O . k .' Marc. is i I ". induced by Annunciation. The physicians held that 10 per l cent of tuberculosis in children was of the bovine type, described the ef- ' fects and prevalence of undulant fever and other diseases than can be transmitted by infected milk, , while Dr. MacDonald emphasized the surgical aspects and the crip- pling action of bone tuberculosis of the bovine type. Dr. Kelly submitted a resolution of the Ontario Medical Association ----. --l._--" . which enchiDrsedB the pasteurization . . measure. r. ates, in describing Construction Would Need Medical Expert Tells House feneréil /a"g',)ie'Itd'ie Jgt, in this . " . ine, ec are t att e . typhoid "tl',',', ttr"'" 3 . Group Accredited Herds epidemic in Montreal, that caused pay. 500 deaths. was caused by drinking " Not Always Safe of raw milk infected by one worker -t--.---t.- in the supply system. Members were strongly of the PROVISIONS ARE STRICT OBJECTIONS DISSIPATED. opinion that before the provisions q----. -------- of the bill were extended to the . rural areas, the department should . Measure Meant fo Apply fo (Puinfs Never Fed Drop of conduct a: ef,eg'li,o,yi1t1hTpe1'adii'g. to . impress t e pu ic wit e esira- Owners t',11t"t','d Span, Raw Milk, Dr. Defoe bility of pasteurization. Minister ays Informs M.L.A.'s The Ontario Legislature P.'"""! Unanimous endorsation was given yesterday to bar the International yesterday hy members of the Legis- Railway Company from "PM" lature. Agricultural Committee to the Falls View 1Horte.vmoonyBridgr, the principles of milk pasteuriza- which last January crashed into tion hill, and the measure was re- the Niagara River gorge. through ported back to the House without a bill introduced by Hon. T. B. Mr- amendment. Quesien. Minister of Highways and Several members said frankly member of the Niagara Falls Parks that their previous objections had . . 2"'2t,2',',' Tm"; Tel, Drown? been dissipated, largely through the Committee Starts Probe e eree on 0 sur 3 n " wt - statements given to the committee Of M ' " . acaula s Char e out the approval of the Lieutenant- by a group of medical authorities yfr1ltll g Governor-in-Council. which included Dr. Alan Brown, Evidence concerning the system Mr. Me4ituestrn, after "will!" Physician-in-Chief of the Hospital of handling mail at the Queen's in: the measure, stated the bill; ap' for Sick Children; Dr. J. L. Mac- Park Postofflce was offered by pl ed directly to the Niagara alts l Donal . Postmaster D. D. MacMillan yester- Bridge. Interpretation of the d, staff surgeon and "mm?" day in the first sitting of a special powers vested in the bridge com-' of Dr. D. E. Robertson, Surgeon-in- _______'___.__.__,- pany indicated that it would. .re- Chief at the hospital; Dr. Allan Roy Kama," 1,fdve'1'e1ii'1aVti'i,aart'fe,s, 1( move all possibility 'of competition Daioe. physician to the Dionne 1odn1,ef'/,"'tt'a'rt'tJ,'/Q"'laii'i, 'il/iv,"'!,',?. Win": sf/ae,"'.",.',',:':? "12137.? A' quintuplets; Dr. A. D. Kelly, repre- quiry Was adjourned to next Wed- 'bridge site that would eventually senting the Ontario Medical ASSOCi- nesday after dQCiSionc had .l'ttt become toll-free. . ation; Dr. J. t Phair, Chief Medical 'i't,'te"'c,u,f.1rth1efi'i'gsoegrate1t l As explained earlier in the Legisa' Officer of the Department of (fern-ins: his charge, t',Q'gi,,'x'/'d'g,'tf,o,.'i'i', 'gie,tde,e,,nt,erlf, r','/11theg Gordon Bates, Director - _--------. State authorities in respect to the, I'd 'li, 'Ae.all.hBet,yiut . of Canada, bridge proposal and an application Division of. Serry. DiLect?r ofth ' ' has been made to the Federal Gov-l D amtary Engineering. ernment for a bridge charter. epartment of Health. "ill," bill.lcalled the Bridges Act. Says Nutritional Value Kept. _ prov ties that bridges and The me . . t other structures costing more than duced by $531 J'.h"s"i.1,'e,1gir,? tlr/st, 82,000 cannot be replaced or altered ter of A. . ii . ' . ' lnlso ' without the consent of the Govern- J V grlcu lure, and Hon. Harold ment over streams of which the . Kirby, Mung-er of Health, who bed is vested in his. Majesty in the sponsored the bill. Dr. Brown em- right of Ontario or where the phasized that pasteurization did not King in the 'iiiiitt of Ontario or reduce the nutritional value of milk an .Board of Commissioners is a l and that such minute losses that did . ri arian owner ' occur were corrected by a balanced , gt provides further that no bridge 1tidtc'p,eyt.t, 315° that Pr?" of the general description given milk from accregitgdy T339" m can be built or operated unless the herds d i . .-tested owners are domiciled within Orr. and My" 1"it,U'etaggis of how tario or the company is incorporated accred't d il a polluted under the laws of the Dominion of I I e ml k through handling or Canada or of Dntario or under the :33: tigsttshe health ot cows be- 'g,'g,'2"t'iL1ett'." extra-Provincial His evidence and the evidence of Finally, it is provided that when 23?; on this one phase was ad- , such a bridge is operated contrary of e y one reason for a change to these regulations or " much Selltimnt. as members of the of it that ma be erected in On- Pommlttee. taid that they had been tario as J,',',",','" a bounds "it of the opttuon that milk from ae- . shall. be deemed subject 3' any "ff/tef, 1eer.ds, was safe. . a ' ' direction of the Lieutenant-Gow Brown 't'ff d2oms2t/t,d,tti Jig f ergtoguigtA3ttttgteil, to be in: property ting down the rate of child mortal- .ot " Mniestty the King. ity in Canada than any other per- ---_tr-'--- son. said that the quints had never been fed a drop of raw milk and he described illnesses he found in gen- eral practice in which the clauses were traceable to infected milk.