The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1938, p. 6

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March i9 ies' A forecast of expenditures ; * & _ % partment's attention, the progress same period reveals the tacf: rtlt&:' lw 'ne ACf'V'f made in rehabilitating the affairs ordinary _ expenditures will total y and finances of these municipali--| |$520,292.73. This, however, does not ties has more than warranted such include moneys spent for ca * 6 pital I s E x and attention. There has not only been expenditures, such as the erection p ' ng _ _A marked improvement in the fi-- of ponds and buildings, purchase of' \ _ nances of all concerned, but it has a fisheries patrol boat, etc., etc., and Kemmereesmummpemmmmaee been possible to complete refund-- which capital expenditure, it is esti-- The constant and rapid growth of _ Ing plans for eight municipalities,| bmated, will amount to $52,000, the mining industry of the Province thus effecting amicable settlement| | thus bringing the total expenditures is matter for COngratHlat] with the creditors of obligations ap.| |for the year to practically $572,. & ion. proximating 57 millions of dollars. | |292:73. s Our chief products are gold, Sm wmmieesmmmmmemmmzes | The foregoing figures represent nickel, copper and natural gas. In R Io f L d | an indicated surplus of revenue over | i+; * i expenditure of $273,292.71, as applied kaddmon we have platinum, palla-- e 'e Oa to our operations for the yeaxgp 'dlum and other metals of the plati-- These figures are a distinct im-- \num group. Every one of these Shows Dro provement over those for the fiscal | | was produced in greater quantity p | _\ year ending Oct. 31,1934, when reve--| | and value in 1937 as compared with lGeuseitiint ie c en aee ceass | Inue collected totalled $544,738.47, | 1936. \ _|and expenditures, including capital, Gold produced in 1936 had a value _ _ Unemployment relief in the Prov-- were $556.267.54, representing an of 83 million dollars, and in 1937 ince of Ontario in the year 1937 operating deficit for the year of |\ of 90 million dollars, an amount showed an improvement over the| |$11,529.07. 'mual to 63 per cent of the entire year 1936. The total numbers assist--| | A comparison of the revenue re-- Ignld production in the Dominion of ed in the calendar year 1937 were ceived from the sale of non--resident Canada. 2,876,102, as against 4,102,251 in| 'angling licenses shows the follow-- ' Nickel gained from 44 million dol--: | 1936 & ing: lars in 1936 to 58 millions in 1937, The heavy load still comes in the i 10990 ,....rr11116.11« QoLUMTOSS copper from 27 millions to 43 mil-- | months of January, February and 1934 .....:...s1..+11 > I28/M7202 lions, platinum and related metals \March. The items of fuel and cloth-- 1937 (in excess of) .. 329,530.50 from $7802.000 to $10,725,000, and |ing contribute materially to the| | womaee e ammmmasms natural gas from 6 millions to 7 'costc in these months. { | 4 milttons. Grants--in--ald from the Dominion iH dro Loans t Canada as a whole produced last 'lof Canada have been decreased | | y I year 432 million dollars' worth of 'fnr:rT %;2?2 gfiégh&n"};ng\e::m{?er:\ | minerals of all kinds, Of this 50 \\937. The total Dominion contribu-- | Prove Success per cent was the product of On-- t t tarie. tion fm: the calendar year 1937 was | | y uces rmpueiemering « !$7,044,750, as compared with a total | | llelsume' Iron Ore Mining. [ | of :1"-547-000 for the calendar year| | 'The Hydro--Electric Power Com-- ron is the most important of al!l° |1936. E 50 anlent luct : metals. Notwithstanding the large Total gross relief costs in the sto" has. been admm-lstermg deposits that exist, no iron ore has calendar vear 1937 were $22,306,433.-- | 'mat.ters having to do with the been mined for many years in On-- 84, and in the calendar year 1936 Rural Power District Loans Act of tario, nor in Canada as a whole.. the total was $30,899,339.80 Toward ' |j93q9, Since the passing of this act ir?'"-'p::i:dma:h:h:rt;:ttor:ng'r:mi up to Dec. 31, 1937, a total of 1,056 * Ece * ese costs the various rern-- large undertaking is under way in ::ems :omribuhtod ':s""f'n'"o\&':" "" |toans have been made to farmers the District of Michipicoten which 1937 PC throughout the Province, the total \ is expected to yield about 300,000 A o " nirns '~~ lof which loans amounted to $214,-- tons a year of finished ore ready g;'::m:f::l sl;\nm%?'%(:?gg 21'33 !617. The principal instalments on for the furnace. Municipal i. %'"'.(\"4':'82.@ o3 33 |these loans, matured to Dec. 31, Mining is assuming a large share 5 pal .. k. 190%+ May't 1937, amounted to $128,551.21, and in solving the perplexing problem $29 '£66_4&;8; ~~~| |including interest on the loans to | of unemployment. An industry of PéessIUbp iO o4 \|date the total collected amounted such magnitude puts many thou-- y3 1936. P.C.||to $148463.65. The payments on sands of men to work at good Dominion ..... $10,647,000.00 3446 ) | these loans have been _ made wages. Of actual miners there are Provincial .... 12,536,701.19 40.57 Iprnmml,\' by the loanses, and only at present about 32,000, and includ-- Municipal .... 7,715,638.61 24.97) \|a comparatively small percentage ing prospectors and those employ-- _--.----«--~------ o =------| \of the outstanding loans remain ed in preliminary work the esti-- £30,809,3390.80 I matured and unpaid. mated total is about 40,000 men. Co--operate With Ottawa. | During 1937, 2.29: dmileshof pri; The latest statistics available | j * ; ,. | | mary lines were added to the rura show that in 1935, 43 million fin!- !,m?u(l;-:,;a"\:a;i,"h:oD:;?;g_; power districts and 12,580 con-- lars were expended by the mines _ |jish an Unemployment Relief Com--| | SUmets were added. of Ontario for machinery, supplies |missinn, with the result that a The bonus paid by the Province and services of all kinds, not in-- classification of persons to whom | for the year 1937 amounted to $1,-- ¢ cluding wages of labor, which may _ |assistance was being given was es--| 956,554, and it is expected that the amount to 30 million dollars more, tablished. | Province will be called upon to pay or, say, a total of 73 million dollars Also plans were drawn up and | | $2,000,000 as a bonus during 1938. in all. It requires little imagina-- put into execution jointly by both The latest bond issue of the Com-- tion to visualize the importance of the Federal and Provincial Govern-- mission was a $9,000,000 3% per cent such a market for the farmers and ments for the training of unem-- | 15--year issue, which was sold to yield manufacturers of older Ontario, by ployed youth. This consisted of 346 per cent. The purpose of this whom it is largely supplied. training in mining, forestation, ag-- Issue was to refupd $9,000,000 414 | That the industry is a profitable ricuiture, apprenticeship in all |per cent bongis \yhlch_matuyed Feb.' one may be seen from the dividends trades for boys, and learnership |1, 1938. This financing gives the | paid to shareholders of the mining and home > services training for . Commissxop th? cheapest long--term | companies. They amounted in 1936 _ girls. The results to date from this | money in its history, and effective-- to 5% million dollars, and in 1937 |program have been encouraging |ly answers the constant statements to over 71 millions. Nickel--copper indeed, in that up to the end of | being made by the ill--wishers of mines paid out 35 million dollars, January, 1938, 2107 were assisted |this Province that the credit of gold mines a like amount, andsilver -- ;in youth training programs that HUydro has been destroyed. |and miscellaneous sources another were Ior{ne;a') ;u'tlgmplo'z'ed. bAp- *----mm s | million. The Province's share of proximately o ese have been T f I the tax on mining profits amount-- placed in permanent positions and Revenue o a ed to $1,563.000 in 1936, and to $1,« 300 of tlt'ltishnumlt')efr \ln;ere taken 800,000 in 1937. directly off the relief rolls. f R d sns PR es Sets Recor Municipal Game Revenue -- k un'c,P a ' ame eve It has been aptly said that fi-- 4 H A nance is the beginning of every F'nance BeffEf | MUCh 'gher business undertaking, and one of WWttrermmmmeniennaisomeerercnitess l whtssinn s Aisicges iemememescts the problems of public finance is a that of securing necessary revenue The Department of Municipal Af-- The revenue which has been C0l-- py taxation, by licenses, by the suc-- fairs is the youngest of the depart-- |lected from April 1, 1937, to date cessful operation of publicly owned hat the total amount of enterprises, and by the various ments of the Provincial Administra-- indicates 1 . & h other sources to which public au-- tion, and will continue to increase revenue which ,w'" be derived (rom thorities on this continent have re-- both in importance and responsi-- all sources during the present fiscal course. bility as time goes on. year will total in all not less than As Treasurer of this Province it The first important undertaking _ |in, sum of $845,584.90. This will |is my constant duty to see. that of the department was the taking |pe more than $60,000 in excess of ithe revenues are collected prompt-- over of supervision of defaultin® |;y, total collected during the pre-- | ly and in accordance with the law. municipalities throughout the Prov-- _ |yioys fiscal year, and represents 'In discharging this duty I wish to ince. While this has been a labori--« | the largest annual revenue ever record my appreciation of the as-- ous task indeed, occupying possibly { produced by this department. sistance of those officials of the more than a fair share of the de-- Treasury and other departments of

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