Februeq " ' I Cites Publication Coats. I t An amendment to the Fire Mar.. shal's Act gives appeal rights from ' the decisions of investigators with-I in the department to the Fire Mar-I shal. Amendments to the Admin- istration of Justice Expenses Act and to the Constables Act gives both Crown Counsel and high constables authority to requisition police offi- cers for special services and to cer- tify accounts for their expenses. ----- The hills were introduced bv Mr. . Conant. . Macaulay Queries Conant grandma". Q tShe second reading " . " o e ewse tatutes Confirma. Ort Disturbance Re. 'hon lain Mr. Conant emphasized . t at t e gross cost of the ublica. tytrding Cane lion of the 1937 edition of xt)he Re- --------- Vised Statutes of Ontario was less BILL IS INTRODUCED than 860,000, while Publication in 1927 and 1914 was $129,498 and $275,. --------. 706 respectively. Ho claimed, too. Merger of the Toronto and York that tho hihdingof the current issue ' County Sheriffs office is authorized 3:80 "u'c,err,ier, qual.ity. While under a hill placed before the On. £500 were Music" printed, only . tario Legislature yesterday hy Hon. Gordon Conant, WC., Attorney- General. f h N L R . Introduction o t e measure pmed the way to the first clash ew aw fo esfricf of the present session when [yogi . . Leopold Macaulay. Opposition ea " U f T tl er, seized the opportunity to jitrel H + the Government over the recent Se 0 I e ospl a i suspension and reinstatement If . Howard Cane. who was name Sheriff of both Toronto and York T L d P I at the time of his appointment. al-t o lcense a c e 5. though the two offices have re-i D ---------. mained separate. . "Does this his» ransomltude m' Rest Homes Forbidden to . . Y' e as e . . . $323."? his jo I Use Word, Says Minister The Attorney-General claimed . . that he did not know Mr. Macau- of Health, Citing Toronu. 1ay's meaning. _ Instance "Well. what was all the ti,2,rt anee about?" pressed the ppos- tion Leader. ', WILL PROTECT NURSES "I am not aware of any disturb-' " ied Mr. Conant. "------- "nq'ii'd";'le should he," Mr. Macau-' Protection of the title "hospital," lay tttorteti. "Surely there wttt; " it is recognized generally by the "me disturbance when Mr. Cane public, is guaranteed under an resigned. and ttll the Toronto Lib. amendment to the Private Hospitals eral members got togrther m-..~ Act. placed before the Legislature pow-wow and telephoned loudly: yesterday by Hon. Harold Kirby, ' inure to the Premier. 5 Minister of Health. Mireille! "Oh". ' The amendment pr.oh.ily'tt.the use Mr Conant replied that the of the word by any institution that Sheri-ff was suspended and reinstat-i is not of a standard approved by ed and added he would be glad to; the $erir,tgttiet1tt-i-g,r'thlr,1t fact. tallti): o into the matter at the proper, private institution a is no fime. Mr. Macaulay insisted the censed yyy.ier the act. . . . --. ' then I Mr. Kirby, in explanation, said time to discuss the matter was ' h . v benches that the department, not later t an and reminded t.he Treasur: . last week had had difficulties with that the. bills introduced that Ida) a :I'oronto "rest home" calling itself were being "might forward, "In"; a hospital. Officials made out that out. regular notice and only wt the place was capable of giving in- the assent ot the Opp?titit?n. C sulin treatment. and, said the Min- "Does the lip provide for a t',lr,, ister there was neither graduate sulting Sheriff tth' was done $103.2} nurse nor doctor connected with it. in Lennox and Addington war. "Institutions of this character asked George H. Challies Icons.,;, can call themselves rest homes or Grenville-Dundas). . " 3 what thev like, but cannot call "Consulting Sheriff? echoed I. themselves hospitals under this; mystified query from the Cabinet) amendment," said Mr. Kirby. benches. " Another bill introduced by the "Yes." said Mr. Challies. You! Minister in the form of an amend- appointed a new Sheriff down there': ment to the Nurses' Registration and had the old one ttcting as a . Act would bring all training of Consulting Sheriff." . , nurses under the direct supervision There the matter "med until the of the Minister of Health. No'train- _ Premier. at a later point m the Rm". ing schools may be established in eeedings, repeated the explanation the Province, under the terms of that wa, given at the time of Mr. the amendment. without the specific _ Cane's reinstatement by Mr. Conant. V approval of the Minister. There had been a technical short- Mr. Kirby said training in this age in the Sheriff's accounts. but Province has been offered in cor- Investigation by the department, respondence-school courses and by "id the Premier ' had revealed that. rest homes. Certificates could not under the order granting the ap-, be granted under either of these pointment, it was possible for the: schemes. The amendment, In effect, Sheriff to take " any time the full _ was a form of protection for young amount of his salary out of the fees women who wanted to be nurses. of his office. Another measure introduced by Mr. Cane, under the terms of his Mr. Kirby extends the provisions of office, was quite within his right to the Burial of War Veterans Act, obtain the money, and he had but which provides for the burial of merely followed the practice set by indigent veterans, to. include veters his predecessors. The order was ans of the air service as well y changed at the time the technical military and naval veterans, gre. default was discovered. and Mr.' addition. veterans of all wars. 11; Cane was then reinstated. said the: stead of only those of the Grea l Premier. 1 War." ' _ t