The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1938, p. 13

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March l¢] r € :\::'cposfl' ."l:}e should ?e given to our 000,000 per year through animal dis-- UberCUIOS's in tur: 6 m%;' U?efll')::l:fltt's'e:: eases, are instituting measures for the taxpayers, who are owners of cleaning up and replacements will P rev e nf " o n ;er:L'propteny.l n; order fl;,at even have to come from outside. Ontario er stimulation may be given cattle are satisfactor i to the building industries. 8This will pass the nece:;tfrr}?v;g:?su}g The Government program for the important industry has lagged. be-- health. f Prevention of tuberculosis has been t"alt;se'of unsound econorpic pollc@es T.B.--free areas will be definitely hampered because of the fact that 'o ov..ed in Canada, and in my opin-- extended. Losses from Bang's dis-- the municipalities have delayed in Sn tz fO L not see a return of a _ ease, mastitis, parasites in sheep sending active cases of tuberculosis prosperity which will be enduring _ and swine and warbles in cattle into sanatoria on account of the ;"d fundamentally sound until the will be lessened through intensive Cost Involved. 'These cases have re-- uilding trades are revived. research and experimental work ir; 'malned months and sometimes & & the institutions and upon farms. years in the community, infecting P I The establishment of an Animal others and thus multiplying the O 'C'es : Nutrition Laboratory at the Ontario problem. The seriousness of this | Agricultural College will forestall, situation is apparent when on« U h lthrnugh careful investigations, ani-- realizes that of 1,200 cases dving of nc ange mal deficiency problems, and there-- tuberculosis in the Province in the by prevent tre a year 1936, only 640 or 53 per cent 1 a e M i mendous losses now Mad received sanatorium treatment. ln'ior er to assure you that the being experienced because proper In order to insure prompt admis« 'g;:a" es 'o( thls. Governmc¢at do not maintenance and health are neces-- slon to hospital, it is proposed that ¥ nge from year to year, I crave sary to maximum production. the Provincial. Covernment assums [3 ourl permission to repeat now the Cheese is a standard export prod-- | the cost of sanatorium treatment, . | CONC uding paragraph of the Budget uct; quality is essential. Competi-- previously borne by the munici« _ |OP°°Ch of a year ago, when I said tion is forcing a high standard. The pality, and also provide free sana-- 'somo?hing that is just as applicable causes of the manufacture of anvy torium treatment for those persons, _ | !°03%; '.m" another year under Lib. cheese lower than the standard will who, while not actually indigent, ;0ra! rule, aqd when 'I sog before you be through instructors, ascertained could not hope t~ pay the costs _ | aD ideal which I maintain is worthy arns _ rrected. of hospital care for any length of of being written in enduring bronze Our potatoes, through lack of at-- time. Provision has been made in -- | 3M9 set up where every citizen of tention in production and market-- the Estimates for an additional ex-- this great Province may read: | ing, have gradually lost favor with | penditure of $1,000,(00, to meet this It is my considered opinion that the Ontario housewives. A cam-- F | need. Those persons whose econo-- this Government has not reached paign is under way, and will be | mic situation leaves no doubt as t~ "h" P'""M'I{' of its achievement: augmented by increased votes, to their ability to meet the costs of rather is It in its early stages, and induce the Ontarid grower to'use treatment, will still be expected to ;l am persuaded that by continuing better seed, to fertilize properly, to do so. to follow sound policies and to give spray thoroughly, and to market' on By adopting these measures this Ihonest government we shall carry a proper basis, or, in other words \Government hopes to eradicate the the people of this country on to the to produce a good article and guair: 'menace of tuberculosis from the great destiny that is the heritage antee it to the consumer. \ Province of Ontario. of the sturdy offspring of our noble Fruit and vegetable producers, as During the present year the _ | forefathers. I hope that we can re-- per their requests, will receive as-- carefully planned program of the |mm.|Icnte n our minds and hearts3 sistance in production and market-- extension of suitable mental hos--« |their hope, faith, courage and vis« ing from competent men stationed Ipital accommodation will have \ion, and accordingly, Mr. Speaker, In well--defined areas throughout reached the point where some 140M _ |may I urge that we turn our faces, the Province. This service will be beds will be available at the new _ | not toward the shadows, but toward j n hospital near St. Thomas and a the sun, and view in that direction [d rected largely to intra--Provincial children's unit of 400 beds will be a brighter and happier day for this '*marke!mg. : & opened at the Ontario Hospital, _ , great land." _ The interpretation and application Woodstock. This will permit the of the research and experimental tr'nsf'r ot A number ot epllpp"c uc * We titieircaecsiaceiececisiacaatcenettcta ces recareemccy resu,"s Obta]ned at 9ur educational patients from Orillia, thus relieving _ Institutions to practical agriculture Come of the pressure on that in-- iE f still remain the major problem. stitution. Plans are going forward XpOr This work will be emphasized and for the construction of a new hos« _ | | ' de(f:xg.lggz a:;{g"é}he{'ed' § pital at Brampton for mentally ill P bl | E e effort as a means o patients who are also suffering fO ems | '?d"c.'""'"' production and market-- from tuberculosis. This, the first ing is at last recognized in Canada hospital of its kind on this con-- «ons |as one of the most effective means tinent, will make it possible to rs-- |\ Our continuance in the export 'f'f improving the conditions of the | move from other mental hospitals . | & o armer. _A strong, well--managed | T h« Province those Who are & | markets of the world for live stock branch, equipped to render a defi-- source of danger to their fellow-- <and live stock products is going to nite service to any section or group patients and the staff. |\ depend very largely on three fac-- :)itonpeople is now under considera-- ® 'tnrs: First, quality; second, health, * ilrve i cerinmiee en genys Ouf',nes | and third, continued supply. H' h ' Quality is most important in con-- Ig way POIic :nertinn with our export of bacon, y 'and to a lesser degree with the ex-- , f f 5 M Eetrtesiee irnimmmimmenrims | port of live cattle, particularly dairy nves men \_ In determining our policy for the ' ensuing year, wg havep ext?;nded our cows for the United States or Eng-- H"nl;e p?li"}_f of the Department of activities in three main departments land. 1[111: ways will be to continue with of government--Agriculture, Educa-- At present our bacon in Great e same asgressivenses thal has tion and Health, all of which deal Britai d wi A applied in the past. We intend to | with the social and economic well« ritain, as compared with Irish or budget for this purpose the sum of being of the citizens of our Prov» _ | Danish, is discounted in price. We $14,000,000 ince. | have a Canadian quota of 280,000,-- ym i s In view of the fact that this Gov» _ 000 pounds annually, and last year Added safety on highways will ernment has again been able to we shipped 190,.000,000 pounds, and . |continue to be our . slogan. balance its budget, the question approximately 50 per cent of this Engineers will be instructed to ex-- :r.'i:e'sw:sh:t; nwg.:o{\il;;:er ':§fiis,;a_n;: l arig. from the Province of On-- _ |ercise the greatest possible care in 7 h * 1 e 00e 0 t s »} point 'out, however, that in these The United States is a ready pur. _ | 2l work they undertake, satisfying three departments the increased ex-- chaser of dairy cows provided the themselves that the finished road penditures will probably equal our import health regulations are met. is as nearly foolproof as possible. budgetary surplus. But apart from All cows must come from fully ac-- ! _Special -- consideration will be that entirely, we must recognize credited herds and must have pass-- given to completing gaps in the the fact that at this very time the ed the test for Bang's disease. | highway system. . Typical of this :is Royal Commission, headed by Chief The authorities in Great Britain, the Toronto--Hamilton Miadle Rof;l' Justice Rowell, is investigating Do-- realizing that they are losing $70,-- which must be carried in to th i minion and Provincial relations, City of Toronto in such a way ha with respect to taxation and as-- congestion will not apply whethe? sociated economic problems, and on the road itself or in the city at until such time as the findings of points were contacts will be made. this Commission are made known # e o t on it y 4e estlmq::? to the respective jurisdictions and the~sum o. thile aime fOrbhos:'lre. dealt with, it is not deemed expe-- construction, this amount being 4 dient to attempt to bicak any new quired to complete the gqmpmesnt- * ground with regard to th« financial in the new Mental Hospital al . o Thomas and to continue the build relationship between the Pravince j 5 ton, Wood-- and the municipalities, although it * 1 6 o enigie dh > dpragage Aas in ol Is our considered judgment ard Stoctk' Port Arthur and New firm intention that every assist. ponkds s

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