The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Mar 1938, p. 3

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March 2 6 { enough, and that it should be ex. | tended to cover not only the 1937 | a u a a s agreements, but those of 1936 and ° 1929 as well. l o o & '"We will be glad to do anything | A,l_ R i_ f :.)hat is aske(}' of us," tie;:id Mr. Hep-- ' urn. "We have nothing to cover | a l YI ng l up, and We will --make 4 as wide as necessary. My honorable friend's e suggestion is a good one." Mr. Macaulay said it was quite E re power u Iz fit and proper that Mr. Roebuck, If he desired to, should be a mem-- \ _ ber of the committee. He regrett;d. Wce aieeiiti on e _ he said, that he had ov<~>rlookg'c£'h im *+% & %, % ' in drafting the resolution. ile, Opposition Chief Demands House Be Adjourned _ hs 2dded, he had tentatively agreed s s c to the May 2 date\for the commit-- Until June. if NOCOSSO"Y. So That Comfmfleg tee's first sitting, ib\'wa.s with the a l ldea that consideration should be i O{ 12 NCMOd by PI'QMIOI' Can RQPOI'{' RQSU"': given with the least possible delay ' f P P to the various questions to be sub-- of Pacts Probe Before Measure Approved imirca. "Chairman Hong of Hyare sumnmenemmmmemmmmemimmmemmmmememmemmmemmemmg was now, the Premier had informed e hin, in Jamaica in a poor condition EXTEND SCOPE TO OR'G'NAL AGREEMENTS of health. Former Chairman Lyon f was also "i';l the South.iand other * ibl tnesses requir 1 Emphatic declaration that he and the Opposition will not vote ggffi: tf, m',fils sfi,qu co,f';m{.";i','; | second reading of the Quebec contracts ratification bill now before distances to attend the probe. | | the Legistat til such time as the special ittee authorigea | | SS Hold Up Vote. ' the Legislature until su e as the special committee autho "We are not going to get any-- | to probe all the circumstances of the writing of these agreements where in this matter," said he, "un-- | has reported to the House was voiced yesterday by Hon. Leopold ffil :2"}2915 eagti'i:%letoa::ea:i';&att'}g | Macaulay. Premier has mentioned, I want to | g make it absolutely clear to the } If necessary, Mr. Macaulay submitted, the House, instead of | House and to the people at large, proroguing within two weeks as planned, should be adjourned until | gr':ltria a:i'n:otitgfif%egntt?l 't'g:e cz:: around June 15. Such action, he said, would not only give the | mjlglt'ee l;:\s rlx)acze 'lfts x'epc;at."i $ committee time to deliberate, but would meet the contracts' own ' "the go:xtme;t'sml:adorb::rtx gt;'t;gntgr ; i i ification by July 1. | !July 1, said Mr. Hepburn. "It does requirements providing for their ratification by y hot seem fit or fair to me ts nolg Argues Against Delay. b:ck'.' rgosu;op%?:b&tiists%ve?:::: up the passage oi the bill:, parlt)icu- spark an w when no charges have been | Premier Hepburn argued that the day's House allegations which forced :::lg'e." be € § | passage of the bill should not be | ns pending probe, will probably be In 1937, said Mr. Macaulay, the held up while the committee de--|added to the committee slate as a Government had ordered a special liberated. After all, said he, "we ;":""' °fMy95t°'dfif;b33ein%eg}? session, lasting only a few da{s.ito » | between Messrs. € ratify important legal legislation fre only ane party to the contracts, caulay. The originally drafted scope . ;,, cg'mectli)on with thge Hydgo situa-- The bondholders had to be consid--| of the probe will be extended to tion. If the Government could di-- ered, for instance. The people of|include not only the ramifications rect a special sitting then, why 'Omarlo. the Opposition Leader re--|of the new agreements of last De-- not now, when equally important plied, were entitled to more con--|cember (as first considered), but | matters were under discussion and sideration than any bondholders, | the original power pacts of 1926--1930, \inquiry, he asked. and to pass the legislation with the |\ and the rewritten versions of 1936. There had been no special ses-- verdict of the ordered investigation | The first meeting of the committee sion in the spring of 1937, Mr. Hep-- still lacking was tantamount to | has been set for May 2--in the ses-- burn told the Opposition Leader'.f "putting the cart before the horse," | sional interim, unless Mr. Macaulay The only special session called was | and depriving the Legislature of| has his way and obtains Mr. Hep-- last fall, when special Succession possible information to which it | burn's very improbable assent to Duties Act amendments had been justly was entitled. adjournment until July. enacted. \ _ Before the orders of the day, Mr. In announcing to the House the But the spring session of 1937, | Hepburn made public the personnel| committee personnel and the na-- Mr. Macaulay came back, had been | of the committee demanded by and | ture of the inquiry, Mr. Hepburn a split session. And if a split ses-- 'promised to Mr. Macaulay on Wed--| said that the Government had de-- sion could be held for one thing, nesday. Liberal members dominat-- | sired to be most fair in the matter. why not, he demanded, could not the ! ed by eight to four. Attorney--Gen--| The resolution, covering the com-- present House adjourn until the | eral Conant will be Chairman, with| mittee's authorization, had been middle of June, instead of prorogu-- | the rest of the panel as follows: | prepared, he said, by the Opposition ing within a couple of weeks. 'Hon. M. M. MacBride (Brantford),| Leader, who had consented to the The Prime Minister ignored this | Hon. Harry C. Nixon (Brant), Ian| Chairmanship of Mr. Conant and demand, but Mr. Macaulay's ea.rlieri Strachan _(St. George's); James|to the May (organization) sitting. | request that the committee estab--| 'Cooper (Sudbury), Major James|"We on this side," he said, "are| | );onment resolution be redrafted to | Clark (Windsor--Sandwich), John | tust as anxious to get the air clear--| . ;,;_, ;,, scope, as suggested by Newlands (HMamilton Centre), A. J.| ed on these Hgdro contracts as the Mr. Roebuck, was granted. Haines (Lincoln), Hon. ?(r. gauu- Leader of the Opposition. ------ lay, L. M. Frost (Victoria), George on Accepted. H. Challies (Grenville--Dundas), and Exht;wl!o:buck expressed the belief W. A. Baird (High Park). ¥-- that the inquiry had not gone far Roebuck May Be Added. Former -- Attorney--General and Hydro Commissioner Arthur Roe--

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