provision for these handicapped | along the above lines. children. 276 cases are at present| The following is a statement of receiving educational supervision'the money expend»=-- 3. CONSULTANT SERVICE Additional medical serv Travelling expenses .. Telephone and telegrap 4. ORTHOPEDIC EQUIPMENT AND RESPIRATORS Frames, splints, respirators, express and trans-- port Charg@S ....c.curc@ccerrr@rrtirttrrtirirres 5. HOSPITALIZATION General HOoSspItAls «.......«@«...«serssesererecsseeee4] Ontario Orthopedic Hospital ................... Total Nasal spray experiment ............. Ontario Society for Crippled Children PUBLIC EDUCATION AND ADVERTISING. medical service salaries.............. eanses a a a a e h a 6 a h e # n# b 6 n a 6 6 6 8 8 6 6 m and tele'r'ph # # 6 a e e e 6 6 0 6 0 6e 6 6 e a 8 a 8 6 a w a a a 0 a a 0 0 0# a 6 # 6 a a 0 6 n 6 6 8 6 6 a 68 8 $34,541.50 -- 2471717 $ 1,389.79 _ 4,355.64 $ 4,023.58 $ 40,482.46 37,013.27 28,414.96 74,455.09 10,023.68 6,479.56