The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Feb 1938, p. 1

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February" a. de 0 f q ' IN If ------.------- Pledges of co-operation in eXpe- diting legislation vital to, welfare were passed yesterday across the floor of the Legislature at the formal opening of the second! session. But in these pledges both Prev. . .. mier Hepburn and Hon. Leopold' Macaulay. Conservative Opposition! Leader. made reservations that al-: lowed scope for critical disagree! ment. which the latter held was not i a weakness. " claimed in dictators; ships, but rather the strength of the' democratic forms of government. The Leaders' words fell upon a House that but a matter of minutes before had heard the outline of the legislative program from the lips of Hon. Albert Matthews. Lieuten- ant-Governor. in the Speech from the Throne. __ In brilliant contrast to the "shirt- exception of the Premier, bore 1:033; IrJingeg'mtt,'e"r? Th".'"";',','.?'. scarlet roses in their c?,',,",:",:'", 2"tr,','i T . ' e cere- ' e remier e e mony yesterday was accomplished 1pu,t,,i',g'. "lt? me}: minutes later in the tradition of the Mother of the formal procession entered, led Parliaments. although it was inii- by the five active aides. The mated earlier in the week by the Lieutenant - Governor and Mrs. Matthews approeched the Throne Premier that it would be the last between the stiffly erect honorary occasion. while he was head of the aides, and after they had, taken Government. on which the opening their seats the officers retired to would be attended by military - their places beside the King's carts and the artillery salute representative. . The Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Ono large section of tho gallery Matthews were escorted to the "WW" empty heyhor.. Corridors Parliament Buildings bv a detail of Iradintt tn tho mam stairway were Royal Canadian Dragoons. Arrival blocked hy hundreds (if pooplo who of the party was heralded to the Sign?! to catch a glimpse of the House by the dull thud of the ar- tt fyt party. tillery salute. fired from the rear His Honor. 'Ptt'yl TSA',' it: of the buildings. Before the en- 111',1'g, hy Pl 0.01061" an daste itrance was a guard from the Royal Jdftuttr,'i,'e'.,'lt - d "JfJ',lo'itd,','dln of, 'Canadian Regiment. The King's "a 'T,h atnh Challis??? 'rll",,/l,'i. representative was attended by five '/di,'i'li,,.,f U/Nd spoke in con- ttillg'mft'e"w'21/eeeyi,".vtearefuat; 1t5','t,'l,l'tlt','.or.f, terms of the elevation l . . . I '. . S . _ ' mem- 'of twelve honorary aides, in full- air": gQTe"'he,fini'f'/i','lerto' the dress uniform. representing the dif- l Bench iferent senices of his Majesty's i . armed Canadian forces. 'lee. 't t't', "WI? th E ' .alcr e no ntec o e err-oc- 'id,rrl'trt'itesprce1nisgr2hpet,duren"lig draped seat of Milton McVicar. for- , "added another insult to the Crown" l m:; "rt'Jt"i.,f'inEp1a1it'/Q.t/eidto, by trtripptntt the Lieutenattt-Gover. i the deceased. man's qualities. . . no: at his Sign}! .,'io,,'g.'"Tr't',t, J',! Mr. Macaulay Joined in the trib- on0lary a es- e-camp. rem er utes. and in answer to the Premier s 2itt'J,%e,""ert'entelritho :5; it?" ''tnthreemlgdnesd, the ') ouse. ry y. a e onserva- fully by his personal arrangementl tives, when in power, did not get a "3,3 ygnofmk 31:22:31,, ttides P. I great Igleal lof eo-operation trom the was observed by the arrangements! "tluT'll".iaid "even he is get- were seatcd in their accustomed tine 'iieuiiirii.7 ' places. slightly behind and immedi-i "Old age," retorted Mr. Hepburn. "it,,',?,.',.'," nrl'tdhtd",l2,i1.?'ionnd" " "I said mellower. not softer," Mr. . l . '. Macaulay asserted. st/ee,,"',',',,',")",',,'.','.':",:':',.':",',",',:,',',,",,',,."":;:) Premier H.e.plu1rn, in Pytirur sd. vacancies in the Governmenti journment. laid out in brief meas- benches. Standing out among iiiil ure .the physical program of the empty chairs were the neighboring: session, announcing that there seats allotted to Hon. Arthur Roe. |would be night sittlnugs on Tues- buck. Bellwoods. and Hon. Davidi iday ttttd Thurfda." until it lg iCroll. Windsor-Watkerville. the two!, :necessary to have more night ses- . ifrom the Cabinet over the C.I.O.' opened today, and that the first issue. i bills would he introduced Friday. " Members of the Cabinet wore Leaders' day in the debate would morning coats. and all. with Til he on Tuesday, he said.

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