________----W '"" Fibre"! " --and carried in the Toronto Star.' 813an Board. a paper very "unfriendly" to him tte" tteq (he-said) because he had elected to Pd like to know why R. o. differ with it on the cm. question. Sweezey and Company has not been The Star, alleged the Premier, was: made to live up to its liabilities. now getting into the biased class of i Why has the Premier's Securities Saturday Night and Hugh. On this) Commission allowed that company sharp gibe. he was brought up short i to go into receivership and hold I by the Opposition Leader, who re-i meetings down in Montreal while it i ' minded him that Hush had been) ls an Ontario company, and no ef-i one of the Liberal Party's most 'e"riy, fort has been made to make the thusiastic supporters in the last I underwriting company carry out its 1 election. and had carried pages ofl obligations? . Government advertising barking the} The Premier claimed that it was), Prime Minister and his policies. A ' not the function of the &GirGiial, ---- detailed statement of those adver- l to act as a policeman for every pri-l L' . I . tising payments would he sought vate company. He said if anything. .9" afure Committee immediately. Mr. Macaulay further irregular has occurred he hoped thel C ll stated. Before the hectic halt-hour shareholders would take action ati a ed for Unless ended. it was award tshat no Hydro l the meeting on Monday. '3 con rac wit e ul hite had! A . t Hepburn Acts ever been signed, and thou Peter o'ft'"iva2)""g,','.7nptal'/"ainisf"i"ht1othitt/ii -------- Heenan. Minister of Lands and For- sub-contractors had been paid off l ests. had characterized the proposed He declared that the thin th . APATHY QUEST'ONED ', company development as one of the annoyed him most was the fifct that greatest ever projected in this Prov- after the men had been aid ma P l Rf:- /'e. I'f b"'hiCho he felt co.')"; flocked into Port Arthur, téxpectihz art Arthur Fromm... J,',.1'i'i'n'i/"r'd.l'i', 'i,/c,'mt'e,tefin1',Ut1 to be an... on publie charity. About Company Term. ! tangle was ironed out. l 33mg; "tt afasthtrirfriehzltiafoggopli: q . t Defends Government. i I 0d Lying by Premier Mr. Hepburn warmly defended the. got :1? to the principles of the"; -----.-. Government's position in the mat-l ore a ers. i Unless the Hepburn Government, ter, and said that in so far as the, 5'" Employee Owed Company. 1 of its own volition. undertakes a. Province was concerned the com-' Mr. Macaulay retorted that he had? complete inquiry into the financial' pany was in no default. All obiiga- had one of the Lake Sulphite em-g collapse of Lake Sulphite Ltd., the tions had been lived up to. An Irtl ployees in his office who after Conservative. Opposition will de. expected set of circumstances. working for the companir tw mand an investigation hy a special coupled with an underestimation of months, owed $2 to his 'l'l'lilL/elrl'f,'. 'a',',','2te'i of tho Legislature. Hon. costs. and the business recession in He said he was not gullible in be: "312;" Macaulay announced yes-, the United States, had forcIed Ithe lieving the man's statement and he " . . concern into receivership. o r. revealed ' , . In spite of the fact that I have Macaulay's assertions that more SI ad that the.account showed been e . ' . ay board, which Mr. Macaul pr ssed for weeks to take some . . ay action in this situation." said Mr. Y tit,'eldthtr.r1e,.T,', Ita!, the! sgtuatlon believed was excessive, and heavy Macaulay. "I have held off, tttttr Wird. 'Jul t'prmAi,',fp'iq'ind,tert',' gig; hospitt.1 charges when the man be- wishing to prejudice the sharehoid-i "If the shareholders find . his: . came ill with a cold. He said he ers' meeting next week in any way; irregular. thev of course high/e ','.'ee would be glad to place the man's I have even refrained from placing) course to the. courts. And I ho e entire account before the House questions in relation to the com-. ' p next week. I they take that recourse to the " . Iltl,',','iel"'orll tthKPI Tta paper of thei courts." ', At charged again that the Securi- ed the dishugsihn zaduane has apex. Heatedly, Premier Hepburn re-) Lt,i,,t',',fheei,eye, was apathetic. "You ' " t ferred to su estions th t - l can t tell me why Sweezey and Com- well clear things up " once. " . a the Gov ' l ernment was In league with MPH. Party was n-Ot called to make good Charges Dereliction of Duty. ' Sweezey. suggestions that were I I their commitments after underwrit- The Opposition Leadrr's declara- borne of the claim that a Port Ar-l ltntr the sale of the 83,000,000. In the! tion of policy came immediately after thur delegation to Queen's Park in l l meantime there are men in the bush he had furnished the first stirring? respect to Dower negotiations with') waiting for their money." l moments of the 1938 Legislature: the company. had found the Lake) session with charges that Attorney-i Shlphhe Company President With! General Conant and the Securities' his lawyer in the Premier's office. Commission had been derelict in: Premier Hepburn claimed that' , their duty in not probing the come: the power negotiations had been pany's prospectus. and with the conducted by the Hydro-Electric tsuggestion that the "apathy" of the. Power Commission. and that if the Government might ho entirely due! resulting agreement had been sign- to the fact that R. o Sweezey Al rd, it would have produced a net Co. were the underwriters. and benefit of 366.000 to the Thunder Bethune Smith (Treasurer of the Bay power district. flgerltlJt/'i'tre'l""'rt'"" director of Projected Power Agreement. t Manlacaullay labelled the prospcc- t,e2"setio/,Tt'rt'l; khe, said, had D - - us " a se" n that Mr. Sweezev . o -pet5 power there . . q failed to implement it as he sham?! for $230 per horsepower and the f. He" Bill Pefition have done. The prospectus. ho company was planning to produce Presented fo Legislature 'gt/un/ti/Je,,'!. assured an underwriting :'eii'rica' fina'i.iiot."v steam nt a cost -._._l-- 0 tr: omortgnge bonds t th " em o . . Under the con- A . . .. amount of 33.000000. tt theodirece.' tomplated agreement, the company mit t1.ltt.n gr Elstttwigthhd to per- tors, he submitted. had called upon 1vtts to pay the Commission 816 per resume the. prdctice (if m di ener. 'to Mr. Sweezey to carry out this com- hm. for 4,000 h.p., and the balance presented 'esterd t ehlcmei'has mitment there would he no need for of their requirements, which could ture The} titi ay l? t e Legisla- the present receivership situation be rerttlled at six months' notice, to the Privpte Ill') will be. referred in which the company finds itself Iras to cost the company 88.50 pert Hett w a e I s Committee. Dr. Nor would the stock be down to hm. I f th as struck from the registry $3 from the high levels of $26 and The Commission, under this) gu e College of Physicians ahd $30at which it was bought, and tor. agreement. would have had a re. cloigeotnhS when he refused to dis- mer employees of subcontractors turn of S81O00 as compared with tr J: e formula ot. his cancer engined on the plant construction the 314900 it was getting from pres- ea ment or to submit the treat- at Red Rock would not he "walk. ent sales of surplus power. ment to investigation. ing the woods" now looking tor the "The irony of this charge," said money still owing them, he com the Premier. "is that the agreement tended. 'J,"rdfi.'"i'ir signed." and he nodded to on. . . Houck, H dro Com- Calla for Inventigatlon. missioner. for 2,',ut'il',dt'iClt'. 'Wm not going to use the word; The Opposition Leader then con- 'fraud/ " said Mr. Macaulay. "but: firmed previous predictions that certainly an investigation by the At.:' the Conservatives planned to carry tomey-General or the Securities! an attack into the Government Commission is required. I want to forces on the Lake Sulphite and'; know why the Commission has not ' thtohl diversion propocitions. The) been acting as it should instead of discussion. he said, was only tur. allowing the financial magnates of tiripntirw the debate that was go- St. James Street to put a strangle- ing to he presented over the tim- hold on the Province of Ontario." her deals prior to the election. The -Ther storm ot argument which Premier hadn't dealt with the ' broke upon the House with electri- merits of the case in trying to tying auddenness was precipitated transfix the newspaper, he charged. when Premier Hepburn took excep- 'What I want to know," said Mr. tion to "deliberate lying "out". Macaulay, "is why the Securities Ill." emanating. he said. from Acting Commission has not been acting as Mayor George Wordrope of Port it should. instead of allowing the Arthur-N former Tory candidate. financial magnates of St. James still nursing the wounds of defeat" 'lt/git, e, put a stranglehold on the n . _ 1