; March i5 | He then gave the relief figures for October and February, showing ¢ there had been an increase of * 94,000 on the rolls since the begin-- ning of the autumn month, with an Increase of from $1,351,000 to $2,200,-- 000 in the Provincial relief costs. ARE I 1 _ Betow Year Ago. S AYS HEPBURN "How didithhe I"I"ebrum'y figures w2n zl2 compare | wit ebruary, 1937?" * ib asked Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Con-- Large Vane'fy O{ Sub|ecis servative House Leader. _ Covered bY Amendment woqmmmenommmam w Hon. Eric Cross, Minister of Wel--| a _ s \Reveals Rise Since October| [2C;, "2id the 1938 figures, were to Municipal Act ~ Reveals Rise Since October| anout 100000 betow those of Feb-- o pmeema css i & | ruary, 1937. bere it i t While Chargmg Ottawa "But we were getting about 5800.-' Legislation affecting the City of Has Broken Faith 000 from the Dominion then: now Toronto and incorporated in bills we are only getting §$465,000." said ./ 1 ,"MiBniecity Acl, were given sec e o. the Premier. e irsity Act, sec-- He stated that at the F | ond reading in the Legislature yes-- FLAYS | ILSLEY, -- ROGER5 || . He stated fhat at the present time -- SMpCiEobin®P Reicaponsots en in amea== cent of the cost, and the Dominion lan Strachan, Liberal Whip, St. \ _ Ontario's relief rolls have in-- 'b"lur'- f;: per Ceni'- M g:"';g"-- and Allan Lamport, Lib., St. | j e ey continue the policy of vid. th4 %"&;)d if'rorrpeblrfiufié(:(;(.) i;'re(r)rfiteorbe};eg segregation it will be down to 10 The Municipal Act amendment burn revealed late yesterday in the D°" COnt." the Premier added,. "It had bearing on items varying in Ontario Legislature as he flayed '> most unfair, particularly when _ Character from requests for author-- the Federal Government's reliet Y°" consider how the honorable ity to license pet shops, elecgnc:an:. | grant policy and charged the Ot-- gentlemen at Ottawa were elected apd persons ouzagpd in the mstalla-} tawa Liber'al administration with "" 'the promise n'f making relief a tion of heating equipment to a* having broken faith with the elec-- national problem." | f'lausc that wouldhenable tge ('lt'y to | tors on the election promise of icense persons wio Opensd NP '2M! | adopting a national relief program. 'é';'s':g :L';;z':":t Elt'lfeclz:;és;g??o:ni? f M % y * & T esnt brike Hjouromens. ntended " to . provide . a . remeds called the attention of the House, against un'talr competition to estab-- | first to a speech made by Hon. J. lished business enterprises. Anpth- L. Iisley, National Revenue Minis-- er clause would give co_rporatlons ter, in Montreal, Saturday night the right to vote at municipal elec-- and then to a statement issued the tions. ; same day from Ottawa by Hon. Mr. Lamport said the purpose of Norman Rogers, Minister of Labor. his amendment was to correct what Mr. lisley, he said, had been dis-- appeared to be a "glaring injustice cussing his resolution that the in Section 15 of the University Act, . Federal Government should recoy-- which provides that where land is nize the Provinces' prior rights in , rot used for university purposes, | the field of income tax and had but is occupied by a tenant only, | placed great stress upon the opinion the interest of the tenant only is that the Dominion's moral and assessable for municipal purposes. legal right to the tax was secure. The fhil}' prlg\'ides that fth; prop-- 7 J ersIty oro 0 [C'"'d HI--Advised. P ' f:;::e(;) mt 12nar?tl; t:'srh;:l'l i?o asspss?std | "Mr. IIsley's speech in Montreal in the same manner as Crown lands | was lll--advised and ill--timed, par-- which are leased to tenants. In ticularly as he knew it was under | this way, Mr. Lamport explained, debate in this Legislature," said the tenant would be assessed in the Premier Hepburn. "In discussing it same way as if the lands, instead of he showed a total lack of courtesy ' being owned by the university, were and he showed a total lack of un-- | held by any other person. The ten-- derstanding because we have never | ant would be assessed for the full questioned the Dominion's legal value of the land, but the interest rights." | of the university could not be sold He then turned his fire upon Mr. 'to satisfy taxes. Rogers for having stated that the \ __In illustration, he said that one form of the present agreements be-- | piece of university land valued at tween the Federal and Provincial $78,300 is occupied by a tenant. The Governments on relief grants had | lease has about three years to run been decided upon after a consulta-- and the value of the tenant's inter-- tion with the Provincial Govern-- est for which he is assessable is ments. $240. The tenant, accordingly, can | ----The statement was "wide of the f be required to pay taxes only on facts," charged the Premier. He re-- , $240 instead of $73,300. 'vlewed briefly early agreements, | '"*Another property in the busiest iemphasizing how, when Ottawa ' part of Yonge Street is owned by first cut its appropriation, the the university and is coccupied by Province had taken up the defi-- a tenant for commercial purposes," clency and relieved the municipali-- said Mr. Lamport. "The land is «'tles of the additional burden. worth $136,000, but because the Says Conference Abortive. tenant pays to the um'versnty the I full rent of the property, his inter-- He charged also that on Mr. est for the purpose of assessmont is Rogers's invitation Ontario Govern-- valueless and accordingly, this ten-- ment officials went to Ottawa for a + ant escapes payment of taxes on relief conference, only to be told land to the value of $136,000." that the matter had been settled Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Conser-- two days before in Cabinet Council. vative House Leader, said he had "We had no opportunity of con-- no dbijection to the bill passing in ferring with the Dominion Govern-- second reading if the university was ment," said the Premier. to be heard in committee. Pre-- In October, he said, Ottawa made mier Hepburn said that full hearing further reductions in relief appro-- | would be given. priations without consulting the ; * Provincial authorities. Then, he claimed,. the Federal Minister sub-- mitted another agreement, based on the principle of segregating the re-- lief recipients into employables and unemployables, "which indicated to me their intention of shoving the eimployables off onto the municipali-- ties."