But while approving the action of the Government under the circum- stances. he warned the House that provision should be made to see that such a course would not be necessary attain. He urged the Hydro Commission to begin a pro- gram of power developmnet in On- tario so that power would he avail. able for use when the Quebec sup- ply had been absorbed. Commisamn. tireumstanees made it impossible to do anything else." "in" Ontario Development. Mr. Oliver reiterated his approval of the Government's acHon. both In cancelling tho original Quebec power contracts and in negotiating new ones. "t was never more sincere in my life than when I voted for their cancellation." he said. "But 1 ree- ognize the problem the Government was up against. It would have been . tumbling too much to take a chance an bringing the case before the Privy Council. because if we had failed it would have spelled the ruin of the H.vdro-Eteetrle Power "As soon as the ballot boxes were rinsed the momhor from North Grey tRoland Patterson' and I sent lovers to ovory {armor in the county. asking them what legisla- tinn, in their opinion. would he of greatest hrnrtit tn the agricultural industry." hr said. "Without ex- ception. they replied: 'Reduce the number of consumers from three por mile to two.'" A He offered assurance that farmers were unanimously in favor of such legislation. quoting the results of a survey conducted in Grey County Immediately after the Provincial election of Oct. ft. Cam-asset! Farmers. "rt you can see fit to do that. Mr. Prime Minister." hr said. "you will have the support and gratitude of every farmer in this Province. You will haw dono a truly great deed in a social. politlml and eco- nomic way. and you will find that you have bulldod better than you knew." Labelling the clause which called for three Hydro contracts to the mile in rural Communities as the chief stumbling block confronting farmers throughout the Province. Farquhar R. Oliver (U.P.O.. Grey South) yesterday appealed to the Ontario Government to take steps in establishing a policy whereby Hydro-Electrir power would be made available to farmers on the basis of only two contrarts per mile. FARMERS FAVOR MOVE Farquhar Oliver Asks That Only Two Contracts Per Mile Bo Necessary WOULD lOWER ' RURAL HYDRO REQUIREMENT " stating his position in the House on legislative matters, he referred to a question earlier in the session by Hon. Leopold Macaulay. Leader of the Opposition, who had asked him where he sat. Mr. Oliver rose to the defense of Hon. P. M. Dewan, Minister of Agriculture. in answering criticism low-lied Wednesday by A. H. Acres Icons., Carleton). "My voluble friend from Carle- ton," he said. "was with us yester- day, hammer and tongs. in his usual 'turtioneer's style, hut I do not be. lieve it was fair of him to launch such a bitter attack against a Min- ister who hasn't had time to famil- iarize himself with his department. They can say what they want about him, hut I know that no Minister of, Agriculture in recent years ever had greater support from the farmers than the man who holds that posi- tion in this Government today. "If we could bring up the prices for farm produco." he said. "our un- employment problom would he " an end. The farmer will buy when he can. and ho is anxious to start buy- ing " soon as possible." "At least I know where I stand in this House," he declared. "hut you don't know whether youve Rowe- ing or being Bowed." Math Itil With that the Premier -summoned a page boy and send the document across to Mr. Macaulay. "As an act of courtesy," said the Premier, a broad smile on his face, "I am sending a copy of the Bud- get address across to the Honorable Leader of the Opposition. I am sure he will hold it in confidence. I might warn my honorable friend that it is another sunshine Budget, and I suggest he do not read it tonight or he won't sleep well." 7 The Premier, after consultation with the Opposition Leader. an- nounced the Budget debate would be opened Tuesday. after he re- turned from the East Lambton by- election speaking tour. The first formal action in bring- ing down the Ontario Budget in the Legislature today occurred at 12:15 this am. when Premier Hep- burn presented Hon. Leopold Ma- caulay. Conservative House Leader, with a copy of the address, which will not be delivered until the members are convened agar} ainé SaysBudge+ Has Sunshine