The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1938, p. 3

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Maxrch 19 is found--according to the Prem-- ie o ler's statement to the House--that g'ef:dtl%m otdthe Liquor Cont:;)l Th a+ o _ Board dumped $10,500,000 into the € es + Treasury coffers during the year r rea al 1 tbhat l; end:ng. And from the tiwo | ranches of gcovernmental activity, ; whose administration figured so I 'epburn Hears ' prominently as talking points in l the October general election, name-- e we___--____. ly, Lands' and .}"_'orests. and"Su'C'zer-'; Immediate investigation of com-- Duties, reasurer ep a f :::;;'ected $4,500,000, and $20,000,000 iplaints that Onfarfo th'eatre-ownc:rs respectively. |\ in many cases have failed, in spite Bush Enterprises Revived. of promises, to pass on to their "The reductions made by the patrons the benefit of the Govern-- Government in stumpage prices." ment's total abolition of the amuse-- said :he gl'em'" with {egagd 1'1: ments tax, was forecast by Premier st department, "playe s :'r"fleallt rpart i enmur:z!nz bush :{:?burn during his budget presen-- enterprises, re--creating a spirit of w ation to the Legislature. thrift and saving the morale of '"The revenue from the amuse-- legions of anxiol\;s "'""';.'-'h '::':' ments tax this year amounts to vious! ecome isheart-- :;2d.p"0ptim)i'sm displaced pessi-- 'only $227,000, whereas last year it mism, hitherto rampant in many amounted to nearly $2,000,000," Myr. small communities. Notwithstand-- Hepburn said. ing stumpage c-'onco's:ionsd.ep;:\"'l "Before this tax was cancelled e accruin o e * | s :::;mwas the ghighest in eight g:;st Jl{ne.. I had a conference with years. ' e Prmcxpal theatre owners of the ' "The record of collections of suc--| « Province and received from them ceission duties," he stres:edl.lg;:"'fl !their solemn promise that, if we stitutes an arraizgnmen < f ' former officials of the Treasury De-- '?n"l;;h'd 'h"'hamus"mf'ms tax they partment and reputedly reputable uid pass t'e benefit on to their lawyers of this Province, some of patrons, and in no case would they whom undouttedly connived for the increase the price of admissions to ' sole purpose of cheating and chisel-- their places of entertainment. lisg in the most flagrant and inde-- "Reports have reached me that fensible manner the Treasury of | this promise has not been honored, this Province. It redounds to the 'and I propose to take steps to in credit of this Administration which stitute a very careful investigation 'has had the courage to bring tax-- to ascertain whether the charges | f ayers to time and to compel by of lack of faith are warranted. '{;gal methods these same people to "Unless theatre owners keep faith disgorge to the extent of nearly k with the people, they need not be $20,000,000, all of which revenue has surprised if this Government takes been used to maintain the social some appropriate action in this services of this great Province. May | matter." I assure you further, Mr. Speaker, that this work has only begun:; and the efforts of this Government to bring even more of these taxdodg-- ers to task will be redoubled,. and | s , I can say without fear of hping' SUCCGSSIOH Tax Dnve § charged with exaggeration that the $20,000,000 cotfected is only a very Nets Another $900,000 small portion of the moneys which | + !on;o;p Treasurers ha\': hlq' H}?sel Wh'Ie Hepburn Speaks taxdodgers get away with it. tns ags | never discharge another public duty Premier Mitchell Hepburn drew in my life, 1 pledge my word that thunderous applause from the | I will see this public duty carried Government benches yesterday ' through to its finish." afternoon when, while he was dis-- Gas Tax Nets £17,800,000. cussing the isubjleifll of re\l'e:ltue ' ya from succession duties, a letter W:Sror:ol'l::tfl?sogqufit;s.'(()or').h 'swi\i:; was laid on his desk informing places this levy, as a revenue pro-- him that settlement had been ducer, second only to succession du-- | reached that day in an estate un-- ties. This $17,000,000, together with | der investigation, and that $900,-- | the tax from motor vehicle licenses,| 000 hai been paid into the Treas-- | | will amount, the Premier said, to| ury as a result. E. : about $26,000,000. 'The policy of the ' "Members of the Opposition Highways Department for 1938 were skeptical when I forecast a would: be, the Premier added, "to revenue of $19,000,000 from th.fs continue with the same aggressive-- source," he told th.e Hou§e. I > ness the policy that has applied in have here a letter informing me , the past." A sum of $14,000,000 that the sum of $900,000 in cash would be provided for this purpose. has been paid into the Treasury "Added safety on highways wili this very afternoon while I was continue to be our slogan," he said. * speaking to you. This latest set-- | "Engincers will be instructed to tlement brings our revenue to a exercise the greatest possible care total of $19,400,000, and bears out in all work they undertake, satis-- the accuracy of my earlier fore-- fying themselves that the finished cast." road is as nearly fool--proof as pos-- 4 sible." The death toll on the highway system in Ontario, said he, had con-- vinced the Government that the sat-- uration point of traffic had been g passed, and that there now remain-- ed "practically no margin of safety" in so far as trafific on major roads " were converned.

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