment there was a stun-- : House, toward Mr. Macau-- 'ned silence on the Opposition side. School Tax Bill. lavy, it was obvious to all The Premier's words amounted Late last night ti «4 » I to closure on the debate on sec-- * ast night, on motion what w | o of Premier Hepburn. Mr vynat was going to happen, iond reading of Mr. Henry's bill. It 4 pDurn, ; @4 but Mr. Macaulay kept on meant that the Opposition mem-- l\{acau]ay was voted back speaking. He shouted above bers could not speak on the bill. into hi t in the H ® S+ . * A The Speaker started to put the ' s seat in the riouse. the noise, holding his posi-- question, when Mr. Macaulay rose \___Openly defying Speaker tion against the hostile to his feet. Hipel, who ordered him to shouts of the Liberals "I appeal to the Prime Minister take his seat, Mr. Macaula Ehy * to 'cut out this dirty . business," oJ 'f' . Mac y Cap_am. Rutherfqrd en-- shouted Mr. Macaulay, leaning for-- became ; .e irst "(u.m of tored the first--row aisle and ward and speaking directiy to Mr.: the traditional authority of took Mr. Macaulay by the s der » ; | the Legislature to remove arm. Spesker Hiper =--__ fehlmanded] an msubol'd.mate member. | The irate member at-- "You can put me in the tower or: flthwafl as if the members tempted to shake off the 10 have my yave rerlon mt opk of the House-- 1 § * o have my say," yelled Mr. Mac-- (10% f pamgqlarly | grIp, bu.t the Ser geant-gt- aulay as he burst into a sensational ose of the Opposition-- Arms firmly swung him defiance of Speaker Hipel's order to | h?(: lFlta.ken temporary leave about, and marched him oT 'ch of their senses. along the aisle on to the ol Fhange the iiles in the] --_"It is the dirtiest trick floor of the House. ?3;?::5 I?Ifxgx?\c»afiir?im::g} bfi?f itchg in the history of Ontario!" Then _ bedlam broke rotten, dirty trick. You may be a s houted Mr. Macaulay, loose. ldictator (ad'dressjng the Premier), holding the floor against a The Conservatives stood nemts of cdzrr'ntogr(;ct)}".'l's o 0 _ terrific uproar as Govern-- up and roared their pro-- _ _From here on events moved with T(gx?(; mem bers cried: tests as Mr. Macaulay, held """"fi'"."g SWifmgss}; The packed q99 o y* | galleries saw an eard the fight-- 5 el'i(Ol'd;ll:. 1 I.l'lm]y' was take!' to t.he ing Conservative lash at the Gov-- peaker Hipel, who has iront dOOI'. and ejected in-- ernment, even including the Speaker been called upon to make to the main corridor. in his attack. L many difficult decisions All the pent--up emotion q,{,'",{'eg'ut"a;' tm ty buill Sersvant during the past three years of strained weeks of con-- i.erms neumenn m dute arnice had. ars, x at--Arms perform a duty, which had, n?iu{ f.aceg the stormiest troversy burst in a torrent tfm till last night, been merely a crisis in Provincial ic. y aint possibility. | lature history al Legis of noise and hot, angry | They leaned from their seats, as| #q W¥ + words. did every member of the House, to ! order the member for D \ watch the Sergeant--at--Arms accost South York to sit down." raped With Flag. the still--shouting member, swing | he said, his voice carrving George H. Challies (Con-- him on to the floor of the House, above the uproar «) servative Grenville--Dun-- and escort him, still gesticulating, 2 Uuproar. | T » girbg C to the main doors and outside to "I won't sit down. I have das) rtushed outside and re-- the spacious corridor. the floor." shouted Mr. | turned with a Union Jack, Macaulay, eyes gleaming | which he draped over the behind his spectacles. The | empty seat of the ejected uproar became deafening. n'no'lpyl(»)c&".m di A th n ivvhears | isgracing e Premier H epburn sat | flag to cover yours'olf up," white--faced in his seat, tak-- _ _| shouted Hon. Paul Leduc : :il:;;c rinbzlblpart mf the in-- ; Minister of Mines. _ Mr. hich e confusion, Challies paid no attention. which even communicated He proceeded to drape the itself to the crowded gal-- flag across the front of the > leries. o desk, amid the applause of his colleagues and the jeers of the Liberals. ; ----_--_&_____--______--__4

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